Here's some of what other Chapel visitors have had to say...

susan leckey - 08/18/99 18:15:30
Faith: still keeping it
Age: younger than Charlie !
A wonderful site! Many things to ponder... Charlie,I wish we were so wise when we were younger.keep up the good work and keep in touch.

Chris Sloan - 08/11/99 02:35:05
Organization (Optional): Massage Therapists anonymous
Faith: none
Age: 43
hi charlie! Finally made it... I'll be back... your bud, Chris

Josef Adleman - 08/08/99 21:19:32
My URL:http://maybelater
Organization (Optional): non
Faith: Quasi-Taoist
Age: 17
Hi Charlie, Happy birthday :) Hmm... I wonder why some people make smiley's facing right and some go left. Anyway, great site, thanks for expressing your views to the world. You make interesting points, and I think that they are palatable to people of any faith (as is obvious from rea ing this guestbook). I call myself quasi-Taoist simply because Taoism seems to be the closest philosophy to my own set of beliefs. I hope that your site will continue to open the minds of many, especially those Christians who don't want to see the world a other way. Good luck with your searching!

Tessa - 08/06/99 00:44:19
Faith: Wiccan
Age: 31
Interesting page Star..I look forward to speaking with you again....

rosalie of the innocence - 07/30/99 20:30:19
My Email:a world of innocence
Organization (Optional): those of the faith of all that is holy
Faith: buddhism
Age: 20
hello startup! hows it going ! i don't rember if i sied your book before, but i ceck out your page again nd again for massage stuff for me. thanx for sharing your knowledge!

CiNi...aka...Kim - 07/27/99 14:32:04
Age: 32
To agree or not to agree? With some yes, with other's no, but incredibly insightful :)

Chris The Wizard - 07/18/99 06:19:49
Organization (Optional): End of the Millenium World Tour
Faith: i sure hope so !
Hi Charlie Every time i visit you I am truly AMAZED ! If you type christhewizard into an altavista search engine you will find me and the Chapel.. Charlie the Lord works in wonderous ways ! See AMAZING That U B me Old Hearty !

Wash Hamilton - 07/14/99 04:53:30
Organization (Optional): still trying
Faith: tourism
Age: 54
accidentally came across your page. i like it.peace, wash

courtney - 07/08/99 23:20:38
Faith: it's a long story
Age: 29
Hi Startup! I was here, and I like you're site.. lots of good information.. Take Care.. much love, courtney.

rosalie of the innocence - 06/28/99 12:43:28
Organization (Optional): rosalie is god awareness
Faith: buddhist
Age: 20
kick ass! i am gonna try these techniques deario! thank for directing me here dear!

Carlie Parry - 06/07/99 05:21:16
Organization (Optional): Student
Age: 18
Hi Charlie, It's Carlie from Net Meeting. Your page is great. I had no idea you were a priest. I did not get the time to read all of your page but I will, you seem like a very wise person. Please email me soon Thank You!! Take Care Carlie

Karen - 05/23/99 20:00:19
Verrrrry interesting !!! sorry i haven't been in touch...will keep an eye on the page... it sounds as though you and Owen have been busy... Bye for now, Karen
Hiya Cuz !!! Yepper... i'm doing a 'control' experiment now and i can already feel the increased activity in the lymph system... so i expect the counts to be elevated again... but, then i'll use the traction to bring 'em down, and then investigate as to which surgery and where. ttys, Love ya, ((-; me

margie vance - 05/19/99 22:34:32
Organization (Optional): massage/seminars
Faith: universal
Hi Charlie Real interesting stuff... I enjoyed your site. Your treatment sounds extremely cool. I hope to get one soon, to try out the real thing. Margie

susan schneerer - 05/11/99 11:43:00
Hey !!! i was just was in here checking out your new pages... I hope you got my mail on your StarTupNgo site... bye for now, Sue

christhewizard - 05/09/99 13:48:50
Organization (Optional): end of the millenium world tour
Faith: inestimateable
Age: piscean
Hey Charlie... I will be visitng your pages again... Keep Smiling :)

Boris - 04/02/99 18:55:42
Age: 29
Great news about the spine StarTup :) I hope you have many more years of continued success :) Boris, from

morgaine - 11/25/98 14:40:11
Faith: not sure right now
Age: 18
Hey Charlie/Star, I came back to read the Koran stuff...very interesting!! The whole page definitely gives one something to think about. It's been great talking to you in #analove. Keep up the good work! :)

Hi Morgaine !!! Thanks for stopping by the site... {for those of you wondering #AnaLove is a chat room in mIRC (on and it's for friends of Ana Voog, (an artist and musician)} i think your Pooka Page is cute... (Pook is Ana's dog)... see ya again soon in mIRC... charlie

Michael - 11/22/98 13:47:45
Faith: God
Age: infinite
A very interesting belief. I believe very much along the same lines. I do not however believe that hell has is a specific place. I think that hell is what we each separately create through some set of choices we make about the experiences we send ourselves each day. Thus hell on earth for us is the product of our on choice. It seems to be a place where we reside if we follow a path away from od. That is, if we, do not know that we are God, we may make choices that create the experience of no God in our lives. In a nut shell (I'm rambling) we create our own experience of hell on earth. Thank you! LOVE.

vegTTa xl - 11/22/98 03:41:15
Organization (Optional): Viewerstardom
Faith: k0mputer
Age: infinite ,i am energy
i enjoyed your site.....

julie - 11/13/98 01:45:22
Age: 46
I am a client of Chris Schlicksup in Illinois

Hiya Julie... nice to meet you... Chris mentioned that she had given a couple of her clients my page address... She's a GREAT therapist !!! i wish she was still down here in Florida ! Please say hi for me and give her my best. Thanks for visiting.... charlie

Fetik3 - 10/15/98 00:36:22
Absolutely amazing skills... thank you for sharing them!

Thanks for visiting Jason [Fetik3], i'm glad you liked the site... and i hope that you and ANA will be able to use the Massage Techniques on each other with great results should the need arise... i enjoy both of your si es, and your music, very much... i tried to put a hot-link in here to Ana's site but, i keep messing it up... so, for those interested... Ana's site is at :
Take care & God Bless, charlie ... (-;< b>

Jim Purinton - 09/13/98 12:12:33
Organization (Optional): retired
Faith: Episcopal
Age: 67
Very informative & well done & one i will spend a lot of time reading over & over as some thoughts you mention have already crossed my mind. Thank you for your thoughts. Jim

Hi Jim, Thanks for visiting The Chapel... and i think you're right about returning to review the material from time to time... there is a lot of info in there, and some of it isn't assimilated instantly, because it is such a departure from what we have traditionally been taught... i've been researching Scripture for over 25 years now, and my conclusions are still hard for me to accept at times... but, the more i observe of the world today... the more convinced i become... Please come back often... and pass the address along to whomever you think might benefit... take care & God Bless, Charlie

Rene' Bannigan - 09/10/98 16:16:22
Organization (Optional): Islander:^)
Faith: As Much As Possible
Age: 29
Charlie, I have known so little about you until now! I have never really been taught Religion, in the book sense, but have always had a good heart. You have a good heart, and you have been given a second chance in life. You were chosen. I feel honored to have visited your site, thank you for letting me come. There is a definite Truth about what your message states.

Hiya Rene', i'm really glad you liked the site !!! Thanks !!! i donno about that " chosen " stuff tho... and as far as being 'taught' religion... i think you can learn more than you can be 'taught'... and knowing you and David and your characters, you have both 'learned' it without needing to be taught... God Bless the two of you and the kids... and thanks so much for visiting... take care & God Bless, PEACE & Love ya'll, (-: Charl e

William Dillman - 08/27/98 03:13:25
My URL:http:// no web-page yet
Organization (Optional): un-organized
Faith: Christian
Age: 39
man... you're either crazy or brilliant... I can't decide which. I have to admit though, I see a lot of your points... and reading The Bible from this perspective puts a brand new light on some things... If it's alright, I'd like to email you about a cou le of things... I'm already trying that 'experiment' with a problem I have... and you won't believe it, but it's working so far..... as a matter of fact, I see it completely different now, and it was a TORMENT to me !!! now, maybe, I understand it better, but I've really been able to deal with it better... Do you have a chat room ? I'll be emailing you in a few days... Bye for now. Bill Dillman

hi Bill... hmmm, where do i start ? Brilliant/Crazy ? i've been called both before... and guilty (at least temporarily) of the latter a few times, i'm afraid... but that 'outlook' in the 'experiment has helped me a LOT too... Sure, you can email e, but sometimes it takes me a while to reply... sorry no chat room at the moment... i am still learning all this web stuff and that's one thing i haven't gotten to yet... and i don't really know how much interest there would be for a chat room of that type... so, we can do emails for now... oh... and i'm REALLY happy to hear the experiment is benefiting you ! That list is growing and i'm VERY happy that it's helping people. Take care & God Bless, Charlie

KAREN - 08/21/98 13:28:31
My Email:You have it
Age: Getting older by the day...
I was able to get you back on my list of "Favorite Places"...The site is looking good, as usual...I hadn't read Mary's comment before, but, God Bless her for sticking to her guns...

Hi Cuz, thanks for re-visiting... I'm glad to hear it's on your "Favorite Places" list... (-: Thanks... Love ya, me

AutumnRayne - 08/11/98 22:50:48
My URL:/Athens/Oracle/3324
Organization (Optional): Me/Myself/I...???
Faith: Eclectic
Age: 31
Greetings Chaplain Charlie:
Thank you for your words...unfortunately more people don't believe more open mindedly as yourself. Bright blessings to you as you travel life's (this and the next)journeys. Peace be to you and yours. May Love and Light always enlighten your footsteps a d brighten your way...and Luck to all you endeavor! Feel free to exchange any/all of your views and ideas with another (at times weary, but presently rather energized) wandering soul! Brightest Blessings...Autumn! (pages have a heavy alternative/wiccan eel, but they I am not limited in my thoughts/feelings/ideas/beliefs....)

Ragbir Chana - 07/29/98 14:17:46
Organization (Optional): Educational
Age: 50
Great site! Please keep up the Good Work.

Hi Ragbir !!! Thanks for stopping in again !!! Sorry if progress on the site is a bit slower these days... i just got done with one surgery and have a couple more to go... but, i'm still adding a little here and there... so please c ntinue comming back... and please tell anyone that you think might benefit as well... take care & God Bless, Charlie

Kara Townsend - 06/28/98 12:34:30

Hi! I saw your site and thought it was great. I know how difficult it is to keep a quality site. Good Job! :)

Paul Carlson - 05/17/98 13:48:45
Age: 44
I've been to your page several times now. The first time I thought you were sort of 'out there', but there were some things that made some sense too. THAT got me worried enough to re-examine some things ... and now I'm more than worried, I'm afraid you may be right... especially when I see the news each night. I'm going to ask my minister to stop by here and see what he thinks of your thoughts. Right or wrong... you definitely got me thinking ! Oh, and that 'experiment' makes a lot of sense when you really think about it for a while. Thank you and God Bless, Paul Carlson

Hi Paul, thanks for stopping in, and I hope your minister does stop by... i actually wish some Scriptural scholars would cite chapter and verse that might disuade me from my conclusions... but sadly, the more i examine the various Sc iptures, and the more i see when i open the paper or view the evening news, the more convinced i become... As for 'the experiment', i think it could only be of benefit to those willing to give it a try... it's helped me on numerous occasions... Thanks again and God Bless, Charlie
Tammy Reyna - 05/07/98 06:18:32
Faith: Christian
Age: 35
I believe you take bible contents out of context and try to make it look like it's saying something that it isn't. I will pray for you.

Hi Tammy, i'm not trying to make Scripture say anything... it's IN there already !!! i believe Scripture is for our personal reflection and consideration, as opposed to relying on someone el e to tell us what it says... so, keep reading your Scripture... it will serve you well... and, thanks for the prayers Tammy... they're always needed... God Bless, Charlie
Ragbir S. Chana - 05/01/98 23:37:56
Faith: Born as Sikh but respect all
Age: 50
I was looking up some information for clearing lymph system as the under side of my right wrist was sore to touch. Also, an iridology expert pointed out that my lymph system was blocked. I found your web site very useful. Thanks, God bless you.

Namaste Ragbir ... i'm glad the lymphatic information on The Massage Page was helpful... and please spread the word about the page to anyone with immune system difficulties, and thanks for visiting... God Bless, Charlie
THOR - 04/27/98 01:27:15
Age : XXXXX (the BIG 50)
looking good Bro ... I like the Earth and the flames.

Thanks for visitin' again Bro !!! God Bless and lots of LOVE to all... (-; Charlie

Susan Schneerer - 03/16/98 19:23:26
Comments: Cool site Bro !

hiya Suzie !!! thanks for stoppin' by ... hows your back ??? come on by when it's botherin' ya again... God Bless, Charlie
Doc - 01/28/98 15:03:30
Organization : Nope!
Faith : Yep!
Age : Constantly
Charles! How the hell are ya! Took a while to get here. Nice place! You seem to be doing a lot with it as well. Greetings from Denmark

Doc !!! hi buddy !!! come visit when you're state-side again... L8r Bro... Charlie
Mark Mason - 01/22/98 06:56:54
Liked your site. I believe that if hell is anywhere it is on this world, but that we can experience heaven while on this world, too. It all depends on our attitude and on how we live our lives. PS: I really liked your starry background!

Hi Mark, thanks for stopping by The Chapel... i stopped by your site and it's very well done and you do a great job of presenting the material... nice work !!! take care & God Bless, Charlie
Rita Walker - 01/19/98 15:02:35

Hi Aunt Rita ! God Bless !!!
Thor Kobza - 01/18/98 04:17:50
Faith : R.C.
Age : 50
It must of taken a tremendous amount of thought. I don't know if I agree with it all but I give you a lot of credit. Keep up the good work on this page. Joey and Thor

Yo Bro, thanks for stoppin' by and thanks also for years of true friendship... love ya Bro... God Bless, Charlie
Annette Mercer - 01/16/98 03:52:29
Organization : Human Race
Faith : All
Age : can't color the gray, anymore!
Great page, Chaplain! I am always open to "chew" on different ideas and perspectives! Tolerance of varying religions/beliefs is the first step to Peace and Understanding. Thank you for visiting my page, and, for your kind words in my guestbook! May you grow in the Light,and may you have a Joyous journey on your Path in Life!~PEACE!Pass It On!~

Many thanks Annette !!! and by all means PEACE !!! Pass It On (and spread it around too !!!) God Bless, Charlie
mlt - 01/10/98 22:51:30
Faith : Urantian
Nice to see your efforts at ministry. Good Luck and God Bless

many thanks... and God Bless
Rick Marriner - 01/05/98 02:50:34
Faith : Catholic
Age : 23
Ok So I may not understand everything, but if I come back and read this every now and then it might sink in. I agree on a few of the points and of your ruminations on Hell. I have seen alot in the few short years I have been ambling along and I hope there is something better out there that I find in the years to come. I would appreciate if you swung by my homepage since it is new to the web and let me know your thoughts. You seem a man of insight and I would appreciate you feedback. Rick

Thanks Rick ... i like your site... nicely done and some great links too !!! take care & God Bless, Charlie
Joe from Buffalo !! - 01/02/98 01:53:59
Age : Slightly younger than U
Chuck, Good work ! The layout of your first few pages is great. I like the color and placement. I gave the address to Bill S. so expect more comments. Have a HAPPY 1998 !!!! Joe

Yo Bro !!! thanks for stoppin' in... and also for always 'bein' there'... whew... was 7th grade really THAT long ago ??? Love ya Bro... God Bless you & yours, Charlie
Clare - 01/01/98 19:09:05
Faith : yes
Age : yes
Wow, Charlie! That's some forum! Has anyone sent $$? Good luck. XXOO

hiya schweetie... nope on the $$, but i'm not 'in it' for the bucks... good thing, eh (-; when are ya coming down for another vacation ?... lemmeno... LOVE ya... God Bless, Charlie
Mary Tuppen - 12/28/97 18:05:21
I have my own thoughts that are not very changeable. You have your own ideas. I love you, Mother

Thanks Mom ... and thanks for allowing me my thoughts without excommunication... I LOVE YOU !!! God Bless, me
John Tuppen - 12/27/97 23:00:47
Hey uncle Chuck!! I found your page very interesting. It does really make you think. Well anyways NICE JOB, and have a happy new year. JOHN

Thanks John !!! glad ya liked it... keep doin' well in school buddy... Love ya & God Bless, Uncle Chuck
duhThinker - 12/27/97 18:57:45
Faith : non-denom.
Age : old enough
whoa man...... HEAVY DUTY !!! I never thought of it like that before. I'm going back to read my Scripture some more. whew I like some of your 'poems' though. nice page

Thanks and God Bless, Charlie

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