You surely didn't think I was finished yet, did you? Oh no, I have plenty more pictures for you to look at!! I do love these.

To see an angel you must
see anothers soul...
To feel an angel you must
touch anothers heart...
To hear an angel you must
listen to both.

To love for the sake of being loved
is human,
But to love for the sake of loving
is Angelic...

May you feel loved, May you feel whole,
May you feel joy down in your soul.
May you feel happy all day long,
And fall asleep to an angel song.

While you are here, won't you please take a few minutes
and check out some of my other pages.
And PLEASE sign my guest book
and let me know that you were here.

This page was created on December 12,1999

Page design and graphics created by:

© by Kimela Meeks ~ 1999