What is Boxer Rescue ?

Boxer Rescue is an organization of volunteers, owners and breeders that 'rescue' boxers and in turn, find good homes for these babies, that most times are homeless thru no fault of their own.

There are 2 basic types of 'rescue':

· Owner-surrender: for some reason the family cannot keep a dog that they have purchased or adopted and they will 'surrender' the dog to rescue for placement.

· Stray/pound/shelter: these dogs are 'dumped' or found, and with a good network of shelters working with rescue, these dogs are brought out of the pounds/shelters and live with foster homes until permanent homes can be found.

All rescue groups work with donations or personal out-of-pocket expense. Some are funded by local clubs, but never to the extent needed. Rescues are basically 'free', however most times getting some donation toward the vet costs is asked for. In cases of owner-surrender where vet records attest to the condition of the dog, donations are still asked for to help the 'next one' that might not be so lucky. Rescues are all placed either spayed/neutered, or under signed contract to do have it done.

Circumstances vary as to why the dogs come into the program, but VERY, VERY seldom (in the case of boxers) is it because of a temperament problem. It may be health related (people dump sick and old dogs), but in almost 99% of the cases, the fault lies with the HUMANS...not the dog. Rescue requires applications be filled out, plus contracts signed upon placement.

Rescue dogs do follow supply and demand. Often times the dogs are not physically located near to where folks want them, so please consider working long distance. There are Boxer rescue groups throughout the United States and Canada and in many other countries as well.

Many thanks to Liz Phillips of JayRbar Boxers for providing the "What is Rescue" text.

For more information about rescue, please visit the following pages

Boxer Rescue Page
Boxer Rescue USA
American Boxer Rescue Association
Boxer Rebound
OBMLHP Rescue Links and Information

Check out the Rescue Roster

Rescue Success Stories

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