Tell Kids The Truth !!!

I wonder if we shouldn't just be completely honest with kids from the beginning ...
There IS no Tooth Fairy, no Easter Bunny, no Santa Claus ...
And instead of birthday celebrations, maybe there should be a ' Welcome to Hell,
( you were born as a result of a carnal act performed by two people
in a moment of passion, driven by biological urges )
Anniversary ' ...
Then expound on that theme as they grow to different ages and stages of understanding ...
teaching them that the things that become ' legal ' for them to DO at certain ages
are not always going to be beneficial experiences for them.
Inform them that we will always Love them as a physical continuation of ourselves,
but also let them know that there may be some times where it appears we are
just too busy with attaining material things to seem like we even care.
And tell them that while we really DO care and love them,
the pressures of society and the needs to provide sustenance,
sometimes seem to overwhelm us, and even totally absorb us at times.
And also warn them that, aside from family ... to be suspicious
of any one else that claims to Love them...
because the type of ' Love ' they may be thinking of is NOT the same kind
as the Love of family or the Love of God.
Warn them that THIS world is FULL of sinners and evil spirits of one sort or another
and that what they need to do to get out of this place of pain and 'enjoyment' of
forbidden lusts, is to read and re-read Scripture,
and then, to become an artful dodger of the many external and internal
temptations to stray from the Commandments of God.
Then, as they grow to experience this thing we call Life, honestly point out the examples
of over indulgence evident as they are seen, in order that they may at least
' reflect ' upon consequences of the many and different types of obsession
and possession here in Hell, prior to making their own choices.
Teach them to treasure and gaurd their innocence, and inform them that there are
countless people that would try to take their innocence away from them,
in one way or another, every day of their lives ...
Teach them that games that promote violence desensitize them, and distort
their perception to the actual consequences in reality,
and that they promote hostile reaction, rather than peaceful contemplation.
Let them know that most governments are made up from an election
of the most convincing of liars, and that they often get elected by saying
what they think the most number of people want to hear,
rather than by stating their inner convictions.
And that they will make deals and conspire amongst themselves
in order to get what they want, and to be reelected.
Point out that the human ' Justice System ' is not always just, OR fair ...
and that money can often buy or evade the human version of Justice.
Teach them that the MOST important LAWS are those that God gave us ...
and many of laws made by man are made to limit ' personal freedoms ',
and that many times businesses are used by government to enforce those laws
through economic policies and other industries that the government regulates.
Expose them to the to the fact that everyone in a sales business is trying
to get the most money they can from them at the highest profit and least cost to themselves.
And that when they take a job, their employer will try to get the
most work out of them for as little payment as possible.
And point out that often what is ' Right '
is seldom what many will claim ' everyone ELSE is doing ' ...
And inform them that while reincarnation can't be ' scientifically proven '
that it IS referred to in Scriptures ... and there are in fact,
countless examples of people remembering portions of previous lives,
or that have so called ' natural abilities ' that were not learned
from any experience, or course of study in this lifetime.
Then point out what mankind has done to the air, the earth and the water
already, and consider whether or not they want to return
another time to this increasingly toxic Earth/Hell that will only be
in worse shape than it is already, upon their return.
And tell them that the most IMPORTANT ' Job ' they will ever have
is to insure their own Soul returns to God...
and that there will not be anyone else that will to take the blame for their sins
when they appear before God for Judgment.
And remind them that God really IS All Loving, All Merciful, and All Forgiving
and has given us ALL ' This Chance ' to earn our return to a place
where there is No hate, No greed, No wants, No needs, No pain, No jealousy,
No hurt, No feeling of separation or aloneness.

The New Testament John 18:36 " My Kingdom is not of this world. " The Holy Koran S. 6.32 " Nothing is the life of this world But play and amusement. But best is the Home In the Hereafter, for those Who are righteous. Will ye not then understand ? "
Be kind to each other folks ... We are ALL on our personal journey OUT of here ... Be of Help and assistance to those you meet on your Path that are in need and will truly benefit. Lighten the burden of another and yours may be lightened as well.

Peace Folks !!! and may God lift the veils from our eyes and Bless us all with Understanding !!!

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The Most Important Discovery of The Millennium
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I am also a Licensed Massage Therapist in the state of Florida ...
Check the The Massage Tips Page
Here for The Spinal Column Page
Here for The Tennis Ball Technique Page (for mid & low back relief)
here for The Headache Page
Here for The Foot Reflexology Page
Here's the Patient Breathing Technique Page
Here for The Sun Poisoning Relief Page
Here's an explanation of The 'Nick', The Star and 'The Gift'
here for The Chapel In (not OF) Hell
or go here for The Bumper-Snicker Page

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All text material on this page (except Scriptural passages) is the
sole property of Charles D. Tuppen III aka StarTupNgo
(copyright 1998, 1999, 2000 C.D.Tuppen III
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Chaplain Charlie

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