If I could catch a rainbow,
I would do it just for you
And share with you its beauty
On the days your feeling blue.
If I could build a mountain
You could call your very own,
A place to find serenity
A place to be alone.
If I could take your troubles,
I would throw them in the sea.
But all these things I'm finding
Are impossible for me;
I cannot build a mountain,
Or catch a rainbow fair,
But let me be what I know best
A FRIEND thats always there.
author unknown

May I take this opportunity to dedicate that lovely poem to all of my friends. Those of whom I know and those of whom I know and yet, have never met. It is people like you that make the world a whole lot more enjoyable. Please take note of the names and web pages below and visit these wonderful people. You won't be disappointed. Please click on the heart to visit their sites.

This page belongs to my very best friend and the man I married!! Please stop by for a visit. Steve has a wonderful photo album applet of some of our wedding pictures!!
Kim is one of the most remarkable women that I know. If not for her, I would have never been able to create these pages. She surely has the patience of Job!!! She has literally had to hold my hand through each aspect of HTML and Paint Shop Pro. The talent that she has is remarkable. THANKS Kim for all of your help!!!!
It would not seem fair if I did not add Kim's logo here. Considering, she is the one who created many of the backgrounds and images you will find among my pages. This is a seperate site of her's, and one well worth looking into.

Laila is an outstanding woman that I have gotten to know pretty well. What a fantastic ICQ buddy she became!!!! She has many facsinating pictures on her site. For a touch of the Philippines, please visit with her.

Index/Home Page A Touch of Love Forever Angels Forever Angels 2
Forever Angels 3 Forever Angels 4 How Moms Were Made Angel Babies
You are here! What I Have Learned A Time To Think Daily Survival Kit
Mean Mothers A Very Phenomenal Photograph Beanie Babies Beanie Babies 2
Pschedeliscope Awards View My Guest Book Sign My Guest Book...PLEASE!

Created on June 27,1999
Something on this page changed December 12,1999

Page design and graphics created by:

© by Kimela Meeks ~ 1999