So you think you want a puppy. Well, who wouldn't. When you look into those beautiful brown eyes, they will steal your heart away.
We live in a disposable society, there are so many dogs abandoned and abused. The lucky ones end up with Rescue organizations, others go to shelters. Many end up being euthanized, as adults dogs are difficult to place. Before you go out and get that puppy, take some time to consider the option of opening your home and heart to a boxer in need. Below are some rescue stories complete with pictures, including two of my own. Please visit the links listed and see what boxers are available for adoption.

Cooper needed a home. Kathy needed a boxer. Cooper was available through a Rescue organization in California. Kathy lives in Baltimore. With the support and encouragement of our on-line boxer community, Cooper arrived in Baltimore on December 17, 1996, in time to spend Christmas with his new family. The process to get Cooper from California to Baltimore was a long, emotional rollercoaster, and there were many tears of happiness shed when we received the news of his "homecoming". Cooper is currently learning to be Kathy's "ears".

Rusty came to me in 1982. As a pup he was purchased as a family pet and companion for their newborn baby. He spent his first 2 years in the backyard, sleeping on the concrete patio, with nothing more than a thin blanket to lie on. When I knelt down to greet him, he bowled me over, pinned me down and gave the big boxer kisses. It was love at first sight on both our parts. We had many wonderful years together.

In June of 1993, I received a call from Hondo's breeder telling me of a boxer in need of a home. I went out to see her, and brought her home that very day. Sootie came to us at the age of 4, and immediately became Hondo's best friend. She's very dear to us.

Rescue Success Stories II

To all those out there who do rescue work, you are truly one of the "Angels Among Us".

For those of you have taken in a rescue boxer, you are your dog's hero.

Heartfelt thanks to those who have shared their stories and pictures with me.

Special thanks to Christina Ghimenti for allowing me the use of Booker T's photo.

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