Dachary's Poetry Page

On the quest for the answers of life, we seek clues in many places. Words strike different chords in different hearts. What do my words say to you?

Here's a new short story section of my site.

I've been neglecting my webpage lately, with being extremely busy. I'm going to start updating the poems and short stories soon. Check back soon for some newer, improved, work!

Ok, I realize that no 2 people will be on my web page at the same time, but here's a chat room just in case :)

Here is the section for the submitted works of some talented writers :) Remember, I always welcome new submissions, so if you have any thing you'd like to see published, fill out the form :)

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Last updated Thursday, June 1, 2000

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The design of this page Copyright 1998 by Dachary. Copyrights for all poetry/stories are retained by the poet/author and CAN NOT be used without their permission.