For some reason Linsey just loves the Addams Family television show and has a real fit when she doesn't get to watch it so I thought it was very appropriate that they serve as the background for her page. Her grandpa gave her the complete set of The Addams Family Collectors Cards to go with her card collection. She also has some Power Ranger sets and hundreds of Barbie postcard size cards.
Linsey was born at North Bay Hospital in Fairfield, California on October 26th, 1993. She is now a very helpful girl. For example, last year she cut her sister's hair very short because she heard her mom say that Haley needed a haircut.
I was talking to her recently about my upcoming 56th birthday and said "I am really getting old, huh Lin?" She said "No granny, you have to have gray hair to be old and your's is blonde." I just love that kid.

Here is Linsey holding her kitten "Noah"....In the other picture she is holding the first fish she ever caught in her life. She wanted to keep it to feed Noah.
At her school, Linsey was asked what she called her grandpa and her reply was "Farthead". I just love that kid. She was telling her teacher that her blue necklace came off the Titanic. She said her great grammy was on it and got it for her.
Linsey really misses her daddy. She wishes he was here instead of in California. Mike comes here in the summer to visit his kids.
She loves her grandpa very much even if she does call him names. He usually instigates it.
One of Linsey's favorite pasttimes is watching cartoons on TV (when she's not watching the Addams Family).
She is really into the Pokemon craze.
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