Quick Facts on Aaron
Quick Facts
All right! Here are the quick facts on yours truly. The description is for those of you who won't go to my Photo page, 'cause you are sick of waiting for .jpg's and .gif's to load. :^)
- Name: Aaron C. Wilkinson
- Age: 23 years
- Current Occupation: College Senior
- Marital Status: Nada
- Height: 6 feet
- Weight: 145 pounds.
- Eye Color: Hazel. [Gray/green around the outside, brown around the inside.]
- Hair Color: Dishwater blond [My wonderful friends helped me come up with that very ummm... 'descriptive' color.]
- Major Interest: Jesus, Computers, Sports, Reading, Writing, Sci-Fi, Acting, Hanging out with friends.
Favorite Stuff
- Favorite Movies: Ummm.... Independence Day, Fifth Element, Matrix.
- Favorite MUSICAL: "Singin' in the Rain".
- Favorite Comedians: Danny Kay, Donnald O'Connor, Don Knotts.
- Favorite Book:There's so many... Probably The Search for Fierra by Stephen Lawhead.
- Favorite Series [books]: Again, tough choice... "The Chronicles of Narnia" by C. S. Lewis. Those books are DEEP!
- Favorite Author: I give ya three. C. S. Lewis, Stephen Lawhead, Robert Jordan.
- Favorite Food: Spaghetti.
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