Date-A-Conrad Industries, Helping to break down the walls of nerd prejudice since 1984...
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Order Form

Here you may initiate the ordering process for your very own, personalized Conrad. However, due to the extremely delicate nature of our product and the individualized customization procedure each product goes through before shipping, this is only the first step towards the bliss that is having a Conrad. After you fill out this form and send it in to our headquarters, you will shortly be contacted by an experience sales representative who will discuss the purpose you have in mind for a Conrad, as well as the feasibility of Conrad ownership. Your sales person will then assist you in finializing your order and introducing you to your brand new, state-of-the-art Conrad.



     Not going to get a Conrad

Why do you deserve a Conrad of your own?

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All material on this site is Copyright ©2003-2005 Conrad M. Hutcheson.
Site last updated: February 11, 2005