Date-A-Conrad Industries, Helping to break down the walls of nerd prejudice since 1984...
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The (Peep) Stations of the Cross
Here's what happens when somebody tells me they like marshmallow peeps a lot, and I stay up a bit too late one night. It's from two Easters back, but still funny. I threw together the page just to show everyone else what I had done, I didn't spend time making it pretty or anything. Perfect for Easter with all your Catholic friends. On a similar note, here's the monstrosity I constructed last Easter for the same person as the Peep Stations. You should ask her about the other acts of peepification I've performed for her. She still has the psycho-cow...

Sickeningly Cute
Here's proof I can be sickeningly cutesy when I want to. Oh well, it worked. Then a month later she dumped me for a 38-year-old, and two months after that decided to tell me I had been dumped for said 38-year-old.

Chimes Junior Honorary

Here's another site Conrad's Specialty is responsible for. This one's for a club I'm involved in at school.

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All material on this site is Copyright ©2003-2005 Conrad M. Hutcheson.
Site last updated: February 11, 2005