A Most Amazing Photograph

This picture was sent to me by a friend, and I thought it was so amazing that I just had to place it here for you to view. This picture is not mine by any means and I am not attemping to take credit for it. At the bottom of this page I will have a link back to the page that it came from. There, you will be able to read some info on this picture and it may answer any questions you have regarding this photograph.

It is my understanding, that these 2 pictures are of the same funnel cloud. It was taken in April of 1999 in Hazel Green, Alabama. The first picture is the funnel cloud as it was actually taken. The second one is the same photograph but turned sideways.

Please remember these ARE NOT my pictures, and if you have any questions, follow the link at the bottom of the page. They have a very nice site, which I think you may find to be informative.

Photographer Unknown

Now take a look at the picture turned sideways. What do you see?

Is this not an amzing picture? It sure makes one stop and think, doesn't it?

Please click here to visit "Hand Of God". This is the site where I found these pictures.

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Something on this page changed November 27,1999