Somehow or other an extra kid crept into the picture. Debi is shown here with Haley, Rebecca and Linsey. Rebecca is her brother Doug's youngest child.
Debi, Mike and Linsey were leaving from the Portland Jetport to return to California after a two week stay over the Christmas Holidays in 1994.
Debi threatened me when she was a teenager by telling me that she was never going to leave me. Last year after her divorce, she returned to live with us for almost a year and I was beginning to think it was the truth. I really enjoyed the time that she spent here with her two daughters. Turn around is fair play though as I recently heard Linsey tell her mom that she was never going to leave her.
Photo on left is Linsey and Haley on their Goosebumps sleeping bag. Mike is pictured with Linsey and Haley. He sends them presents on all the holidays and comes to Maine to visit them in the summer. Linsey was our second grandchild and Haley was our fourth grandchild...all girls.
This photo was taken among the sequoia trees in California when Hank and I, Doug and his family all visited with Debi's family.
Rick is Debi's current boyfriend and they will be engaged before too much longer. Linsey and Haley really think Rick is a super guy. Debi and her family now live in Lewiston, Maine. She is presently employed at Pizza Hut after delivering mail in Auburn for almost a year. She resigned from the Post Office after the holidays when her hours were cut and she couldn't support her children on the hours she was working.
Deb visiting with my in-laws in Cincinnati around the time she enlisted in the U. S. Air Force. She was stationed in Texas for Basic Training and then went to Sheppard Air Force Base, also in Texas for Technical Training before being discharged. The picture on the right was taken April 18th and shows Rick, Haley, Debi and Linsey on her brother's patio in Rumford.
Debi is a great mother to her family and spends lots of quality time with them.
The background photo on this page and also on Deb's page is of "Chicken" her adorable cat who recently passed away and is missed terribly.