A Touch of Love

Of any of the pages that I hope to create, this one
will be the hardest. This one, will reflect a lot of the soul searching that I have had to do in order to get to this point in my life. Changes that have occured since the day we met. The difference that you, alone, have made in my life. This page is for you, Steve.

When we first met, my life was in such a state of turmoil. Somehow, you managed to break through all the walls and barriers that I had so carefully constructed in my life. You showed me that with a little trust, that I could actually be loved the way that I had always wanted. With just a little trust in you, you could make a difference. And so you did...

Someone once told me that it was as if God had put you into my life to get me out of a bad situation. Another person thinks we are a "fairy tale" come true. I like to think that both of those are totally correct. Somewhere along the line, it was as if all of this was already planned out for us.

I gave you a card once that really summed things up. It went as follows:

"You Are My Everything"

When we first fell in love,
I thought nothing could compare
to the magical romance
that you and I had come to share.
But as time passed,
our feelings deepened
and our closeness grew
and romance turned into
a real and lasting love with you.
You care for me in all the ways
I want and need so much.
I've felt your warmth and tenderness
with every word and touch.
I know I can depend
on your support and honesty,
the patient understanding
that you always give to me.
There's a special kind of happiness
that only love can bring.
and I've found that happiness with you...
YOU are my everything.

With all the love that I have ever imagined having and sharing...
I give to you.

        June 13,1998

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