She was born into my hands and heart on April 15, 1995 and this
morning, it was in my arms that my precious Hannah left this world.

Xrays this morning yielded the answer that previous ones did not. Hannah's
lungs were full of tumors. I had to let my baby girl go.

Only hours old Hannah taught me how to fight the good fight as I battled
with her co-breeder for Hannah's right to live. We won that battle and ever
since that day we have fought hard to be heard - every boxer regardless of
color has the right to live and to bring joy to someone's life. As she slipped
away, I promised Hannah that I would never stop fighting for the right of white boxers.

Hannah lived life big and did everything her way. Irreverent and independent her
intelligence and problem solving skills would frequently serve to get her into some
sort of mischief. There was the day when I pulled into the driveway, and through the
window I could see her standing on top of the dining room table. Then there was the
time I caught her on top of the five foot high piano cleaning up the kitty's bowl.
Hannah was a smart girl, when I got tired of the constant counter surfing by all
three boxers a friend brought over mousetraps to set on the counters. He showed
me how to set then and what triggered them. Hannah watched the whole lesson
intently. When the mousetraps were deployed the boys both sprang them. Hannah
figured out how to move them and get the goodies. She was some kind of girl.

Our bright light has left, my heart is heavy and empty at the same time. It's hard
to believe that my girl is gone. Lobo has never know life without his sister.

I know Hondo and Sootie were there to meet Hannah, and I know for a fact
that life at the 'bridge will never be the same with the arrival of Hannah.

Godspeed Hannah, I love you baby girl..

April 15, 1995 - February 14, 2005


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This page was last updated February 17, 2005