On Turning Bathing Into Re-Baptism

You know how the Rite of Baptism (or bathing in the Ganges, or
washing before Prayer for Muslims) has Sacramental significance in so
many religions ? Well, I got to meditating on it a bit...
and I’ve sort of reinvented it as a more frequent, conscious practice in my life....
We seem to designate ' a day' or an ' age ' for it to be ‘ performed ‘...
and then we consider it to be a Sacrament... but...
I think that if we turn each time we bathe... back into a Sacrament
and ask to be cleansed by God from the inside out...
the act of bathing can be made into a religious experience in our daily lives.
I’ve been doing it (as often as I think of it) for quite a while now...
and I think it's having a positive effect... I can't really describe it...
but if you’ll try it a couple of times... I think you'll experience
what I mean.... and it can be an incredible experience... bordering on Mystical ...
While soaping up real well, I start to pray for my complete cleansing
from the inside, OUT ... from core of my Soul outwards and
through my physical being...
Sometimes I’ll catch myself eye to eye in the mirror as I’m soaping up...
and I’ll stay there for a moment... while an old deed flashes bye...
or, maybe a feeling of unworthiness... or sometimes a Prayer
for strength and resolve... but, each time, when I rinse off...
there's an indescribable feeling as I rinse and watch the suds go down the drain...
That simple deed we take so much for granted, and perform so often...
can be turned into a truly Spiritual experience... and the sense of relaxation,
the resolve to do and BE better, and the inner Peace afterwards is sometimes
amazing... and if practiced on a regular basis, might be very healthy
for the Soul... even if only for the value that it is another occasion
for Prayer, inner reflection and contemplation, and a desire to begin anew.

The Most Important Discovery of The Millennium
and go here to read about The MOMENT of Discovery

I'm also a Licensed Massage Therapist in the state of Florida.
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