In Summation

Most all Holy Scripture describes God as All Loving, All Forgiving,
All Merciful, All Just, All Bountiful and I believe it
ALL to be true.
Most all Holy Scripture describes Hell as a place
Full of sinners with Satan, and a band of evil angels ( aka Jinn )
with the abilities to ' Tempt mankind for " a Time appointed " '
And, taking even a brief 'look around' reveals ( to me at least )
that I am not the only sinner around ... This world IS FULL of other sinners !!!
It's not too hard to spot Temptation any more either, temptations appear everywhere these days !!!
We are tempted by our own inner desires, or externally by the desires of others.
I also believe that God also must have a Divine sense of humor ...
After all, consider the ultimate irony of being warned of the perils of Hell
and the dreadful consequences of Sin, only to find out that Hell is where
we ARE, and that Hell is also what WE have created for ourselves with
our individual (and mass) unquenchable wants, needs, hungers and thirsts.

While governments, organizations and commercial interests might have us believe otherwise,
We are Souls first !!! and then we are physical beings: male, female,
sons, daughters, mothers or fathers, with our physical needs for sustenance
and the wants that we deem necessary for our ' security ' ...

But, because of our physical needs for sustenance, we mentally focus on attaining them first,
and then come the host of ‘other wants and desires’ that are NOT actually necessary
for our existence, nor for our security ... but are merely extraneous material possessions,
or the products of lust, envy, greed, etc.
And all too often, we neglect the Soul because we are ' too busy '
attaining other material things that we grow to want or believe we need ...

‘ Civilization ’ or ' Society ' has historically neglected The Laws of God and then
legitimized those sins we have most in common, into acceptance and practice.

To cite only one example ... We are commanded " Thou shalt not kill ",
and " Thou shalt not commit adultery " ...
Yet, because we find sex enjoyable, and because human laws prohibiting sex
would be realistically unenforceable, we have legislated the taking of lives
of innocents, as a ' right ' of convenience,
in an effort to avoid the consequences of our Original Sin.

We are told in The Holy Koran, that Hell is a place ‘ full of sinners and Jinn ‘
[ Jinn being Satan and the evil angels ] ...

Truth be known ... I must admit, AM a sinner ... and even with my sometimes feeble attempts
to avoid temptation and the near occasions of sin,
I am not always victorious ... nor can I trust myself to constantly
be successful avoiding temptations in whatever future I have remaining to me.
But I AM resolved to keep trying, despite my weaknesses ...
and I will continue to pray to God for the strength to avoid the
spirits of temptation. [ AKA Jinn and other sinners ]

I understand why this concept would be so hard to accept at first,
if only due to the fact that not many people believe that they
have done anything so bad as to warrant ' ourselves ' being cast into Hell
and because of the fact that, while it is not outrightly disputed,
Reincarnation is not readily embraced, nor espoused, by the Western Churches.
However, Reincarnation is alluded to in several places in The Holy Bible
and it is spelled out quite eloquently and quite frequently in The Holy Koran.
And, when I read Scripture, it all makes perfect sense now, in retrospect ...

Adam and Eve were created, and the Forbidden Tree was that of
Carnal Knowledge, hence, Cain and Abel ...
They, as well as Satan and the evil angels were cast out of Eden,
and Satan and the evil angels were given the power to tempt Adam, Eve
and their offspring ( that's us folks ) for ‘ a time appointed ‘ ...

Via the process of reincarnation, we have since spiraled downwards
into the Bottomless Pit of the Hell we continue to create,
through the portals of the womb and the tomb...
( BOTH, Bottomless Pits in their own ways. )

But, don’t despair ... have Hope ... after all, The War between Good and Evil
can only have One Winner, and that WILL be God !!!

We still have our own Free Will ... and IF we use that Free Will to
remember that we are Souls first ...
and use it to transcend our extraneous wants and desires
and then treat the others that we meet on our Paths
as we would wish to be treated, we can overcome Sin ...
and in The End, even Satan will shake his head with regret
and pray for forgiveness.

God truly IS All Forgiving and All Loving and All Merciful.
And Folks, if I am correct, and this ISThe Key to The Bottomless Pit
referred to in Revelations 9 ... Time, as we know it, is waning ...

I know it’s sometimes hard, with all the demands that society, ourselves,
and others, place on each of us daily, mentally, emotionally, and physically ...
But please try to start to consider the Soul first ...
and remember, when it comes down to it, THAT IS the most important battle
that we need to win.

Re-read your Scripture from this vantage point,
... even if only as a possibility ...
then observe the deteriorating conditions of this world we live in,
meditate on it, and pray for understanding.

May God give us strength and The Will to overcome and change.
It’s not too late ...
And may God Bless us ALL ... we can certainly use The Help !!!

Aside from Scriptural references, all material on this page is the
sole property of Charles D. Tuppen III aka StarTupNgo
(copyright 2000 C.D.Tuppen III ( StarTup Ngo)
Please request permission before posting or publishing elsewhere,
or linking to this page from other sites...
However, feel free to pass this link on to any and all that might benifit...

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