HELLO AND WELCOME to my "Forever Angels" page. Over the last few years I have developed quite a fascination with angels. I can't seem to collect enough of them. If you are an angel enthusiast as I am, then I'm sure you will enjoy these pages.

Most of these angels I have found while searching the net. I believe all of them to be of public domain, however, if you find any that you believe to be copy righted, PLEASE let me know and I will remove them or give credit to where credit is due. The choice is up to the owner.

Enjoy your look around and if you have any comments or constructive critisism, don't hesitate to contact me!! And, PLEASE be an angel and sign my guest book while you are here.

Please remember this page is under construction and will be changing as often as time permits. I hope to later add a verse behind each picture as this page grows. But, that all comes in due time!

This is my most favorite angel. Isn't she beautiful?
After spending countless hours looking for the perfect angel to
use in our wedding, I came across this one.
We added her to the cards that was attatched to balloons.
It was the perfect touch for a wonderful day.

Depart not from the path
Which fate has you assigned...

It is not because angels are holier than men or devils
that makes them angels,
But because they do not
expect holiness from one another
But from God alone...

Index/Home Page A Touch of Love Forever Angels Forever Angels 2
Forever Angels 3 Forever Angels 4 How Moms Were Made Angel Babies
Friends What I Have Learned A Time To Think Daily Survival Kit
Mean Mothers A Very Phenomenal Photograph Beanie Babies Beanie Babies 2
Pschedeliscope Awards View My Guest Book Sign My Guest Book...PLEASE!

Sign My Guestbook Guestbook by GuestWorld View My Guestbook

Page design and graphics created by:

© by Kimela Meeks ~ 1999

*Something on this page changed on November 28,1999*

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Jan Harper.

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