The Longer Version of My Precognitive Dream
and My Near Death Experience

The dream was one of being in a shoot out outside a bar with motorcycle
club members and lots of guns ...
In the dream I was looking through MY eyes and could see it all at ground level,
the cars, the big tree, the bikers etc. everything BUT me, as I saw it through my eyes...
It shook me up ... and when I awoke, I remained in a semi fog the entire day,
sort of flashing back to scenes from the dream ...

At the time, I had moved from Buffalo to Colorado and two friends from New York
were visiting me (they came for my birthday while on their vacation trip)
and I mentioned the dream to them ...

There were two other nights of similar dreams ... The dreams were about different things,
but the ' can't shake 'em ' quality was there all day, and it was hard to 'wake up'.

It's no surprise that I was having difficulties waking up, considering my visitors
and our partying... but flashing back to the dreams while in a fog all day was a new experience...

All in all, I mentioned the dreams to at least 3 people that I knew well ...
and I’m pretty sure I mentioned them to a couple of others at the time too...

My two friends left, life returned to normal and I continued to bartend at
the strip joint I worked at until I was involved in a shoot out in the parking lot a month later...
Everything from my dream/vision was there the bikers, the big tree, the guns, the cars
but I didn't think of it then, I was too busy getting shot and almost killed...
Thankfully, the bikers turned out to be friends and one of them had been a medic
in Viet Nam ... or at least he learned their tricks ...
He applied pressure to the femoral artery that had been severed
and the rest of his club took off after the guy that shot me...

The police were later to say that it had been the biggest gun battle in the town since they
used to hitch horses to posts in the old days. There were somewhere around 19 guns involved !
and countless shots fired over a 2 mile foot chase across city streets and through back yards,
and when the police finally surrounded the doughnut store he called them from,
only I, and the guy that shot me had been hit.
(Thank God !)

The ambulance took me to the hospital and I asked them to turn the oxygen off
so I could smoke, insisting that I wasn't going to die, and if I WAS,
I wanted a cigarette first ... and then I told them a couple of jokes that I had recently heard.

The Dr. told me later, that I had no regard for my life at all, he agreed the jokes were funny,
but then he told me that as they wheeled me into surgery and had already given me a sedative
for the surgery, that I propped myself up as much as I could and pulled off the oxygen mask
and said ( 'like in the movies', he said ) " Give it to me straight Doc... am I going to make it ?"
and when he answered "I don't know.... it's going to be close"
that I looked at him, smiled, and said " Okay " and then I passed out...

I remember being at the top of the room at the ceiling looking down, watching and listening
to them as they operated and then just going somewhere ... I don't know where I was ...
but I had company ...

The next thing I remember, was a detective asking me questions as I came back
into consciousness, and shortly afterwards a woman from the hospital billing office
shooing them out and asking me how I planned to pay the $5,000. + bill
for less than 32 hours in the hospital...

I asked one of the bikers ( the one that saved my life ) to break into my house, feed my dog
and bring me back clean clothes and get me OUT of there...
he did... and when they tried to stop me and about 6 bikers at the elevator from leaving, I told them I couldn't afford to stay at their rates and they couldn't keep me against my will... and, under much protest, (and signing releases) we left ...

The bikers and the girls from the club were GREAT ... they stacked one TV on another (so I could watch 2 channels at once [this all happened in PRE 'clicker' days]. they brought me food, cigarettes, etc. and really made sure that I had everything I needed.

But it was two weeks after the shooting, the 'elevated' portion happened ...
I was laying on the couch, reading The Bible and sort of listening to 2 TV's and the radio and I started to nod off... and then, with each 'nod', a new 'slide type' flashback of the was having the dream over a month before the shoot out appeared...
BUT !!! the view wasn't from the perspective that I had when I had the dream, when I could see everyone EXCEPT ME ...
This time it was from telephone pole height, and the OVERwhelming 'feeling' I got when these flashbacks occurred was ... "SEE... we TRIED to warn you !!! " ...
I woke up in a SHOT !!! my heart was racing and I was in AWE !!!
I had SEEN the future before it actually HAPPENED ... and SOMEone had tried to warn me in advance !!!

One of the girls I had told about the dreams brought me books about Edgar Cayce...
a long dead psychic from Virginia Beach ...
The Edgar Cayce books and his 'psychic readings' were the start of my personal ' Quest ' and while I had almost memorized the parables in New Testament in my early teens,
Cayce had read The Bible cover to cover, once for every year of his life.
And while I had always ' believed ' in God ... now, there wasn't even a question of belief ...
God was suddenly FACT !!! and there was SOME kind of connection to dreams and the psychic ...

I had to wait for all the legalities to work themselves out, the local district attorney called
the man I worked for " The Godfather of organized crime in the area "
and sought to make the shoot out a platform to attack him.

But I ultimately moved back to Buffalo and after a couple of years I extricated myself
from ' the bar life ', and after 3 years of operating a retail store and
beginning a wholesale distributor furniture business, and more years of reading
Scripture and psychic material, I wound up volunteering to help out getting the A.R.E.
Kids Camp ready for season and then working at the Edgar Cayce Foundation
( Association for Research & Enlightenment [A.R.E.] ) in Virginia on an intern scholarship.
In exchange, I would be able to attend all the seasonal conferences.
And their library was incredible !
They not only had the original Cayce readings,
but every book imaginable on Spirituality and the Soul as well as all sorts of psychic topics.
They also had all forms of Scripture from all of the major religions of the world.
When the season was over, I was asked if I’d consider staying on, so I did.
Until I was called to come back because of unexplained losses.

After investigating for a short time, I learned of the theft and sale of over $20,000.00
in wholesale merchandise in order to pay off a trusted employees gambling debts.

The businesses folded and after closing them up, I wound up going back to the A.R.E.

The A.R.E. library is where my comparisons of Scripture really began
and the psychic material took a back seat
And after years of research and comparison of multiple religious Scripture,
I reached the conclusion that there is
only One God and that God has sent messengers to different ' peoples ' at different times...
But, because of mankind's obsession with ' possession ' ... 'we' have sought over the years, to ' claim ' God as ' Ours ' when one of the Messengers has come to deliver God's Messages _again_ ...
when , in FACT ... God is not ' ours ' at all ... to the contrary... _we_ all belong to God !!!

Yet we still have the audacity to perform horrendous acts against each other and claim it to be in reverence or obedience to what we believe is God's message to ' us '.

My conclusion may be upsetting, disconcerting and very disturbing, but my ongoing observations and research continues to bear out the veracity of my ' thesis '.

The Most Important Discovery of The Millennium
and go here to read about The MOMENT of Discovery

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I am a Licensed Massage Therapist in the state of Florida ...
Check the The Massage Tips Page
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here for The Headache Page
Here for The Foot Reflexology Page
Here's the Patient Breathing Technique Page
Here for The Sun Poisoning Relief Page
Here's an explanation of The 'Nick', The Star and 'The Gift'
here for The Chapel In (not OF) Hell
or go here for The Bumper-Snicker Page

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sole property of Charles D. Tuppen III aka StarTupNgo
(copyright 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 C.D.Tuppen III
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Chaplain Charlie