Welcome, my friends, to the Berry Patch Spirit Page!

Tom is Co-Team Leader of The Site Fights team, The Starfighters!!
The Berry Patch fought for over 18 months during 1999-2000 and came along way!
This page is dedicated to my online friends and teammates so please enjoy!

Krissy is a good friend from TSF and she gave me these when I was promoted. Thanks!

I was honored to receive this award in Aug 2001!

Fairy Sunshine gave us this great strawberry spirit stick!
Don't you just love it!

I got this great plate from my dear friend and teammate, DSigma!

The Berry Patch

Welcome to the Berry Patch!
'Cause thats the place to be.
For all your interests and enjoyment
We're one big family!

The Gazette keeps us current with all the latest news,
Our library staff has books to recommend to you.

Warp speed to our Star Trek pages -
they're quite fascinating and detailed
While we X-plore the unknown
and see if Mulder's theories will prevail.

Join the ElfQuest and eat DreamBerries with Pike,
While Brendan, Colin, and Nolan take a ride on their bikes.

Play with the cousins, Daniel, and Diana
for a good-long spell,
Read about Elizabeth, Heaven's newest angel,
and pray to keep her well.

Meet our newest addition, Kathryn,
She's the new princess the Patch!
She and her new cousin, James,
Together are quite a match!

Apply to win the Berry Patch Award of Excellence,
if you dare!
Or view all the great awards
we proudly show with care!

We keep the Starfighters spirit alive in our hearts
So go VOTE for Us and
Send the Starfighters soaring off the charts!

* Poem, The Berry Patch, by Thomas Berry.
Do not use without permission.

The Starfighters won the Team Spirit award twice and I am thrilled!

The Starfighter Alpha crew won the following awards for the Shuttlebay "Shout It Out" Wars!

DStarla gave me this great gift at Christmas 2000! Thanks!

DBliss gave us this great Valentines gift! Thanks!

Fairy Lite has given us this really wonderful gift!
We've worked hard together on the Starfighter newsletter
and I want to thank you so much, Penny, for your thoughtfulness!

We won the Starfairy Cheer Award of the Week and
the Magical Spirit Page Award from the Fairy Realm!
Thanks SOO MUCH, fairies!!!

This is my great gift from DStarla, our Starfighter team captain!
I am Co-Team Leader DGenesis and am in charge of many duties on the ship!
Along with scores and team updates, these duties include:
Manager of the Starfighter Spirit Center,
Manager of the Starfighter Assmilation Chambers (our capture game),
Create weekly Away Team mission games,
Editor-in-chief of the Starfighter newsletter, The Intergalactic News
Co-Editor and writer for the Site Fights-wide monthly newsletter, The Spirit Spark
, Shuttlecraft Alpha Pilot - leading team in cheers

I started off as a fighter in May '99, then became Team Assistant in Aug '99.
I was promoted to Senior Team Assistant in June '00 and then to Co-Team Leader in Sept '00.

I picked that because of the Project Genesis from the Star Trek movies.
STII: Wrath of Khan was my favorite so I choose
the name from there. I hope I see you on the Bridge soon!

I am an editor-in-chief for the new StarFighters newsletter!

We've been publishing for over 2 years now and always need new writers and gamers!
Its alot of fun so please come join us! Just Email me at DGenesis. *S*

I am also the Leader of Shuttlecraft Alpha, a team of StarFighters
SHOUTING IT OUT each week! I give a weekly award to the team
member who SHOUTS IT OUT the most each week.
Here is a sample of it - I created it myself.

Maybe YOU can win that award, if you're lucky enough be be on our team!

We were presented with the top award from the Site Fights,
The Spirit Award, three times!
Presented 1st time on Fri, July 2, 1999
Presented 2nd time on Wed, Sept 15, 1999
Presented 3rd time on Fri, Oct 15, 1999.
Thanks so much!!

Your Spirit Shines so bright for all to see, A wonderful Site! - DSpirit

My Shuttlecraft Alpha team won the Shuttlecraft Cheerer of the Week
over 20 times since August '99. Go Starfighters, Go Alpha Crew, you're the best!

I've won the Bridge, The Starfighters Championship round, over 12 times
and have won the Warzone 4 times. No Dome wins yet but I'm tryin'!!

The Starfighters finally have a Dome champion (a 3-time champ no less!)
and I'm very proud to support him!

Go Charlie!

I got this great gift from my good friend, D'Fox Fairy
(aka BlueEyes) for making it to the Dome (9/20/99)!
Thanks, my friend!

We got these great gifts from a wonderful supporter,
April of Elkhorn-Watterloo, for making it to the Warzone
(9/13/99) and Dome (9/20/99). Thanks!

We got another great gift from April for making to the Warzone
the week of 7/26/99. Thanks again!

BlueEyes gave us this beautiful gift for getting to the DOME!(7/5/99)
Thanks so much, my friend!

We were given these GREAT personalized gifts for making it
to the Warzone(6/28/99) and the Dome(7/5/99)!
They were given to us from one of our great supporters,
April of Elkhorn Assembly #38. Thanks!

Here is our little adopted alien - I call him 'Lucky' 'cause I hope he is!

The Enterprise has docking permits at this website. Kirk and crew are
mixing it up at the Site Fights right now!

FairyLite gave us this wonderful Award! Thanks!

Awarded on Monday, May 31, 1999

The Berry Patch won the Cheer of the Day award!

Won on Fri, May 28, 1999
Won a second time on Fri, June 6, 1999
Won a third time on Fri, June 18, 1999
Won a fourth time on Thu, July 22, 1999
Won a fifth time on Thu, July 29, 1999
Won a sixth time on Mon, Aug 2, 1999
Won a seventh time on Thu, Aug 12, 1999
Won an eighth time on Wed, Aug 25, 1999
Won a nineth time on Sat, Oct 17, 1999

We received the Wee One Cheerer of the Week
from Wee One Smiley Sprinkle on Aug 13, 1999!
Thanks so much!!

DStarla gave us the Visionary Award from the Site Fights! Thanks!

I got this great gift from Lyn at Lyn's Lair when we left
fighting in Oct 1999. I think its a wonderful gift!

We got several "Thank You" awards for supporting StarFighters!

Please sign or view our Guestbook!


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© 1998, 1999, 2000

This The Starfighters Webring site is owned by
Tom Berry.

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Apply to Win our Award! Tom's Sci-Fi Universe!

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Since May 12, 1999.

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