
I was born on March 4th, 1943 in New Haven, Connecticut, the third child of Douglas and Margaret Donaldson. I had two older brothers, DOUGLAS who was ten years older and MALCOLM, 5 years older. We lived in New Haven for the first nine years of my life.
Mal graduated in 1956 but it sure was nice having an older brother in high school while I was in grade school. My class was the first to graduate from the new Branford High School in 1961.
I belonged to the Future Nurses Club my entire four years at Branford High and did the artwork for the "Milestone" our 1961 Yearbook. Looking back those tender teen years molded me into the person I am now.
Some pictures of me from 1962!! The one in the middle shows me, Linda Calvert (Now Swan) on the right, her sister Nancy (center) and in front Wendy Cowles.
I met my future husband Hank while he was studying Chinese at the Institute of Far Eastern Languages at Yale University. I was working as a waitress at Howard Johnson's Restaurant to earn enough money to put me through Nursing School. I worked with Hank's roommate and to make a long story short we went out on a blind date. We went to the drive-in on a double date with Bruce the roommate and my girl friend. (The name of the movie was "The Pit and the Pendulum", fantastic memory, don't you think)? At intermission Pam and I went to the powder room. Unbeknown to us while we were away the guys set a tape recorder under the seat and recorded our conversations while they went to the snack bar. The line was quite long and they were gone for a while so we had a lot to say. When I found out about the tape recorder I was told "IT DIDN'T WORK". To this day I don't know if it did or not.
I did get my revenge though...About a week later Hank called me to ask if I would go out on another date with him. I said that I didn't know whether I was working or not. It turned out that I had that weekend off. I inquired where he wanted to go
and was told it was a hayride. I told him that I was very allergic and couldn't go. It was months before he found out that I was telling the truth. Guilty feelings made him think it was because of the TAPE RECORDER.
Here's a recent picture of me supervising the Easter Egg coloring activities of four of our grandchildren. The only one missing at the controlled mess was Matthew and he colored a wooden egg for me while Hank was in Virginia. Matthew's egg joined the collection of wooden eggs from all the grandchildren when Hank returned with it the end of March.
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