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urban legends


young & old

Why did the chicken cross the road?
A Doberman and a puppy
The good samaritans
The talking dog
The old man and a mule
The two sisters
Tale of two dogs
Procrastinators' creed
The human race
World War II souvenirs
The Funeral of Pop N Fresh
The evil curse
Does Jimmy Duncan live here?
Another quiz
Giving directions
The poker game
We were so poor...
You are Asian if...
Humble pie
Winner and loser
A night of horror
The touch of a princess
Even in heaven
You've got a friend
The light side of Genealogy
Count our blessings
Another Darwin Awards candidate
Darwin Awards candidates
Hunting season
Did you sell your car?
Cultural differences
Class of 2004
The blonde and the bank
Best place to live
Best of the Summer
The battleship
At the roulette tables
An IQ test
Wile E. Coyote vs ACME
Watch dog
Top 35 Oxymorons
The thermo
The snow storm
The sea captain
The Rolls & the Yugo
The pub tab
A pirate
One Friday night
David and the parrot
The ABC of a friend
A bit confusing?
The K-9 unit

"I have changed my mind."
"Thank heaven! Does it work better now?"
"Do these stairs take you to the second floor?"
"No, you'll have to walk"
"I spent three years in college taking medicine."
"Are you well now?"
Ditsey went duck hunting with Uncle George. A flock of ducks flew over head and Uncle George shot at them. One fell down on the beach, dead.

Ditsey walked over and looked at it.

"Hey, Uncle George," he said, "that was a waste of ammunition to shoot that duck. The fall alone would have killed it."

"What do you call a boomerang that doesn't work?"
"A stick."
I've learned that we are responsible for what we do
-unless we are celebrities.
If crime fighters fight crime and fire fighters fight fire, what do freedom fighters fight?
Crime doesn't pay... does that mean my job is a crime?
If work is so terrific, how come they have to pay you to do it?
Theory of relativity: the more relatives are visiting you, the slower the time passes. And....
"Fur coats made for ladies from their own skin"
sign in a Swedish furrier

Direct all comments and questions

Last update: November 15, 2000

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