does not infer endorsement
Akman, Riitta (Finland/Germany) Boxmann Boxers
Boxer Charitable Foundation
American Boxer Club (USA)
American Boxer Rescue Association
Austin, Jan & Michael's Home Page
Bell, Shirley (Canada) NOBC Bellcrest Boxers Perm. Reg.
Boorstein, Toni (USA) Red Clay Boxers
Boxer Babies: Boxers Available Throughout the World
Boxer Breeders & Rescue Organizations - United States
(Boxer) Portraits by Angi Laframboise
Rescue: Ohio State U. List of Rescue Contacts -
Ohter Breed Rescues Also
Boxer Rescue and Adoption, Inc. Reston, VA
Boxer USA - - Home of Wild Plum Kennels
Bryant, Dot and Jerry - Interlude Boxers
Clifton, Mike & Claudia (USA) Semper Fi Boxers
Coull, Chuck & Keil, Ann Winland Boxers (USA)
Cowley, Matthew - Marimat Boxer Kennels
Curl, Mary L. Shadowdale Boxers Perm Reg. (Canada)
Ghimenti, Christina - PawPrint Boxers
Gonzalez, Carlos and Candy/ Solrac Boxers
Hochhalter, Deb (USA) Moonshadow Boxers
Hodge, Michele - ViLaDa Boxers
Hornsby, Jennifer: B.O.S.S. (USA)
Jaeger, Verena (Canada) Jaegerhouse Boxers
Keil, Ann & Coull, Chuck Winland Boxers
Larsen, Ken: The Larsen Boxers (US)
Lindbland, Niklus: BoxerKennels, Yellow N Stripe's (Sweden)
Little, Tom & Connie: Icon Boxers (USA)
Mitchell, Donna - KD Boxer's Home Page
Moscoso, Natacha - Urkabustaiz Boxers
Nellum ,Ray (USA) Redoak's Boxers & Labradors
Nevius, Kathryn - Minstrel Boxers
Northern Ontario Boxer Club (NOBC) (Canada)
Norwegian Kennel Playmate Boxers
The Official Boxer Mailing List Home Pages
Osborn, Rachel Osborn's Funny Farm
Pariseau, Beth: Bix-L Boxers (US)
Persson, Anna (Sweden) Morry's Homepage
Philips, Elizabeth/James: JayRbar Kennels (KsR)
Silas' Page - A Very Special Rescue Boy
Simpson, Sharon - Zephyr Boxers (Canada)
Squires, Peter - Belire Boxers
Swedish Boxer Club, Western Area (Sweden)
United Sates Boxer Association Home Page
Vickers, Darlene - Darvick Boxers
Vuorio, Tiina /Bokserit (Finland)
Wallner, Wendy, DVM (USA) Whirliwind Boxers
The White Pages (dedicated to white Boxers)
White Boxers: A Commentary by Beth Pariseau
White, Nancy Sundance Boxers (Canada)
Willder, Amy - Vezben reg'd Boxers (Canada)
Williford, Rande Boxer Haven (USA)
Wilson, Anita & Floyd Dark of Shadow Boxers (USA)
Yon, Jerry and Lynda Rosend Boxers
American Dog Trainer's Network: Clicker Training
American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Animal Home: Links to Animal Rescue Groups
Bad Dogs & the Women Who Love Them
Blind Dogs - "Living With Blind Dogs"
ChloeCards - Home of the Pet Driver's License, and more
Clicker Training, "don't Shoot the Dog," Karen Pryor
Complete List of Dog-Related E-Mail Lists
Critter Chat: Dedicated to the health, Welfare, and happiness of our pets
Critter Haven, The Caring Place
Society: Celebrating Companion Animals Doggie Diamonds - Exclusive
Custom Made Products for the Dog Lover Dog Shelters
and Rescue Organizations Esquivel & Fees Craftsmen
- Great Jewelery for Pet Lovers Fused Glass
Pieces: Dog Breeds Go Fly -
- Custon-made Flags of AKC recognized Dog Breeds Graham Carriage
Works: Makers of Innovative Carts for Dogs Island
Wildlife Natural Care Centre - Alternative Treatments National Animal Poison
Control Center The Pet Loss Grief Support
Page & Candle Ceremony Pet Treats from
Carolina Prime Pet Pets Welcome - A Must
for Traveling with your Pets the Purina® Dog Breed
Selector. the
Purina® Internet - Pet Horoscope Rescue
Web Pages, Listed Alphabetically by Breed Sleddog Rescue,
A Shelter for Alaskan Malamutes and Siberian Huskies SKS
Originals - - Canine Sculpture Welcome
to a World of Information on Dogs! WOLF PACKS®
- Assistance Dog Equipment WWW.Wolfs - Dog Information,
News and Much More Virtual Library
of Veterinary Medicine