I live in a semi-rural area. We recently had a new neighbor call the local township administrative office to request the removal of the Deer Crossing sign on our road. The reason: many deer were being hit by cars and he no longer wanted them to cross there. |
In a small town, farmers of the community had gotten together to discuss
some important issues. About midway through the meeting, a wife of one of the farmers stood up and spoke her piece. One of the old farmers stood up and said, "What does she know about anything? I would like to ask her if she knows how many toes a pig has?"
Quick as a flash, the woman replied,
"Take off your boots sir, and count them yourself!" |
CNN has reported that within the next two weeks Congress is going to vote on allowing telephone companies to CHARGE A TOLL FEE for Internet access. Translation: Every time we send a long distance e-mail we will receive a long distance charge. This will get costly.
We can't allow this to pass! The following address will allow you to send an email on this subject DIRECTLY to your Congressman.
http://www.house.gov/writerep Please pass this on to all your friends Keep the Government's hands off the Internet and vote NO to House Bill No. 602P. I did my part now do yours.