Contact Date-A-Conrad Industries Here's some of the ways you can contact us:
This email thing seems to be catching on. Drop us a bit-stream at The Date-A-Conrad Email Address
This method's a bit old fashioned, but we still like it. Here's what you do, write down what you want to tell us, put it in an envelope (or you
can write it on a postcard, that works too). Then find a snail and give it the envelope. Tell it to deliver it to Date-A-Conrad Industries. Just
in case it forgets, you should probably write that on the outside of the envelope too.
This is a new-fangled way of sending messages, and the best part is, you can use any medium you chose! Just make sure your vibes reach our mind,
and we know it's a message from some one else, just not another case of the voices telling us who we should kill... whoops... did we say that out loud?