by Aaron Wilkinson copyright 1993

Somewhere within the infinite limits of heaven there are battalions of S.A.W.s (Special Angelic Warriors) whose goal is to give the unborn a chance world. A chance to laugh, a chance to dream, a chance to... live.

Chapter One

Greetings, mortal. I am called Lyph, commander of the Warriors for the Children Battalion. Jesus is the Life!

Listen, human, and I will tell you a story. I will not speak of success in this tale, but of miserable failure. Oh yes, there are many failures. We are not allowed to force choices on a mother for she is not a puppet on a string. Our duty is to let the mother make her choice with as little spiritual oppression and deception as possible.

We were singing praises to the Almighty when a messenger was sent to me. A seventeen-year-old female had discovered she was pregnant and was meeting with her public school counselor. I quietly excused myself and, with a sigh, took leave of the thunderous melodies. I summoned eight of my companions and we streaked to the doorway into the human universe. We stepped through the shimmering curtain between the infinite and the mortal. "For God's glory!" I shouted and led my warriors to the planet called Earth. The trip was instantaneous, but it took two days to slip through the demon hoards that zealously guard your planet.

By the time we made our way to the school, we found the girl having her third meeting with the counselor.

"Come on, Kim, it's for the best," the counselor was saying. "Oh, now don't give that," the counselor admonished as she saw Kim's doubtful stare hit the floor. "We went over that yesterday. I don't care what you've read, it's some tissue. Think of it like your appendix, it's living tissue, but we take those out all the time."

"But the pamphlet said it's a human being no different from us," protested Kim.

"Kim, you don't know who published that pamphlet. In all likelihood, it was the Christian community. What do they know of scientific matters like this? Besides, they don't care about you; all they care about is the number of converts they get. They get points for them or something."

This false accusation against the Saints of Christ caused me to grip my sword hilt in barely controlled righteous anger!

"Look, Kim, if you're scared about your parents finding out, don't be. We can get you a ride to the clinic during school hours and no one will ever know except you and me."

"That's not it," Kim said. "It's just that...well, what if it is a life and I- I killed it? I would never forgive myself."

"Kim, I already-" the counselor gave an exasperated sigh, "Look, why don't we schedule another meeting on Thursday?"

"Okay, whatever," Kim replied, her eyes still on the tiled floor as she started to rise.

"Kim, think about this. If an unborn baby was a human just like us, do you really think that the government would continue to allow doctors to perform abortions? We aren't barbarians, Kim."

Kim frowned as she opened the door. "Well, maybe you're right."

Suddenly a demon of deception flew from the counselor (for there was a great swarm about her head) and landed on Kim's shoulder. There was nothing we could do. No one was praying for her. We watched in anger and disgust as the small, spidery demon sank its fangs into her mind and began drooling.

I sent Josiah, my second in command, to watch over Kim and to see to it that as little damage as possible was done to her. I sent Asa and Hezekiah to convict the local Saints to pray. I sent the other five of my angelic companions to comb the town for any way to provide Kim with information, true information, on abortion. I, meanwhile, sat in the school attic to think.

After a while, Asa and Hezekiah came back to report. "Bad tidings, Commander," they started to give the news I too often hear. "The Christians here are dormant. They fight among themselves and lead lives of apathy instead of fighting the enemy."

"Oh, Lord God, how long until you show your humans the right way?" My heart cried to my Maker.

My two scouts went on, "There are a few, though, who seek after The One with a full heart. The director of the Right to Life Center is one."

"They have a Center?" I sat up with a start.

Just then Amaziah, Jehoshaphat, Joash, Uzziah, and Jotham burst into the attic through the opposite wall. "There is a Center here!" Jehoshaphat shouted jubilantly, waving his sword.

"Well, it is a start." I smiled with relief as I dodged his joyfully swung blade. At least we were not entirely without resources. "Come, we must find Josiah and Kim."

We found both of them just as a bell sounded indicating the end of the school day. As Kim walked down the hall toward the doors, we saw an eighteen-year-old male standing before them. He was apparently looking for someone. Kim saw him too. She physically and spiritually stiffened, and we sensed that she did not wish to talk to this boy. We knew at once that he was the father of her child. I did not think it wise to let her be harassed in her condition, so I gave the command, and we formed a circle around her, our wings lifted. She walked right past the boy, and he did not see her. We sensed her puzzlement. We escorted her to her dwelling and, because it was not very far from the school, decided to set our headquarters there.

We made ourselves comfortable on old but usable furniture and fell to what you would call brainstorming. "Brothers," I said, "the ultimate goal, as always, is to allow Kim to bring her child to term. But before we can do that, we must provide her with the truth of abortion and before she can accept the truth, we must get rid of Deception."

"Right," agreed Josiah, "and since the director of the Center is a strong believer in the Son, she can give Kim prayer and facts. If we can just get her to the Center we would, as humans say, kill two birds with one stone."

"What a horrible expression," exclaimed Jehoshaphat. "I like the Master's little birds."

"So," concluded Uzziah, "we must get her to the Center."

He looked over at Kim and saw she was making something for herself to eat. He started searching through Kim's bag, which lay slumped on the table. Uzziah pulled out the pamphlet that had so galled the school counselor. We all saw that it had the Center's address on it. Uzziah folded it so that the address showed face up. Finally, he picked her keys out of the bag and dropped them on the table.

"Good work, brother!" I whispered loudly.

Kim heard the keys jingle and snapped her head around. She saw her keys and the pamphlet on the table. Assuming they had just fallen out, she sighed, walked over to the table, and started to put the items back into her bag. Then she saw the address. The girl stood thinking for a moment, and we could see her doubtful mind and Deception having a battle. It was all I could do not to unsheathe my sword and put an end to that little demon, but again I was restricted by lack of prayer. In the end, Kim's mind prevailed. We noticed the demon no longer had his teeth all the way into her head.

Kim forgot about her snack and left the small duplex abruptly. She walked down the street, her shoulders stiff and straight as though she was supporting a very heavy burden, which, of course, she was.

Chapter Two

It took Kim just under 15 minutes to walk to the Center. She hesitated before the door, and we all thought that she would change her mind, but she squared her shoulders and entered the small building.

There were only three people in the tiny foyer. One was looking through a file cabinet, one was talking on the telephone, and the director was typing on the building's only computer.

The typist looked up, "May I help you?"

Kim didn't know what to say. Finally, she answered in a small voice, "I'm pregnant, and I'm going to have an abortion."

"Won't you please come into my office?" the director asked kindly.

They both stepped through a doorway behind the desk into a side room. The pictures and poems on the walls lent a cozy atmosphere to the room. Kim began to relax. In one corner there was a poster depicting the stages of life for an unborn child. There was a neat desk in another corner, but the good counselor didn't sit behind it. Instead, she offered Kim a padded chair and pulled one up for herself, straight across from the girl.

The director settled in her chair then put her elbows on her knees, leaned forward, and spoke. "My name is Kathy Bitikoff, and before I even ask your name, I would like to pray with you."

Kim stiffened as the demon of deception screamed terror into her mind at the word pray. Kathy seemed not to notice and bowed her head while Kim stared straight ahead as if in a trance.

We could hear the little demon send a plea for aid to his many comrades through out the city, but Kathy had already started her prayer and the demon's yells for help did not get out of the room.

Kathy continued, "And Heavenly Father, I pray for this young woman in front of me. I pray that You would open her mind and prepare her for the things You want her to know. In Jesus, Your Son's holy name, I ask. Amen."

As soon as she said, "In Jesus' name," I praised God and unsheathed my sword. When Satan's small helper saw my sword (for that is all that the minor demons can see of angels), he let out a final scream and my sword did what Elohim made it to do. All that was left of the demon was a puff of spiritual green smoke and a not-so-nice odor that only we could smell.

"Wheew!" breathed Asa, squinting his watering eyes. "I hate it when they do that."

Kim relaxed once more.

Kathy looked up. "What's your name?"


"Hello, Kim." Kathy smiled. "I'm very pleased to meet you. Tell me, Kim, why do you want to get an abortion?" Kathy asked pleasantly.

"Well..." Kim grew nervous again. "It seems to be the only way, at lease my counselor said it was the only way."

"What else did your counselor tell you?"

"Umm, she said that my parents wouldn't have to know, and that it was just some tissue anyway, like my appendix."

"That's what I was afraid of," Kathy sighed. "Take a look at those pictures on the wall, Kim. Does that look like your appendix?"

Kim looked closely at the magnified photos of the embryo and fetus on the wall. She saw the perfectly formed hands and toes at seven months, and the red line that represented the heartbeat at four months.


"Huh?" She was still studying the pictures.

"Would you like to see a video of an abortion, see what they're going to do to what's inside you?"

"I don't think so," Kim snapped out of a thought. "I've heard that video is pretty bad."

"All right. That's ok. I understand," Kathy saw the discomfort in the young woman's manner. "Well then, here are a few things I want to share with you." Kathy pointed out several quotes from the Holy Scriptures, words that God had brought to men over what you would call 2000 years ago. Then she told Kim of the support that the Center could give her, and about the alterative of adoption.

The conference ended with Kathy giving Kim a small Bible and a hug. Then Kathy prayed again. Kim left with a sense of determination, and we all felt we had made progress.

That night as Kim let the Bible fall open, Josiah gently turned the pages to Jeremiah 1:5: "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you..." She fell asleep in deep thought.

On Thursday at school she had another appointment with the school counselor. "Kim, I'm glad to see you," Ms. White beamed.

"Ms. White, you've been feeding me lies all along, haven't you?" Kim broke out right away.

Ms. White was taken aback, "Wha... what do you mean?"

"You know exactly what I mean. All those lines about my baby being a tissue. I saw-" Her voice broke. She continued more quietly, "I saw what's inside me."

"You've been reading that pamphlet again ha-"

Kim cut her off, "I went to the Crisis Pregnancy Center."

"You what?!"

"That's right, and they sure understood me more than you do. I don't think I want to meet with you anymore." With that, Kim walked out and left Ms. White sputtering at the doorway.

We all felt a sense of accomplishment, and Kim felt like she was finally in control. We would not have felt so optimistic if we had known what was going to happen. However, it is not for mere angels to know the future.

Neither did Kim know what was going to happen. She strode to all her classes with self-confidence for the first time in a long time. After school, she was walking out of the front doors when a boy tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around and immediately the newfound confidence fled. "Oh. Hi Jake." It was the father. This would be a hard test for Kim, but a confrontation had to happen. We aid the pregnant women in their times of difficulty. We can't alter reality.

"Hi Kim," the boy put his arm around Kim and she stiffened, "want to go somewhere tonight?"

"No Jake."

"What's the matter," he said playfully, "you're tense. You're not mad at me are you?"

"No, it's just...," she decided to state the truth, "Jake, I'm pregnant."

"Oh." The playful smile left his face.

"Jake, I'm going to go through with it."

"I don't think so, Kim," he growled. "I can't afford to pay for a baby."

"No, you don't understand. I'll give it up for adoption and, and..." Kim protested as her eyes began to tear.

"Yeh, right," sneered Jake, "that's what Trisha said, and look what happened. She still has the baby and is working two jobs to support the two of them."

Kim shivered but was persistent, "Jake, it's a baby!"

"Come on, you know better than that. It's just and extension of your body. You can do with it what you want? It's like getting a wart cut off." He laughed, "I'll admit kinda a big wart."

"No, it's not. It's not like that at all," Kim said stubbornly.

Jake gripped Kim's upper arm, hard. "Then look at it this way," he hissed through clenched teeth and unmoving lips. "If you go through with this, then you and I are through! You got that? Finished!" The boy let go of Kim's arm, spun, and walked away. If only my sword was like those of the Death Angels', one that humans can feel, I would have taught that young man a lesson with the flat of my blade.

Dazed, Kim staggered home. She couldn't see that a large demon of Fear had sped from Jake's mouth into her mind. This demon could sense us even though he couldn't see us, and he did as much damage as he could, knowing his time might be short.

Yes, Kathy was praying for Kim, but this was a more powerful demon and we needed more support than just one Prayer Warrior could provide. Oh how I wanted to end that demon's pitiful existence in the mortal realm, but I could not. Slowly Kim made up her mind, and this time it would not be changed.

I knew what I had to do. I went through the wall of Kim's slightly swelled abdomen and entered the miracle chamber where the baby's small yet distinctive and active body grew. This was also the dwelling place of the baby's spirit since it had sped there at the moment of conception.

The little spirit greeted me, "Hello, Angel of Light. Do you bring good news from The One?"

"No, Little One, not good. You remember that when the time comes for you to start your journey through the human world, you will forget almost all about The One as you know Him so your spirit can be tested to see if you truly love Him?"

"Yes I remember."

"You will not be tested. Your mother does not wish you to be in existence."

"I don't understand. Those-Who-Have-Passed-Through-The-Journey say that a mother is one who helps and loves. How can my mother help and love if she does not wish my existence?"

I did not know the answer. I could not condemn his mother. I am just an angel after all. I will never understand what humans like Kim experience. Who knows, perhaps in their plight they even come to doubt the love of their Creator.

But no, surely not. Many feelings and thoughts they must experience, but surely never that.

"Little One, you will not understand what Those-Who-Have-Passed-Through-The-Journey say. You are to be one of the unborn."

"No!" the little one whispered, "I wish to take the journey. I wish to find what the Journeyers speak of. I- I do not understand." The little being broke gaze with me and studied his perfectly formed tiny thumb.

"No, Little One," I said sadly, "you will not fully understand until The Day." I left the little spirit to ponder what it all meant and re-joined my angels outside of the miracle chamber.

Chapter Three

The next day Kim made the appointment with her counselor. The counselor made the appointment with The Clinic for the end of the week.

Until that time we worked hard to convince Kim of the fact that her baby was a human being, but whenever she was about to seriously consider that aspect of her pregnancy, the demon of Fear would remind her of Jake's threats. All other thoughts fled from her mind.

No matter how we looked, we could not find enough prayer warriors to eliminate that demon. The only other way we could have destroyed the demon was with direct authority from the Almighty. Why He did not give that authority, I do not know, nor will I know until The Day. Who are angels that they should understand the thoughts of the Almighty?

Even though Kim had made her decision, she was miserable. She was miserable right up to the day that she and Ms. White pulled up to the door of The Clinic. They walked inside followed by my angel band and I. We prepared ourselves to comfort the little spirit. His soul was already fused to his tiny body and he would feel immense pain.

"Name, please?" the receptionist said in a pleasant tone.

"Kim Taylor." stated Ms. White.

Kim just stared at the linoleum on the floor and ignored everything else.

"The doctor will see you in a minute," said the receptionist and turned to another young woman who had come in.

We saw eight angels of another company preparing themselves to comfort the life within as it was snuffed out. They just nodded grimly and turned away.

Meanwhile, the doctor had entered the waiting room and addressed Kim. "Hello, young lady-" the doctor began, but Kim cut him off.

"Please," she said with tears in her voice, "just do it."

The man was taken aback, "Well, uh, certainly. Right this way." He strode through a plain white door.

Slowly Kim got up and followed. As we mournfully trailed after her, we heard the receptionist talking to Ms. White. "Will Uncle Sam be taking this one?"

"You got it."

"You're doing great, Janet. That's five this month."

We went through the door, too disgusted with human beings to listen further.

Kim had already received anesthetic. Her limp form lay unmoving on the table. The abortionist's assistant began flipping switches and turning on the equipment. Instruments you humans have created so you can kill your offspring from behind the uncaring wall of technology. We could not see more, for we had passed into the miracle chamber. I took the child's tiny hand in my own.

"It is soon now," I whispered.

He said soberly, "So, I won't make the journey?" Spiritual tears glistened in his eyes.

"No," I said with the mirror of those tears in my own eyes, "you won't make the journey."

Then we heard a terrible blaring noise like a powerful vacuum cleaner and a large silver tube invaded the chamber.

"Be brave!" I yelled above the noise.

The child squeezed my hand and kicked away the silver thing. Yet the object, strange, foreign, and cold, pursued him tirelessly as he fled to the far corner of the chamber.

Then the thing had him, and we started to pull him free of his torn body. The sound of a rushing wind filled the chamber. The unfeeling instrument kept sucking and sucking at his body, remorseless. Without mercy. Little by little, piece by piece, his tiny, fragile, yet perfectly made body disappeared down the gaping black mouth.

As we pulled him the rest of the way from his mutilated body his last physical act was to open his small mouth in a wail that was soundless in your dimension.

But in my world, his screams echoed from one end of the universe to the other.


Mommyyyyy!... Noooo!..."

Are you in a position to have an abortion? Already had one? Just want some more fact and stuff about abortion? Visit my Links Page and go to the abortion section.


First of all it is not my intent, wish, desire, or general overall aspiration to condemn, hurt, or otherwise make feel bad anyone who has been involved in an abortion. Nor is it my goal to whip up some sort of highly emotional reaction purely for the emotional reaction. I understand this story might do that, but it is only to make the reader THNIK about what they believe about the area of abortion. That IS the whole intent of this story, to make people THINK. If it takes an emotional reaction to make the reader think, I’m not too proud to use that device. Abortion isn’t just the removal of an annoyance. It isn’t just a semi-fringe political issue for someone else to worry about. Can anyone who actually knows the facts and THINKS see it that way?

What’s wrong with my story:

What’s Right with my Story: I am a male so I can't really know what it is like to be in a position to have an abortion. However, I view myself as someone who can empathize with people pretty well, and I have been through many painful experiences of my own. I just can not believe that ANY situation justifies the taking of an innocent life.


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