Date-A-Conrad Industries, Helping to break down the walls of nerd prejudice since 1984...
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Our Products

Here's at Date-A-Conrad Industries, we do one thing, and we do it well. We don't just do it well, we do it the best it's done, and at the lowest prices! What is it that we do? We provide the best boyfriend on the market: The Conrad!

Just what makes the Conrad the best? Here's what:
  • Each Conrad comes fully equiped with:
    • Polo Shirts
    • Khaki Pants
    • Glasses
    • A Digital Watch (Hey, they're pretty neat)
    • Fully Functional Anatomy, Ribbed for Her Pleasure
    • Two arms, Two legs, Head, and a Torso, all standard equipment
    • And much more...
  • Each Conrad Must undergo and pass a 42-point inspection before being shipped, inculding:
    • IQ certified at Genius Level, perfect for all-night conversations
    • Sensitivity at maximum levels allowable to still maintain "Male" classification
    • All parts fully operational, all joints allow appropriate mobility
    • Capable of "Goatee" facial attachment
    • And so much more...
  • Sensitivity Training, What sets a Conrad apart from the herd:
    • Cares about your needs and emotional state
    • Will listen to endless emotional drivel, even without the promise of getting some in return
    • Vast knowledge base of relationship operations and responses
    • Desires only to make you happy
    • And the list just goes on and on...

Customer Testimonials

I don't know what I'd do without Conrad, he's helped me out with love, with life, with school, with everything. I wouldn't be anywhere near where I am without my Conrad!
--Sara, Paris, France

Conrad was a godsend. I was all alone, no one to talk to, no one to spend time with, nothing. Then I received my Conrad and I never was lonely again! Thanks Conrad, I love you!
--Erica, Austin, TX

I was going through a tough time, boyfriend left me, no job, nothing to do but sit around and waste away. But then a friend told me about this Conrad-thing, and I decided to check it out. Boy am I glad I did! Conrad not only brought me out of my slump, but he took me to new heights of happiness and joy!
--Katy, Tampa Bay, FL

Email your testimonials here

With all these features, there's really only one question worth asking: Why haven't you ordered a Conrad yet?
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All material on this site is Copyright ©2003-2005 Conrad M. Hutcheson.
Site last updated: February 11, 2005