Welcome to The Massage Tips Page by Charles D. Tuppen III, Former L.M.T. ( FL Lic.# MA 10403 [ Expired due to disability 1/2001 ] )
Folks, I am NOT a Doctor !!! and I don’t play one on T.V ...
I don’t do imitations or impersonations either ...
but, on this page I will attempt to share and convey some helpful
hints and techniques that I've used to alleviate the pain and dis-ease of my
patient/clients... and I hope that they may be of help to
you, and your family, friends or clients...
I wrote Truly Touching years ago and it has been published previously,
but, it still pretty much sums up how I feel about massage...
Please see the page on Patient Breathing Technique, it is very helpful!At the bottom of the page are links for the relief of headaches,
as well as low and mid back pain as well as various reflexology
charts, lymphatic maps and links to other helpful pages.Flushing and Clearing the Lymphatic System
I have been using vibration as a part of my massage treatments for over 12
with Vibration
years, and I have used it to alleviate a wide spectrum of difficulties
with great success.
I feel that vibration's dramatic effect on muscles and nerves
is partially due to the super-stimulation and ' distraction ' of the nerves,
causing them to release the muscles they had previously been contracting.
However, I have had remarkable and consistant results in reducing swollen
glands, fevers
and other symptoms, by systematically applying vibration directly,
( in a ' Top Down ' fashion ) to the lymphatic nodes.
I have also used it in cases where ' rejection ' of an implant was suspected
by doctors with great success ...
And, I have been able to reduce
Flu type fevers of 102+ to normal in an hour !!!,
as well as the complete ( * temporary ) relief of accompanying symptoms.
And, I also strongly suspect that, due to the fact that it is the secondary
opportunistic infections are the cause of most HIV deaths, the lymphatic
drainage procedure might be used by AIDS patients to maintain their
immune system circulation and thus minimize the possibility of occurance
of secondary infections, or, to re-normalize the immune system should
one occur.
(*when swelling or symptoms re-appear, treatment should be repeated )
I will explain the procedure below, but, Please remember ...
I am an advocate of the motto
" First DO NO HARM !!!"The Lymph Cycle
Lymphatic fluid circulates through the body via the blood and lymphatic
system capturing and destroying foriegn bacteria, microbes and viruses.
It is cleansed by filtration in the nodes, nodules, glands and organs
and is replenished with specialized cells within it's own circulatory
Swollen lymph glands indicate two things : 1) increased lymphatic activity 2) probable blockage of lymph circulation When blockage occurs, filtration STOPS ! and the lymphatic fluid is
prevented from being cleansed, renourished and recirculated.
This prevents the immune system from functioning normally and allows
antagonistic elements to multiply and flourish relatively un-checked.
Effects of Vibration
Vibration will cause transitory matter to move away from the source
of the vibration, taking the path of least resistance.
When applied to a stationary structure (lymph node), anything transitory
within that structure, will be caused to move away from the source
of the vibration via the path of least resistance.
The combination of vibration and pressure to the lymph node, or gland,
will assist the filtration process and restore lymphatic circulation,
re-enabling the immune system.Lymphatic Vibration Technique
I use two, hand mounted Sunbeam-Oster vibrators simultaneously
and bi-lateraly. I find it is helpful to work and compare both sides
at the same time and focus more intently on the areas where swelling
or tension is more pronounced.
When swelling or tension is more evident on one side,
spend additional time bi-lateraly until both sides are relaxed and
swelling or tension has diminished. By gently applying vibration to the swollen glands, blockages will
gradually diminish as the vibration causes transitory matter
within the lymph gland to vacate via the path of least resistance
(the normal lymphatic process).
When blockages are removed, lymph is able to
resume it's normal course of flow and function. Swollen glands should be located, and then procedure should be
used systematicly and bi-laterally in a top down direction.
Pressure is applied gently at first, and gradually increased
and then held for two minutes (or more).
Then proceed to the next swollen gland and repeat.
Once the glands below the jaw and in the neck have been treated,
proceed to the intercostal spaces (depressions between ribs)
located two thumb widths below the collarbone,
on a line from the nose to the nipples, and hold for a similar period. It should be noted that there are more lymph glands throughout the body
and if there is swelling present, they should be treated as well.
But always treat the intercostal spaces after the jaw and neck areas
and after other areas of treatment.
Check areas after the first treatment is complete...
if swelling is still present, repeat procedure.
Here's a
Lymph Node Map
for the approximate locations of the lymph nodes.
The actually swollen nodes should be located by using touch
and feedback from the patient.
here are The Lymph Nodes of the Neck
and here The Axillary Nodes
Please use your back button to return here.
* I have MORE Massage Tips Pages located below. *
A word to the therapist...
The first few times vibration is used, your hands will feel like
they are still vibrating for up to 15 minutes after you have stopped !!!
Don't worry, it goes away in a few minutes...
and after several treatments, you won't even notice it anymore...
and, DON'T GIVE UP !!! the results are WORTH IT !!!
My thanks to Stacie Dawn Williams for modeling for these pictures...
Lymph Nodes 'Live'
Sinus and Lymphatic Points
Here are the 3 sets of points for clearing the sinuses
and re-establishing lymphatic circulation.
Locate the points, apply gentle pressure and gradually
increase and hold for at least two minutes in each set of spots.
These points may be treated anytime there are sinus problems,
but should ALWAYS be used at the end of a Lymphatic treatment !!!
Sinus Points
First Hand Positions
Second Hand Positions
Clearance Hand Positions
* Even MORE Massage Tips Pages below. * (-;
I am disabled due to spinal column injuries suffered over the years,
so I will be allowing my State of Florida Massage license to lapse in
January 2000.
I am still holding out hope that new spinal
surgical procedures will be developed
that might enable me to work again,
While I would have LOVED to keep my massage license,
my monthly disability checks barely cover my living expenses
and I could not afford to pay for the state
mandated continuing education seminars necessary to retain my Florida license.
Due to disability, I was forced to let my license lapse when it came due
for renewal.
However, I WILL continue to add Massage Tips to these pages.
... God Willing ...
I am also interested in hearing the results you have obtained using ANY
of these methods,
(especially my Lymphatic Vibration Technique)
Comments ? Please leave them in my Guest Book ...
or email me at :
startupngo.geo@Yahoo.com ... Thanks ! (-;
If these tips are working for you, ( Or your clients )
PLEASE let others know ...
I have very high hopes and have seen MUCH success with my
Lymphatic Vibration Technique ...
From curing ( or minimizing ) the common flu, to transplant acceptance,
without rejection as well as diminishing the secondary infections
due to HIV / AIDS. I am disabled these days, and can't work on other people,
which ( to me ) is very dismaying ... So ANY of your communication is appreciated, and it DOES make my DAY !!!
So, if it works ... PLEASE pass it on to your physician, therapist,
OR, the National Institute of Health at:www.NIH.gov
or, if you have achieved benefit from these techniques,
especially from HIV / AIDS> symptoms
PLEASE nominate this procedure at the Nobel Foundation at:The Nobel Foundation
By the way, it seems very difficult to nominate people,
please be patient, and consistant, if my techniques have helped you !!!I TRULY believe this technique will help
those afflicted with MANY diseases, by cleansing their immune systems !!!This is NOT designed to be a " cure " for AIDS,
but merely a way to eliminate secondary infections,
which are ultimately, the actual cause of death.
Although, I HAVE seen it work in cases of flu, and suspected implant rejections !!!
At the moment, I use a 3 wheeler electric cart to get around.
(Courtesy of a disabled friend of mine),
so ANY form of help would be appreciated !!!
Especially if it was a financial award, for being able to help others in need !!!
I could truly use your validations if this technique works for you
for your particular need.
So, again, if you feel you have benefited from ANY of my techniques,
PLEASE, DON'T hesitate !!!
After all, they get millions of nominations every year,
I would only like my techniques to be considered ...
_IF_ they have helped others in their time of need.
Go below for some more of my pages ... or use your Back Button to go back from where you came,
Go here for The Spinal Column Page
Here for The Tennis Ball Technique Page (for mid & low back relief)
here for The Headache Page
Here for The Foot Reflexology Page
Here's the Patient Breathing Technique Page
Here for The Shin-Splint Tips Page
Here for The Sun Poisoning Relief Page
Here's an explanation of The 'Nick', The Star and 'The Gift'
here for The Chapel In (not OF) Hell
or go here for The Bumper-Snicker PageSign Guestbook View Guestbook View OLD Guestbook
All text material on this page is the
sole property of Charles D. Tuppen III
( copyright 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002,2003,2004 C.D.Tuppen III )
Please request permission before posting or publishing elsewhere.
Comments ? Please leave them in my Guest Book ... Thanks !
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See who's visiting this page.Untill then, take care, and
God Bless,
There's more Massage Tips to come ... so please keep checking back...
and thanks for your patience... (-;And, my BEST to Rachel Stansbery LMT ... wherever she may be ...
God Bless you Pal !!!