The Nick, the Star and The Gift ...

My 'nick' (StarTupNgo) is derived from what I thought was a clever combination
of my last name, Tuppen and a five pointed star in my right hand
( there's also another identical one formed by the planetary aspects in my natal chart )
and, when combined, I hope that StarTupNgo
will ( in The End ) hopefully be indicative of my actions and direction as well ...
( I added the ' go ' for incentive )

If you're into palmistry or astrology click here for right palm print
or here for my natal chart When you're done use your "Back" button to return here

The weird part is that the arms of the star in the palm print
correspond exactly to the houses where I have planets present ...
and the long line in the palm, goes right to the house where I have the most planets ...
It's ' supposed ' to make one a 'Psychic', and/or a 'Healer' ...
I don't know about all that ...
and, I do NOT make any claims along those lines.
Here's a Palm Print Layover on the Natal chart

yeah, I know ... spooky, ain't it? ... you should try being at THIS end of it ... (-;

I AM told that I have a ' gift ' as far as Massage, and healing ability goes,
though I would not be so bold as to ' claim it '.
To do so, would be to say it was ' mine '... and I think once one claims
something as ' theirs ', they begin to lose it ... (or start getting lost IN it)
I will be bold enough to say that I will put the results I achieve
right up there with any other therapist out there.
I love what I do and I hope it shows. And, because I consider it 'a gift',
( and also due to my ordination as a priest ) I can not turn anyone in need of relief away.
If something I can do will alleviate their pain, I HAVE to, ( and want to )
do what I can to help, regardless of the person's ability to pay ...
To me, to deny someone relief from pain, when there is something I can do to provide it,,
would be a sin ...

Don't get me wrong ... When I was able to DO ' Relaxation Messages ', I charged full price ...
THOSE, I view as a 'luxury', and they are ...
But please don't email me for appointments for a Relaxation Massage ...
I no longer bend well, and it's very difficult to even stand that long
Besides ...
The foci of The Massage Tips Page are the Healing and Relief Techniques
that YOU can do for yourself !!!

If you've read The Chapel Page... you know my thoughts on Existence already...
I just want to make this place a little less like Hell,
for those I happen to meet along The Way.
Due to spinal cord injuries, difficulty in mobility, and some other factors,
I have become increasingly reclusive over the years to the point
that my only social contacts are on occasion that someone needs my assistance.
I am also mildly autistic as far as social interaction, and,
while the autism does not mandate diminished intelligence or mental capacity,
it DOES unfortunately, effect my social exchanges and relationships...
I'm alright with one person at a time, (and better as i get to know people),
but more than one person causes instant introversion.
(... and I'm still workin' on that ...) (-;

I sincerely hope the pages below will be of help to you or someone you know.

I'm a Licensed Massage Therapist in the state of Florida (until the end of 2000
when I will no longer to be able to afford the mandatory continuing education requirements).
so, go below for some more of my hopefully Heplful(l) pages...

Here's the The Massage Tips Page
Go here for The Spinal Column Page
Here for The Tennis Ball Technique Page (for mid & low back relief)
Here for The Reflexology Page
here for The Headache Page
Here's the Patient Breathing Technique Page
Here for The Sun Poisoning Relief Page
Here's an explanation of The 'Nick', The Star and 'The Gift'
here for The Chapel In (not OF) Hell
or go here for The Bumper-Snicker Page

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