My View of Hell

That The Earth may actually in fact, be Hell ...
is a very disconcerting thought.
But, look around you... and even look within...
Scriptures say that Hell will be a place filled with sinners and demons...
and, Truth be known ... I AM a sinner... I’m trying to do, and be, better...
but, I AM a sinner... and I am a constant witness to the fact that I am not alone.
The demons are evil spirits, and visit unknowing Souls...
Sometimes merely tempting, at other times ' possessing ' them.
It was the same in the days of Christ, it remains the same today.
And while only the most severely possessed may exhibit visible symptoms and a trail of evidence...
we ALL have our demons from time to time ...
Those things we yearn for, desire above all else, or would ‘give, or do
anything’ to have... (unquenchable fires)
For some, it’s drugs, for others, sex, money, alcohol, power, control, ad infinitum.
And the ones we have most in common, we legitimize and/or aspire to. The Holy Scriptures are our ‘Directions from God’ and provides us with
rules of conduct and a road map OUT of Hell.

The Most Important Discovery of The Millennium
and go here to read about The MOMENT of Discovery

All material on this page is the sole property of Charles D. Tuppen III
aka StarTupNgo
(copyright 2000 C.D.Tuppen III ( StarTup Ngo)
Please request permission before posting or publishing elsewhere,
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I'm a Licensed Massage Therapist in the state of Florida.
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here for The Chapel In (not OF) Hell
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