OKAY!!! here we are at my poems/songs page. The regular poems come first, the songs are next. Only two of these songs have music to them, because [unfortuanatly] I have absolutly NO skills with a musical intstrument. [I got help with the tunes to Take My Heart, My Soul, My Mind and Give It To Me MY Way from some friends.] You can just browse through them all, or hop about using these links..... Much thanks to DeAnna Atkins for her help with some titles to my songs. :^) Please E-mail me and tell me what you think of these!
POEMS by: Aaron Wilkinson Copyright 1996 (or once upon a time) and I might mention This story’s filled with techno-speech So lend an ear and I might teach You something you didn’t know before
Go back to the LIST AT THE TOP by: Aaron Wilkinson Copyright 1996 There once was a man name Mee, Who stood on the auction block of hell. And demonic hordes laughed cruelly As a whip cracked and he fell.
Go back to the LIST AT THE TOP by: Aaron Wilkinson Copyright 1993 The rip of flesh The searing pain The jeering crowd The narrow lane
Go back to the LIST AT THE TOP by: Aaron Wilkinson Copyright 1999 Disclaimer: This poem has a weird meter and a meaning which will, very likely, elude the vast majority of readers. Also, I'm still working on it so read at your own risk... Like an old drunk, I stagger down the road. Snaking back and fore, side to side. Aching for a straight path my feet to hold. Yet here again I weave across the line. What is this paradox? I see all. I know all. I am a fool who's blind.
Go back to the LIST AT THE TOP SONGS By Aaron Wilkinson Copyright 1995 Verse 1 Take my Heart, it's tired of breaking Itself with guilt and foolish pride,
Verse 2 Lead my heart to love the people That you place within my life
CHORUS In my world where all that’s wrong and right Gets mixed in dying light Please grant me knowing sight So I can see to fight Protect me by Your might Control my heart, and soul, and mind Verse 3 Thank you Lord. You changed my heartache Into joy, glorious and bright
Go back to the LIST AT THE TOP by: Aaron Wilkinson Copyright 1995 I know there’s so much wrong with our world today There’s violence running rampant and a gun is child’s play So it seems like such a small thing, waiting for you like I do Most people don’t really care and the world says it’s uncool But if some girl temps me, I’ll never say OK ‘Cause when I’m at my wedding I wanna look you in the eyes and here’s what I will say
(bridge) And the two shall be one when they cleave together That doesn’t mean three or four That means just you and one other Man and wife the preacher says as side by side you stand That wasn’t man and wife and wife or wife and man and man So keep pure for each other until that sacred day you can give to each other what you’ve never given away Girl I loved you ‘fore I knew who you were And I waited for you, so you’d be the only and first And if it got hard well, God saw me through And now I’m so glad, that I waited for you ‘Cause now you can know my love’s so real and true Go back to the LIST AT THE TOP By: Aaron Wilkinson Copyright 1995 Have you ever sweat great drops of blood? Have you ever stumbled down the road? To a death hill called Calvary Have you ever heard the whip’s cruel crack? Felt blinding pain across your back? Ever been nailed to a rough tree?
by: Aaron Wilkinson Copyright 1995 I dreamed I went to Heaven A child took me by the hand He looked into my eyes and asked "Why was I killed?"
Go back to the LIST AT THE TOP by: Aaron Wilkinson Copyright: July 1997 You know, it seems like I’ll never win Against what my selfish heart wants Yes, in the midst of my battles with sin I fall, get up and stumble once again Yet as I cry my tears into the dust This thought helps renew my trust
Go back to the LIST AT THE TOP by: Aaron Wilkinson Copyright: January 1998 How many times have I failed you? And then how many times have you come through? To forgive all my sin, And cleanse deep within. Oh, I don't know where to begin To say thank you. I don't know how you can live with my attitude. Or why you stick with me when I crucify you. Yet there's love in your eyes As you die for my crimes. Oh, words can't begin to describe My graditude.
Go back to the LIST AT THE TOP by: Aaron Wilkinson Copyright: June 1998 We've each been made an offer of a life that will not end It's a life that's filled with riches untold It's a gift of eternal family and friends THAT'S worth much more than gold Unconditional love, such peace, and such joy Companionship that can't fade away And as the Giver hangs, DYING to give, You turn... And you spit in His face.
Chorus Go back to the LIST AT THE TOP by: Aaron Wilkinson Copyright: Sept. 1998
A man At a Christian crusade Faced with the choice of a life time He knows The mess of life he's made But he still can't make up his mind And time won't slow down But his mind'll close down And a soft heart becomes a stone As he says Someday Someday I will seek Him Someday He can have my throne And....
A girl
You'll find Someday is too late.
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