Fasting and Self Denial

Fasting is a practice common,
in one form or another, to a number of Religions.
In some Religions, it is a pre-requisite to receiving a Sacrament
or to completion of a Religious obligation.
But, I think there are a multitude of reasons for Fasting
to be considered in itself, Sacramental.

When we fast as a Religious exercise,
it makes us more appreciative of the food the next time we eat,
and therefore, more Thankful to God for the food that sustains
our physical beings.
Fasting might also bring to mind the self denial and suffering
of others in the service of God.
It may also, at times, be useful to strengthen our Will and resolve
when faced with temptation.

But, if done on a regular basis, at some point...
it may cause us to examine our other appetites.
And if we truly observe and examine our hungers,
and hold them up to the Light of God's Commandments ...
We can identify, modify and even eliminate the desires we have
that are forbidden and those that may
cause us, or others, harm.

So Fast slowly, and with Purpose.
Examine hunger from the INside instead of allowing external temptations
to dominate your appetites.

The Most Important Discovery of The Millennium
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