A Prediction of Earth Changes
This prediction is not a matter of Divine Revelation,
but one more of combined observations of physical data and phenomena ...
I believe there will be a major volcanic eruption and a subsequent tectonic plate ' shift '
in at LEAST the Asian Pacific Rim in the relatively NEAR future that will have
devastating consequences for the islands and coastal areas of at LEAST Asia ...
This prediction is based on a combined observation of the increased seismic activity
and volcanic disturbances along the major fault lines in that region,
as well as the increase of solar flare intensity and activity
(with waves of rays that penetrate through the crust and heat the plasma core),
and the recently passed rare alignment of the planets in space.
While most geologic changes usually take many, many years to happen,
I believe that we are about to experience one of the more SUDDEN and catastrophic types
that will be precipitated by several major events in ' relatively ' rapid succession .
The first being major earthquakes and eruptions in the Asian Pacific area ...
and culminating with a major plate shift and immense tidal waves.
As usual, (if you've read my Chapel 'thesis')
I hope I'm WRONG about these observations and conclusions ...
but, it all seems to 'add up' a little TOO well ...
In any event ... be GOOD to each other ... because
whether it be suddenly, or s l o w l y ... we're ALL on our way OUT !!!
If you would like to check out the most recent Earthquake activity ago here :
The Most Recent Earthquakes
And please bear in mind ... I have NO degrees or credentials in ANY Earth Sciences !!!
So don't ' head for the hills ' on my account ... (-;
but, if you DO head for the hills ...
NO FIGHTING !!! ... Just HELPING !!!
we've had MORE than enough fighting already ...

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Chaplain Charlie