Hello, and thanks for following on to another page. When I first began working on these pages, the thought of receiving an award never crossed my mind. So, when I actually received one, I was totally ecstatic. You would have thought I just won the lottery!!!! Receiving an award is something very special and I would NEVER go out and ask for one, this is what will keep them special to me. Many thanks to everyone that has visited my pages and enjoyed them. Now, I can't wait to start more of them!!!

Thanks Kim. If not for you....these pages would never be!!

Received on May 22,1999 Thank you so much.

Received on July 18,1999

Thank you so much Anita, for this very beautiful award and for one of the sweetest letters I have ever received. This is very much appreciated.

Received on August 01,1999

This award came at a time when I had decided that these pages look way too primitive. Thanks, Nancy, for the extra boost of confidence that I was needing.

Received on August 22,1999

Thanks Chris, for this very special award and for the invitation to join your web ring!!

Received on September 13,1999
Thank you Angie for this award. The letter you wrote was truly inspirational. Thanks!!

Received on October 04,1999

Thank you SO much Noni, for presenting me with your very first award. Being first is a special feeling.

Received on January 11,2000

Thank you GypsyRose for my first award of the new Millenium!!

Index/Home Page A Touch of Love Forever Angels Forever Angels 2
Forever Angels 3 Forever Angels 4 How Moms Were Made Angel Babies
Friends What I Have Learned A Time To Think Daily Survival Kit
Mean Mothers A Very Phenomenal Photograph Beanie Babies Beanie Babies 2
Pschedeliscope You are here! View My Guest Book Sign My Guest Book...PLEASE!

*This page was created on July 1,1999*