Date-A-Conrad Industries, Helping to break down the walls of nerd prejudice since 1984...
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About Date-A-Conrad Industries

Date-A-Conrad Industries is committed to assisting the community by utilizing a variety of empowering tools. Persuant to this, Date-A-Conrad Industries provides women with the very best in top-of-the-line boyfriends in addition to an assortment of community outreach programs. The Community and Date-A-Conrad Industries, growing strong... together...

A Brief History

Conrad's Specialty, the parent company of Date-A-Conrad Industries, was founded in 1984, primarily as a think-tank for the problems of the day, such as the "Where's my bottle?" issue and the "Why is my diaper full of crap?" crisis. However, from these humble beginnings, a powerful entity was to emerge...

Throughout the late 1980s and 1990s, Conrad's Specialty dealt with increasingly difficult problems such as the Moving-incident of 1989, the "Nap-time" anarchy of 1990, and the "How do I get out of this Locker?" action of 1997. Then, in March of 2000, it created Date-A-Conrad Industries to fill the market for high quality boyfriends that research had shown was as-yet empty.
Company Photo, 1989
Company Photo, 1989
The rest, as they say, is history.

From 2000 on, Date-A-Conrad Industries has been the leader in producting high-quality boyfriends, the sort you might take home to mother, and today, Date-A-Conrad Industries not only leads the world in top-quality boyfriends, but also in researching the boyfriend of tomorrow.

Community Outreach

Date-A-Conrad Industries engages in multiple programs of extreme importance to help the community. For example, each of our Conrads also is a good friend, providing assistance on all levels, free of charge, to the community. Chances are, you've been helped by a Conrad at some point, and it all happens because of Date-A-Conrad Industries' commitment to make our world a better place...

Date-A-Conrad Industries, we don't just produce top-notch boyfriends, we produce top-notch future husbands!
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All material on this site is Copyright ©2003-2005 Conrad M. Hutcheson.
Site last updated: February 11, 2005