A Case For Reincarnation

All the Religious Prophets and Masters seem to have at least a few
similar common threads in their messages.
One being that God’s Kingdom is not of This World...
Another being, that Transcendence over the baser desires and instincts of
This World is not only desirable, but necessary...
Also, The Moral codes of ethics and conduct are basically the same
in most Religions. The way I see it is... Our Soul, ( that common part of each of us that realizes
our ‘incompleteness’) inhabits a physical body for a period of time (Life)...
and it’s most important task is : to atone for, and learn from the past,
as much as possible, and Hope that in The End, (or before) it is found
worthy by it’s intents and actions, to return to God. I have cited numerous passages from varied Scriptures that seem to me
to point to Reincarnation as a fact.
And while more than half of the world’s population believes in reincarnation
in one form or another, we in the Western Churches still seem
to have a problem with the concept.
(owing in large part to the in-action taken by The Roman Catholic Church,
when it was ‘up for discussion’ in the ‘Middle Ages’)
But, I also think that reincarnation was part of Christ’s message to us.
"Unless ye are born again ye cannot enter The Kingdom of Heaven",
and also His returning from Death and proving THIS (‘Life’)
is NOT all there is to us. I think ‘the apple’ from The Tree of Knowledge, was that of Carnal Knowledge ...
and since then... we have all been born from Original Sin.
Passing through the portals of The Womb and The Tomb. I would submit that it is perfectly consistent with the Laws of God
that we see every day around us. Just as the vapor rises to become cloud,
then rain, then river, then ocean and vapor again...
and as the earth becomes the tree, becomes the leaf, becomes the earth again...
and ad infinitum.... everything else in Nature is cycular...
why should WE be any different ?

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