Radcliffe's Twist O' Lime (Sootie) 12/14/89 - 07/25/00

While attempting to establish a viable rescue network in British Columbia, I made a fortuitous contact. Not only was this breeder willing to assist in promoting rescue, she also has three generations of Sootie's direct descendants sharing her home. Needless to say I was thrilled and very proud that my dear Sootie has contributed to the development of such wonderful boxers.

from left to right: Stormy , Angus , Thunder , Flash

  • CH. Radcliffe'sThunderstorm, CD (2 HIT), T.T., Therapy dog
  • (Stormy, Thunder's daughter)
  • CH. Godiva's Sovereign Son, CD,Therapy dog
  • (Angus, Stormy's son)
  • CH. Radcliffe's Lefty, CDX, T.T., Therapy dog (#5 Obed Boxer in Canada 1999)
  • (Thunder, Sootie's son)
  • Godiva's The Rogue of Elite, T.T. ( 9 points towards his CH)
  • (Flash, Stormy's son)
When sending me this update on September 14, 2000, Bonni wrote:

"Normally I'm not one to get too excited over titles, but I think we should pay tribute to Sootie through noting the accomplishments of her kids. After all, without her superior genes, we couldn't have three direct generations with titles at *both ends* :-)} "

I couldn't agree with her more !!!

Many thanks to Bonni Johnston of Richmond, BC for sharing "Sootie's kids" with me.

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