Aaron's Writings


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The AirMan's Writing Page!

There are several things that I'd love to have you read. Therefore, I have made this handy little menu page that lists and describes some of the stuff I have written and put on here....

Major Writings --- A page where you can dowload stuff I've authored or co-authored that is too long to put on a web page in HTML. [For instance a 16000+ word fiction story.] I have them in Word '97 and RTF format for you to download and read if you want.

Can God Make a Rock SO Big... --- Using the very limited knowledge I have of Theoretical Physics and Quantum Mechanics, I show TWO ways God can use to make a rock too big for Himself to pick up and yet still be able to pick it up... About 1000 words long.

Warriors For the Children --- This story dipicts a group of angles trying to save an unborn child from abortion. At the end of my story, I offer a little of my views on abortion. This fiction piece is one I wrote in high school. It is a little over 3,000 words long.

Ashel --- This is a prolog to a book I was sort of writing. I don't know as I'll ever actually write the book, but this is my first experiement in writing present tense fiction. This was written later on in my high school life than Warriors For the Children. It is close to 1,000 words long.

When to Be Silent? --- A short description of the best times you should practice the art of not making noise.

What is Love? --- "...baby don't hurt me.. Don't hurt me. No more..." ;^) You know those little "Love is..." comics in the paper with unclothed little people? Well they never actual say what love is. They just describe what love does. Here are my thoughts on how love processes which may or may not be closer to what love is. I don't know. You decide. [P.S. My father informs me that this article will scare away the girls, therefore I would like to inform the female part of the species that these aren't my romantic views of love, just my logical ponderings run amok. Thankyou.]

The Deep, The Random, and The Vaguely Profound --- I didn't actually write these. I got them in an e-mail, but I like them and didn't want to make a whole new sub-page group thing for them, so here they are. Reading them late at night [or better yet in the wee hours of the morning] with friends promises to be vaguely hilarious.....

Cereal --- My first attempt to write a humorous column. About Breakfast Cereal! 930 words.

Infomercials --- My second attempt to write a humorous column. About Infomercials! 1456 words.

That's all for now. I write lots of stuff and will continue to add to this list. If you want to switch to a different writting, you can use the browsers back button or the "Back to Writings HomePage" option....