To Live a Life of Glory
filled with all there is to See,
But Joy surpasses You
like the World is standing still,
The days are bright and cheerful
You seem to have all in Hand,
But where is the sound of Music?
in a concert without a Band....
Why does Life do this?
Twisted Paths, Opened Doors,
Bright colored lights in an empty dance Floor,
Nothing seems to be right,
Why does Life do this?
A sign of great might, If ever there can be changes,
Can it be done in a night?

But if this be Destiny's scripture then let all be,
Time shall fly by, through the Eyes of

The World around you, tell me what do you see?
Shattered Lives, Dying races, Cruelty, People at War and Poverty.
Is it a blessing for One to have all? Or is it the opposite,
Like the songs of Spring and the Sorrows of Fall.

Let this not bring You to its knees, its Destiny,
for Hope shall guide You away from its misery.
Thou shallt not be bothered, by the great battles ahead,

In this war We are still living As Hope shall not yield
to the dark days and be conquered,
In the air an echoing whisper is heard by Heart and Soul:

Faint light in the horizon, the war has ended.
In this living Masquerade, New faces is what We see,
Rebels have earned their Victory....
Hope shines brighter, Dreams are Reality,
For within all this torment, He remained who He is to be,
In this World life is not that easy, but when one does not lose Hope:
He smiles, Triumphantly at rest:
He has won the Greatest....
The War of a World within a World.