The photo on the left shows Doug, Mary, Rebecca and Meagan several years ago. Somehow their family increased in size in the cutout on the right. I don't know if it's Mary's wishful thinking or not. Anyway it's another girl so....Turns out Doug's
niece Linsey snuck into the picture.
Doug, Meagan and Becca are visiting in Cincinnati in 1995. Here they are shown with Doug's grandmother, Hazel. The cute little puppy in the picture is Jessica.
In the left photo is Becca, Mary and Meagan.
On the right is a current picture of Doug's family. Mary was celebrating her 39th birthday. Just kidding, Mary.
Doug and Mary met while they were both working at Shop and Save Supermarket and were married on April 29th, 1989. It's hard to believe they have been together in Holy Matrimony for ten years already. Doug and Mary bought their house and had it all ready to move into the day they exchanged vows. It has been spectacular for us to have two of our grandchildren grow up just down the street from us. Meagan was born in 1991 and was our first grandchild The next one was born on the other side of the country so it was even more of a blessing to have Meagan and Becca around all the time. Becca came along in 1994 (our third grandchild). Mary wants our 6th grandchild to be Doug Junior but.......
Doug and Mary shown after returning from Kennebunkport, Maine for their 10th Anniversary celebration. Hank volunteered to watch the two girls so they could get away by themselves. I believe they decided to be shoe salesmen while they were gone as they bought out the inventory of Niki Shoes.
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