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OKAY!!! here we are at my poems/songs page. The regular poems come first, the songs are next. Only two of these songs have music to them, because [unfortuanatly] I have absolutly NO skills with a musical intstrument. [I got help with the tunes to Take My Heart, My Soul, My Mind and Give It To Me MY Way from some friends.] You can just browse through them all, or hop about using these links.....
Much thanks to DeAnna Atkins for her help with some titles to my songs. :^)

Please E-mail me and tell me what you think of these!

The Young, Sentient, Carbon Based Life Form Who Vocalized At High Decibels, "Wolf!"
Sold To The Man In White
Sober Me
Take My Heart, My Soul, My Mind
His Pain, Your Gain
A Dream of Death
A Broken Humming Bird
How Many?
Give It To Me MY Way


The Young, Sentient, Carbon Based Life Form Who Vocalized At High Decibels, "Wolf!"
by: Aaron Wilkinson
Copyright 1996

Singularly on the forth dimension
(or once upon a time) and I might mention
This story’s filled with techno-speech
So lend an ear and I might teach
You something you didn’t know before

There was a humanoid entity
It was a male so call him ‘HE’
He looked after sheep, those stupid creatures,
But enough of their intellectual features
Turns out the boy had the same IQ score

For one day he was quite bored
So he cause oscillations in his vocal cords
He yelled to the quaint folk nearby
"Agggghhhh!!! Wolf!! Wolf!! Wolf!!" was his cry
Though there existed no such horror

Well, the villagers came with club and plank
And you can imagine when they found the prank
Their emotional status was quickly changed
His physiology they almost rearranged
As they walk away his laughter roared

He did it again that stupid boy
The villagers fell to his repeated ploy
And as they turned once more rebuffed
They vowed no more would they be bluffed
While he now thought shepherd a delightful chore

Then from the wood appeared eyes of red
A mammalian meat-eater reared its head
A wolf stalked out and ate the sheep
And while the boy screamed and weeped
The wolf devoured him with blood and gore

There are many morals to this fiction piece
One: don’t care for an eatable fleece
and never taunt the people who
The next minute might save you
And buy a gun to kill the carnivores

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Sold To The Man In White
by: Aaron Wilkinson
Copyright 1996

There once was a man name Mee,
Who stood on the auction block of hell.
And demonic hordes laughed cruelly
As a whip cracked and he fell.

His arms were bound behind him,
With irons no mortal can break.
And his life was being crushed from him
By a boulder that read, "SIN’S WEIGHT."

His appearance was broken and hopeless,
Dejected, downtrodden, and scorned,
And as leering faces appraised him,
He almost died of horror.

A shudder rose within him,
As he lay there and gasped for breath.
He knew that he was being sold
To a long and hideous death.

A dread arose and filled him,
At the way in which he would die.
And as dark things started bidding,
The man... began to cry.

His silent sobs were tearless.
(He’d long run out of tears.)
And as his body was wracked in grief,
A spirit stepped up named Fears.

Its eyes were round, fused open.
Its face was deathly white.
And as it kicked Mee viciously,
It glared with pale light.

"I’ll take this sniveling coward,"
It said with a voice so hollow.
"I’ll waste his mind with dread and terror
of today and tomorrow."

Before it could finish it’s bidding price,
(Which was it’s frightening oration.)
Another spirit shoved it aside
This one named Temptation.

Black myriads drew in closer
to hear what it had to say.
It gazed at Mee and it cackled,
"Mee, this is your lucky day."

"I’ve studied your person intensely."
"I know just how to make you fall."
"I’ll attack you with out ceasing."
"Before me you’ll grovel and crawl."

"I can crush your puny will."
"I-" But then it was cut short
For a large spirit named Flesh jumped up
And slapped Mee with loud report.

"I can do much better than these."
It pointed to the other fiends
Then it pulled a fist of Mee’s hair
And chuckled at the resulting scream.

"I’ll kill you slowly from the inside."
"I can rot away your heart."
"I am your evil desires."
"I can tear your soul apart."

Then a ghostly figure stepped on the stage.
Looked at Mee with a haunting stare.
And Mee felt a chilling cold inside.
And knew that Guilt had been there.

This ghost named Guilt had witnessed
All Mee’s many ghastly crimes.
And Guilt didn’t have to speak at all.
It just replayed them in Mee’s mind.

Mee writhed and groaned in anguish
As the scenes of his deeds came clear.
All the ugly things he’d done and said
Taunted his internal ear.

Now there was a commotion in the crowd
A commotion Guilt ignored.
"You’ll feel that all your life," it said,
"With me as your lord."

And then appeared a horror that
Imagination could never conjure.
The murderer and deceiver.
It was Satan, Lucifer.

He spat, "Your life is forfeit!"
And he picked up a heavy cross.
And to go with the boulder of SIN’S WEIGHT,
He threw it on Mee with a toss.

And Mee just lay there, helpless.
Barely breathing yet moaning still.
And the demon spawn grinned wildly.
They were eager for the kill.

Then suddenly there was chaos
Way back against the wall
As a man walked through the demon crowd,
Striding straight and tall.

He wasn’t just a human.
He was dressed in purest white.
And any demons in his path.
Were soon put to the flight.

He stepped upon the platform.
He said, "This man is my own."
"For it was I who created him."
And as he spoke his radiance shown.

"This man has sins upon him!"
Hissed Satan, "Your buying price?"
The Man in White said simply,
"I offer my very life."

The auctioneer stood quickly.
And seemed awed at the stranger’s light
"That’s the highest anyone’s ever bid.
Sold... to the Man in White."

Then the stranger, whose name was Jesus,
Love streaming from His face.
Freed Mee from all of his bonds.
And calmly took his place!

The demons, they rushed in savagely.
They beat Jesus black and blue.
They stripped the flesh off of his back.
Then ripped at the muscle, too.

Hair and blood flew everywhere.
Along with human meat.
They pounded His hands to the cross.
And drove a stake through both His feet.

And Mee could only watch,
As the demons had their fun.
And as the cross jolted into a hole,
Mee saw God’s only Son.

His bones could be seen plainly.
His blood pooled thick and deep.
As a spear went through Jesus’ side,
Mee began to weep.

Mee sank to the ground hopless
His One Last Hope had died
The Man had given HIS life for Mee’s
At the thought Mee trembled inside

Then the demons turned their backs
On God’s dead and lifeless Son.
They turned to torture Mee.
Their play had just begun!

Yet as the demon mob came at him.
Mee looked up and gave a shout.
And at the look upon his face,
The demons, again, turned about.

The cold, hard cross was empty!
Jesus stood strong and tall again!
And there was no sign of the boulder,
That once had been Mee’s sin.

There were scars upon His back.
And holes through His hands and feet.
A thousand, thousand demons.
Rent the air with howls of defeat.

Then the Savior sent them screaming
To the pit from whence they came.
And He promised that in the near future.
They would ever there remain.

And Mee just knelt there, trembling.
In awe of the Love and Grace.
That caused his God and Savior.
To die in what was his place.

Go back to the LIST AT THE TOP

by: Aaron Wilkinson
Copyright 1993

The rip of flesh
The searing pain
The jeering crowd
The narrow lane

The soldier's blow
The mockers scorn
The purple robe
The crown of thorns

The center of
The cruel scene
Stands quietly
While others scream

The heavy cross
Golgotha's climb
The roosters crow
The slow of time

The trampling feet
The pooling blood
They mix it in
The soft wet mud

The piercing nails
Blood's trickling path
The sour wine
The Jews' hard wrath

The loss of breath
The strain for air
The screaming nerves
The loving prayer

The cry of death
The grim one reaps
God turns His back
The Angles weep

The veil rent
The soldiers' awe
This man must be
The Son of God

The large mob stomped
His blood in dirt
The soldiers whipped
With blinding hurt

The leaders spit
Friends ran away
Do you still do
These things today?

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Sober Me
by: Aaron Wilkinson
Copyright 1999

Disclaimer:  This poem has a weird meter and a meaning which will, very likely, elude the vast majority of readers.  Also, I'm still working on it so read at your own risk...

Like an old drunk, I stagger down the road.
Snaking back and fore, side to side.
Aching for a straight path my feet to hold.
Yet here again I weave across the line.
What is this paradox? I see all. I know all. I am a fool who's blind.

Lord sober me. I'm seeing double as I fall.
Hold my head in living water till I die.
With your strong hand make the line a wall
Destroy the cords between MySelf and I.
Give me this paradox. Kill MySelf so what's Me may for your purpose rise.

Go back to the LIST AT THE TOP


Take My Heart, My Soul, My Mind
By Aaron Wilkinson
Copyright 1995

Verse 1
Take my Heart, it's tired of breaking
Itself with guilt and foolish pride,

Take my mind so I won't be taken
By some thought, or evil sight

Take my soul, because it's dying
And it’s shriveled, deep inside

Do it now, I'm through denying
Take my heart, my soul, my mind

Verse 2
Lead my heart to love the people
That you place within my life

Lead my mind to battle evil
Mindful prayers cut like a knife

Lead my soul. Its yours forever
It will follow where you guide

To be with you is what I treasure
Lead my heart, my soul, my mind

In my world where all that’s wrong and right
Gets mixed in dying light
Please grant me knowing sight
So I can see to fight
Protect me by Your might
Control my heart, and soul, and mind

Verse 3
Thank you Lord. You changed my heartache
Into joy, glorious and bright

Thank you Lord. You took my conscience
And you cleansed it purist white

Thank you Lord. You suffered for me
You gave my soul eternal life

I give you praise, glory, and honor
You saved my heart, my soul, my mind.


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by: Aaron Wilkinson
Copyright 1995

I know there’s so much wrong with our world today
There’s violence running rampant and a gun is child’s play
So it seems like such a small thing, waiting for you like I do
Most people don’t really care and the world says it’s uncool
But if some girl temps me, I’ll never say OK
‘Cause when I’m at my wedding
I wanna look you in the eyes
and here’s what I will say

Girl I loved you ‘fore I knew who you were
And I waited for you, so you’d be the only and first
And if it got hard well, God saw me through
And now I’m so glad, that I waited for you
‘Cause now you can know my love’s so real and true

You know as I think about it, I bow my head and pray
Pray someday I will find you and that faithful I will stay
And I talk to God about you, that you’ll look out for me
That you’ll stand up to pressure and keep your purity
And if you’re ever feeling tempted, please, never say OK
‘Cause when we’re at our wedding
I wanna look you in the eyes
and believe you when you say

Boy I loved you ‘fore I knew who you were
And I waited for you, so you’d be the only and first
And if it got hard well, God saw me through
And now I’m so glad, that I waited for you
‘Cause now you can know my love’s so real and true

And the two shall be one when they cleave together
That doesn’t mean three or four
That means just you and one other
Man and wife the preacher says as side by side you stand
That wasn’t man and wife and wife
or wife and man and man
So keep pure for each other until that sacred day
you can give to each other
what you’ve never given away

Girl I loved you ‘fore I knew who you were
And I waited for you, so you’d be the only and first
And if it got hard well, God saw me through
And now I’m so glad, that I waited for you
‘Cause now you can know my love’s so real and true

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His Pain, Your Gain
By: Aaron Wilkinson

Copyright 1995

Have you ever sweat great drops of blood?
Have you ever stumbled down the road?
To a death hill called Calvary
Have you ever heard the whip’s cruel crack?
Felt blinding pain across your back?
Ever been nailed to a rough tree?

His pain, your gain
He lived through death
So we’d do the same
But we got released
While He took the blame
So Jesus I praise..... praise your wonderful name!

Have you ever felt the guilt of sin?
All that you’ve done was thrown on Him
As He hung suspended, up in the air
If pain was the reason that He cried
A broken heart was why He died
And only His love held Him there



You know as He died, He thought of you
He weighed the cost, then carried it through
Now He gives you a choice, and NOW’s when you choose
So much to gain, nothing to lose
Can you look in His eyes and say you refuse?


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A Dream of Death
by: Aaron Wilkinson
Copyright 1995

I dreamed I went to Heaven
A child took me by the hand
He looked into my eyes and asked
"Why was I killed?"

I knelt down next to him
I didn’t understand
But strangly up and down my back
I was chilled

He said....
I am an unborn child
I could have kicked and smiled
as well as any baby
I could have played and screamed
I wanted love and dreams
Why did you kill me?

I look up to Jesus
"I’m not the one," I said
But then I was convicted
As He made me see

So you did not thrust the knife
Still, look the child is dead
You didn’t speak up for him
You didn’t speak for me

"I sent this one," He sighed
I felt his pain and cried
As he was torn and thrown away
You sat there silent while
They killed this little child
You’re as guilty as they

(Second Chorus)
How many millions more
Will we murder before
We recognize this horrid sin
Pain, Agony, and Death
No chance for a first breath
One more life thrown in

The death: it’s so violent
And though the screams are silent
You can hear them call out to you
What are you going to do?
What are you going to do?

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A Broken Humming Bird
by: Aaron Wilkinson
Copyright: July 1997

You know, it seems like I’ll never win
Against what my selfish heart wants
Yes, in the midst of my battles with sin
I fall, get up and stumble once again
Yet as I cry my tears into the dust
This thought helps renew my trust

If God can heal a broken Humming Bird
You can trust Him with your heart
If He can fix those tiny wings
He can treat a spirit, torn apart
His hands must be so gentle to
Restore the wings so fragile
I think we need hands like that
To ease the pain through which we travel

Inside I struggle just to get one breath
When I can’t sense God anymore
When loved ones are swallowed up in death
Seems alone I must take this frozen path
Yet as I cry my tears into the snow
His warm arms are close, I know


I look down my road of life to see
All the rooms with wonders inside
My heart turns what seems the perfect key
Then gets slammed in the door of opportunity
As I cry for what can make me whole
God heals body, spirit, mind, and soul

Your load I can carry
Your burden I will bear
In my storm I will run to the master
Who spoke those words with loving care


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How Many?
by: Aaron Wilkinson
Copyright: January 1998

How many times have I failed you?
And then how many times have you come through?
To forgive all my sin,
And cleanse deep within.
Oh, I don't know where to begin
To say thank you.

I don't know how you can live with my attitude.
Or why you stick with me when I crucify you.
Yet there's love in your eyes
As you die for my crimes.
Oh, words can't begin to describe
My graditude.

Vast riches for my rags
How can this thing be?
The God-I-Killed's forgiveness
Awes and humbles me.
His promise is
To me forgive
It's why forever I'll live
It's why my life I will give
To Him for all of eterity.

Oh there's so many men with their Silver and Gold.
And millions of others with talents untold.
Yet it's I who you chosose.
My selfish heart you can use?
I consider and am confused
As your plan unfolds.


Ever the same, the God who won't change,
Despite how I fail your love always remains.
Oh, through this journey called life,
Through my joy AND my strife
Remind me that YOU payed the price
To my soul reclaim.

The whip - the cross - the spear - the blood
The dy - ing heart - still beats - out love
This blood - this love - this God - who died
Gives you - a choice - let's you - decide
It's ALL - for me - it's ALL - for you
It's life - and death - how will - you choose

Is this difficult to do?

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Give It To Me MY Way
by: Aaron Wilkinson
Copyright: June 1998

We've each been made an offer of a life that will not end
It's a life that's filled with riches untold
It's a gift of eternal family and friends
THAT'S worth much more than gold
Unconditional love, such peace, and such joy
Companionship that can't fade away
And as the Giver hangs, DYING to give,
You turn...
And you spit in His face.

He is the maker of us all
He is the maker of us all
Creator, Savior, God Almighty
Lord of great and small
We should approach His holy throne
As low as we can crawl
Yet like a child you kick and scream
As loud as you can bawl
Give it to me MY way
Give it to me MY way

It’s the right of the giver to choose the gift He gives
That’s the way it always must be
Reject it and be bound to live like you live
Or accept it and be set free
Walk narrow or wide. You can not walk both.
Choose who you'll serve this day
Accept or reject but don’t insult the gift
By whining...
You want your own way.


You say…
"Give me prosperity.
Let me be what I want to be.
Let me live my own way.
Take my problems away.
Get on your knees, and beg."
Should He beg you to take
What he gives so free?
Can’t you see?


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by: Aaron Wilkinson
Copyright: Sept. 1998

A man
At a Christian crusade
Faced with the choice of a life time
He knows
The mess of life he's made
But he still can't make up his mind
And time won't slow down
But his mind'll close down
And a soft heart becomes a stone
As he says
Someday I will seek Him
Someday He can have my throne

Someday never happens
And tomorrow never comes
And time it waits for no man
Despite how hard he runs
And today you hear Him calling
And you say that you will wait
Then you'll turn that lonely one day
And you'll find it is too late

A girl
Heard what the speaker said
About a man named Jesus
At camp
Thinking on her bunk bed
'Bout how He died just to free us
And time won't slow down
But her mind'll close down
And a soft heart becomes a stone
As she says
Someday I will seek Him
Someday He can have my throne


Hear my begging cry
Know the circumstances
A God
Who cares enough to die
Who gives you multiple chances
And as time slows down
Don't let your mind close down
'Cause your heart will turn to stone
Just say
This day
This day I will seek Him
This day He can have my throne


It's too late for His grace
It's too late He's turned His face
Time always wins this race
You're forever stuck in place
It's too late
It's too late
It's too late
You'll find it is too late

You'll find Someday is too late.

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