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The Sun Poisoning Relief Page

by Charles D. Tuppen III, Former L.M.T.

(FL Lic.# MA 10403 [Expired due to disability 1/2001])

After a recent case of "sun poisoning" I did a search of the net
looking for a method of relief, without success.
I DID find methods for prevention, but,
once one is already afflicted, prevention tips aren't much help.
I actually found one doctor that 'treats' sun poisoning
by exposing the skin to ultraviolet light...
I am NOT a doctor !!! but, here's what worked for me ... rather quickly too...
(after over a WEEK of itching, scratching, and spreading the sun poisoning)
First of all, DO NOT SCRATCH !!!
Those small pustules containing the clear fluid will break and spread the rash !!!
AND ... prolong the agony ...
Immediately after showering, and GENTLY drying off,
( I suggest Pat-Drying yourself, rather than pulling towel from side to side )
I used a 1 % hydrocortisone cream ( Equate ) over the entire effected area
and took an oral ( Benedryl ) antihistamine capsule [ as opposed to the caplets ].
The combination of the hydrocortisone cream and the antihistamine
quickly helped relieve the itching sensation,
and seemed also to help heal the rash shortly afterwards. *
Update June 26, 2001
I'm very pleased to say that the above method seems to be helping a LOT of people !!!
Thank you ALL for your kind email and letters !!!
It makes my day to hear that I can STILL be of help to people,
even though I can no longer physically perform Massage.

Thank You ALL VERY much & God Bless !!!

Please leave your comments in my Guest Book.

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All text material on this page is the
sole property of Charles D. Tuppen III aka StarTupNgo
(copyright 2000, C.D.Tuppen III (StarTup Ngo))
Please request permission before posting or publishing elsewhere.

God Bless,
Chaplain Charlie

I'm a Licensed Massage Therapist in the state of Florida.
Use your Back Button to go back from whence you came,
or go below for some more of my hopefully Heplful(l) pages...

Here's the The Massage Tips Page
Go here for The Spinal Column Page
Here for The Tennis Ball Technique Page (for mid & low back relief)
Here for The Reflexology Page
here for The Headache Page
Here's the Patient Breathing Technique Page
Here for The Sun Poisoning Relief Page
Here's an explanation of The 'Nick', The Star and 'The Gift'
here for The Chapel In (not OF) Hell
or go here for The Bumper-Snicker Page

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There's more to come ... so please keep checking back...
and thanks for your patience... (-;
I'll be adding more diagrams and technique tips when I get them finished ...
In the meantime, email any questions to:

Comments ? Please leave them in my Guest Book ... Thanks !