Major Writings


to my Major Writings Page...

(...and other miscellaneous stuff.)

PLAY '97: Governmental Observation Delta (G.O.D.)

This is the play I co-authored, co-directed, tech-directed, and acted in the summer of 1997. A spoof on X-Files. It's about two FBI agents (Blunder and Sullen) sent to find the source of some mysterious messages being picked up by an experimental hyperspacial transceiver (inter-dimentional radio). Throughout the play they keep learning ABOUT the source and its characteristics, but can't seem to find the source itself until it decides to reveal itself by transporting them into another dimention. Oh yeah and who is the stranger, Lester, that keeps following them around?
I would catagorize this as a science fiction/mystery with the target audience being an unsaved person.

PLAY '98: Pursuit of the Ledgendary Creature....

This is the play I co-authored, co-directed, tech-directed, and acted in the summer of 1998. It's about a ledgendary creature that lives in the woods. Anyone who captures the creature is reputed to have peace with all the questions of life. Thus many hunters come to the forest to find the creature. But what if the hunters aren't the only ones hunting?...
I would catagorize this as a fantasy with the target audience being an unsaved person.

PLAY '99: There's a Carnival on 8th Street

This is the play I co-authored, co-directed, tech-directed, and acted in the summer of 1999. It's about a youth group that goes to a carnival to try and witness to people with some pretty funny results. The point of the play is that Christians should be worried about witnessing with their lives and actions, and not just their words.
I would catagorize this as a comedy with the target audience being the Church.

NOVELETTE: What Saves a World....

My longest story yet. This is over 16,000 words and 28 pages single spaced:

Commodore Griffin Conrad has brought his super-spatial ship to search for a colony 300 years lost. But what has driven the once fully technological colony to live in huts and use weapons seen only in history e-books? Who is the beautiful stranger with an arrow through her chest? What does the devistating "Bursting" refer to?
Griffin must find answers to these questions. And there is a time limit involved with a rather painful death as a penalty...

Sold to the Man In White MP3 - I mixed this using a relativly simple wave editor called Cool Edit 96. All the voices are mine. The sound effects I either created with Cool Edit and a microphone or downloaded off the internet. The background music clips are from different places including: MP3.COM, an old Christian Heavy Metal CD [Striper], background music from the Mime/drama Surrender, and my own head.
I give God all the glory for the way this piece turned out. It IS copyrighted by me, but I give you permission to download it, listen to it, and reproduce it as many times as you'd like [as long as you don't profit financially from it or anything like that] on the condition that you E-mail me and give me feedback. :^)

Tanks 2000 Limited Edtion For my senior software design project, my group programmed a Win32 network video game modeled after the old Atari 2600 game "Combat". The above link will let you download the game. In order to play, you will need Winzip to unzip it and DirectX 7.0 installed on your computer. Make sure you include the directory structure when you unzip it. It is important that the game data be in the correct subdirectories. The zip file is about 1 Meg in length.
This game is copyrighted by my group, but we declare it shareware. You have permission to download it, play it, and reproduce it as many times as you'd like as long as you don't profit financially from the game or take credit for it. Please E-mail me and give me feedback. :^)

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