Poems and Things

Here are a few selections that people have submitted to me to

be put up here. If you have anything you'd like to submit, fill out

the form and submit something :)


Inspired by an angel (Bridget)


Foster Children

Words to A Dying Father

Best Friends Forever? (To Bridget)

What We Should Do

CrAzY PoEm

My Dark Soul

My World


Lost, Confused, and Alone

Three Words

The Melody Remains

My Shelter

A World Withen A World

Sonnett II

No Other


The Star



"I'll find happiness or madness will find me. I'll get one of them. One will make me live and the one that strikes upon me will seal my fate." -Brandon Blake

Remember, all works on this page or any other page on my web site are copyrighted to the writer(s). Please email them and tell them if you like their works :) If you want to use any of the works on this page, email the writer and ask permission!

There will hopefully be lots more things here in the future, but I
can't put anything up if I don't recieve
any submissions :) Fill out

the form and send me your stuff :) Or, if you have any suggestions,email me:)