Welcome to

The Tennis Ball Routine Page

by Charles D. Tuppen III, Former L.M.T.

(FL Lic.# MA 10403 [Expired due to disability 1/2001])

Folks, I am NOT a Doctor !!! and I don’t play one on T.V ...
I don’t do imitations or impersonations either ...
but, on this page I will attempt to share and convey some helpful hints and
techniques that I use to alleviate the pain and dis-ease of my patient/clients...
and I hope that they may be of help to you, and your family, friends or clients...
Please see the page on
Patient Breathing Technique, it is very helpful!

TENNIS BALL ROUTINE for the Low & Mid Back

Lay on your back with the feet to knees resting on a chair, or couch
(a swivel chair works great).
Begin to breathe in slowly and deeply and mentally notice where the spine,
or back, feels different on one side than the other...
and exhale fully through the mouth.
After a few relaxation type breaths, draw the knees backwards
until there maximum contact between the floor and the low back...
and relax the legs on chair again maintaining contact with the floor.

Releasing The Thoracic (upper) Spine

For tightness in the mid to upper back, raise the head enough
to see the floor under the chair, inhale deeply and wrap both arms
around the chest, reaching the hands back as far on the shoulders as possible
then exhale through the mouth as you lower your head and back to the floor...
Repeat with the opposite arm in top position.
Do the above several times... if areas of discomfort remain, the feet
can be used to provide leverage to 'rock' on the 'curve in the spine'
created when the head is in a raised position, as you exhale.
Once the mid and upper back have been relaxed,
place the tennis ball under the coccyx (base of the spine) and, at first,
just balance and relax into it by breathing in through the nose
and holding it (for about 5 seconds) and completely relax
as you let the breath whoosh out your mouth.
(the head raise & 'hug' portion can be repeated again now too, if needed)
When comfortably centered and balanced on the tennis ball...
slowly begin to tip, and then tuck the pelvis forward and then backwards...
paying attention to any areas of discomfort... return to center
and balance again... if necessary repeat the forward back tips and tucks
until comfortable....
then shifting slightly to one side, using the tennis ball as a fulcrum,
tip and tuck to one side and then the other... then shift to the opposite side
and repeat... and then return to center, breathe, and balance.

The Lumbar Stretch

When the low back has been relaxed in this manner, lay on the side,
with the bottom leg straight and the top knee drawn to the chest
as far as possible (anchoring the top foot against an inanimate object
helps maintain the position more comfortably)
The lower arm should be extended to the side on the floor in front
of the chest... the top arm should be behind the body as the top shoulder
is lowered toward the floor as the breath is exhaled completely,
allowing the fullest possible stretch of the lower back.
Then repeat procedure on the opposite side.
If there are still areas of discomfort, it's possible that further
stretching / relaxing is needed.
Please remember PATIENCE is an ally here, this technique is
attempting to stretch and release muscles that may have been tight
a LONG time before problems surfaced
It is also possible that a physician's assistance may be required.
These techniques are meant as instruction for stretching and relaxation
as well as pain relief. They are not intended to replace the care
of a competent physician.
There will be pictures added shortly to facilitate proper positioning.

I am an advocate of the motto
" First DO NO HARM !!!"

Click here to go to The Spinal Column Page
or here forThe Headache Page
or here forThe Foot Reflexology Page
or here for thePatient Breathing Technique Page
or, click here for an explanation of : The 'Nick', The Star and The Gift
or Click here to return to The Chapel
or here to go toThe Bumper-Snicker Page

I am also interested in hearing the results you have obtained using ANY of these methods,
(especially my Lymphatic Vibration Technique)
Comments ? Please leave them in my Guest Book ... Thanks !(-;

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All text material on this page is the
sole property of Charles D. Tuppen III aka StarTupNgo
(copyright 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001,2002 C.D.Tuppen III (StarTup Ngo))
Please request permission before posting or publishing elsewhere.

If you live in, or are visiting the Tampa Bay,
Florida area, and would like to see, or experience
the above technique, please email me
and we'll see what can be arranged.

till then, take care, and
God Bless,
Chaplain Charlie

There's more Massage Tips to come ... so please keep checking back...
and thanks for your patience... (-;
In the meantime, feel free to email any questions to

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