Dachary's Guestbook

Ruth - 08/27/00 08:42:12
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/dancingstar_nz
My Email:jipsees@netscape.net

I enjoyed your site. I like the way you write. Well done! I will be back!!

- 08/27/00 08:40:23


Sean - 06/03/00 06:25:42
My URL:http://scrawnykid.virtualave.net/
My Email:dvader@iname.com

hey, weirdo :) I got bored (ah, when am I not bored?) and I felt like signing.. so, I'm signing.. yeah.. signing am I.. um.. with the Force, signatures you will see... ok, I'm just gonna hit submit now, cause I can't think of anything else to write :)

Scooter Ivy - 03/24/00 02:50:43
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/BrnzBeldin/index.htm

I'm browsing the "Something for Everyone" web ring. Nice job on the site and you have some good writing here.

Mike Esquivel - 12/22/99 03:02:40
My URL:http://www.esqdesign.com/annoyances
My Email:iflip@Theglobe.com

Beautiful poetry Dachary. We share some common interests - Star Wars, books, and Monarchy which I just started playing. I'm already hooked on it though :)

taRan - 11/22/99 00:52:02
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/in/cornland
My Email:saherrin@hotmail.com

hi girl how's it going? havent heard from you in forever! the page looks great! e'mail me sometime your's truley marni

- 11/08/99 20:24:14


Andy (Charmeleon) - 08/13/99 12:10:58
My Email:captainjustin@hotmail.com

Hi. Nice page ;P I'm tak'in a look around now :P

PeterR - 05/31/99 02:11:24
My URL:/Paris/LeftBank/8300
My Email:peptex@mindspring.com

Great site I enjoyed your work....great backgrounds. I cordially invite you to my site...from one poet to another. Hope you enjoy, pls sign my guestbook. PeterR

PeterR - 05/31/99 02:11:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/LeftBank/8300
My Email:peptex@mindspring.com

Great site I enjoyed your work....great backgrounds. I cordially invite you to my site...from one poet to another. Hope you enjoy, pls sign my guestbook. PeterR

Debbie Dixon - 05/26/99 14:14:39
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pe/poems4all/index.html
My Email:Moody53@aol.com

Hi... Really great peotry.. I didn't get to read them all, so I will bookmark your page so I can. Debbie

MariaPia - 05/25/99 01:16:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Breakers/7452/
My Email:mariapia@geocities.com

Flawless, heartfelt, recently-updated and I learned something ... your site meets all the criteria for my Poetry-Prose directory. I'm adding you today so that my visitors and I can come back often. Thanks for the treat! Regards, M.

Ronny Oberlin Jr. - 04/28/99 15:50:17
My Email:oberlin_ron@hotmail.com


Computer - 04/27/99 19:16:36

I'm wondering if you and Sean are intimate or have ever seen each other!

Tommy Vainlife - 04/20/99 21:49:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/athens/cyprus/4522
My Email:vainlife@hotmail.com

very good poetry especially the one about the hand of insanity. check out my site.

'Salem - 04/16/99 01:30:22
My URL:http://disenchanted.cjb.net
My Email:disenchanted@postmark.net

Hi! You are in one of my webrings, and I thought I'd surf through the ring and take a look at all the sites. I love your page! You've really done a lot with it since I last stopped by! I also have been busy with my site -- I've moved to a new domain a d have started an online fantasy webzine. If you would like to visit, please stop on by! And I'm always looking for new submissions for the 'zine! Carpe Diem!

Cheryl Dunlap - 03/15/99 16:01:27
My URL:http://westwood.fortunecity.com/agnes/485
My Email:cheryldunlap@hotmail.com

I enjoyed you web page, and loved your poetry. I am going to add your page on my links if you don't mind.

Connie - 03/04/99 16:51:11
My URL:http://users.lamarelectric.com/~poetry/
My Email:poetry@lamarelectric.com

VERY nice site. keep up the great work!

Binky14 - 02/17/99 10:13:17
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Acopolis/2806
My Email:binky14@hotmail.com

Cool poems.. very peaceful..

Randy - 01/26/99 20:33:13
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/FwoF
My Email:college_dood02@hotmail.com

hey Dach, w'sup? haven't seen ya for a Loong time, but I see your webpage is still doing well? :) I like! :)

Dach's beloved Sean :) - 01/18/99 05:45:30
My URL:I hate my long url....
My Email:dvader@iname.com

OK, in response to the "Mr. Demanding" remark, I'd just like to remind you that I said "ppl still might not know what kind of like you mean," which is technically not a demand, simply an observation.

So there, :Þ
Mr. Technicality :)

Marcie - 01/06/99 02:14:14
My Email:judt@iquest.net

I haven't really looked at your web page in a loooonnngggg time. Now that I've seen how far it has come...all I can saw is...WOW! I know that doesn't describe it but since when have I ever been any good at describing anything? :P Moving poetry and fabu ous graphics make me give your page the frambuesa pequeña sin ojos thumbs up! :) Just don't let your deep thought overwhelm you or you may eventually frighten your potential publishers away and we'll have to institutionalize you. :) TTYL! Marcie :)

Ur Cuz - 12/28/98 03:32:53
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Ridge/7432/
My Email:topgun42@inetdirect.net

You've got a nice site here. Keep up the great work - I am infatuated with your poetry. :-) Good poets make my day.

Sean - 12/06/98 08:41:46
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ia/ScrawnyKid/
My Email:dvader@iname.com

Just felt like signing my favorite firl's guestbook... Mu :)

Brighten - 11/01/98 20:21:13

Love your backgrounds, page setup...makes it easy to peruse your pages. Also enjoyed the poetry page very much...thank you for all your hard work. Brighten

10/26/98 11:31:54
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

Gorfin - 10/23/98 03:17:17
My Email:jlw15@ra.msstate.edu

surfed on thru from monarchy...very nice page and liteture..talent

Kori - 10/08/98 21:20:09
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/paris/rue/1199
My Email:kitkatt22@hotmail.com

Hi Dachary, What a cool name! I know in my mind I'm probably totally pronouncing it wrong, so I apologize for my silent mistake :) I loved looking through your poetry. I've been entertaining the idea in my own mind, that I am a writer as well. Sometimes I do want to laugh when I categorize myself as a poetess or writer, but then if you can't laugh at yourself... I am surfing through the "Webring for Everyone" webring and would like to invite you to visit our home in "Paris." Please stop by if you have a chance. We have lots to see and do, as well as a nice new awards page I recently created. Enjoy your stay when you drop by! ~Kori

Michelle Meux - 10/01/98 17:21:24
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/forum/6193
My Email:purejade@hotmail.com

Great page!

Eventine III - 09/26/98 23:54:42
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/drabed/ors/ors.htm
My Email:EventineII@aol.com

Needs a new post, last one from september. Like the page.

Cindy - 09/25/98 09:37:57
My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy
My Email:cinth@usa.net
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

taRan - 09/21/98 21:53:45
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/in/cornland
My Email:dont have one right now

Dach, hey firl sup? i just got back from NJ yesterday. boot camp sucked.. hehe but i made it :) tell elf i'm sorry but i cant seem to get this freaking library puter to e-mail anyone. that's y i'm signing ur guestbook.. i'm just hoping u check it often. i get to b here for 10 days b4 i report to my unit in seattle. i got stationed on the cgc polar sea.. its the biggest ship the coast guard has. i'm excited.. i'll try to have an e-mail address here real soon so that you all can mail me back and such.. i cant wait to here from y'all. i've been keeping in touch with brandon via mail but i have no idea as to what the rest of you are up to. well anyway my time on the puter is almost up so i'll have to b going.. later, taRan (aka SA Herrin)

Jennifer - 08/16/98 01:21:10
My Email:captainspock2000@hotmail.com

Dach, Jus thought I'd drop in for a visit. It looks great. I always knew that you had talent even if you won't say it yourself. I look forward to reading you work more. I know that one day I will see a book written by you and I'll say that I knew you back i the day. Always remember the little people all around you when they say "hey mister are you tall?" Always answer "yes I'm tall but who are you weirld little wonders?...." We will always be with you in what you do. Molly says hey.

Bekah - 08/13/98 07:17:48
My Email:Bekaha@mailexcite.com

Just stumbled across this page.. SOoo glad I did.. I really loved it.. Great job! ;-)

Chris - 08/07/98 22:38:01
My URL:http://www.liespeopletell.com
My Email:chris@liespeopletell.com

Great Site! Talent like yours is needed for the LIES project at www.liespeopletell.com -- please come by! thanks, Chris

Maria Henninger - 07/24/98 17:01:45
My Email:mhenninger@mwd.dst.ca.us

I realize you get millions of messages in regards to how talented you are. Everything from the background designs to the actual poetry. I just wanted to share that you have a wonderful talent and you touched me. Thank you. Maria

the unknown - 07/21/98 19:23:38
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ct/LostValley
My Email:mthompson@england.com

YOUR PAGE RULES!! The poetry is deep and I love it! keep up the good work!

Martine Barrette - 07/14/98 00:23:12
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Arc/3662/main.html
My Email:wutang_21@hotmail.com

nice page love the poemes and all chek out mine

Ice Jas - 06/29/98 06:59:44
My Email:ice_jas@hotmail.com

Love your poems from heart break, however I couldn't get into misc. poetry. TTFN

Sarah Efird - 05/16/98 05:01:47
My Email:cefird@ctc.net

i love your poems dachary... and they inspire me to wright better...too.. :) thanks..

marni - 05/03/98 03:28:40
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/in/cornland/index.html
My Email:carroll.herrin@worldnet.att.net

Wow Dach! Your page looks great!!!!

Christina (satingirl) - 04/13/98 06:29:08
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ca/satindolljazz/index.html
My Email:rehabgirl@hotmail.com

I liked your poetry, I submitted one of my poems to your site, "Short Lived". I hope you enjoy it, visit my site, it has loads of my poetry stuff! Keep up the good work!

Randy - 04/09/98 14:15:15
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/hills/4041
My Email:hunter1616@geocities.com

uuuuhh.. Nice page Dach, but I'm not sure if it's really you.... Ya oughtta have some marbles rollin around on the floor, just so we know you lost em! :) j/k. me likes yur page :)

Fey - 04/04/98 17:52:52
My URL:http://www.defitex.ch/fey/
My Email:fey@defitex.ch

Hi, there Just passing through, you have a lovely page :-)). Salve Fey

katrina moors - 03/26/98 14:12:13
My Email:moorsk.hotmail.com

i really liked your poems. so could you please email so of your poems. thanks so much-katrina

Tim Miller - 03/18/98 19:56:40
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Academy/9351/
My Email:tim69miller@hotmail.com

Your page is one of the best I've seen. You are a great friend. Anybody reading this, please email me!!!!

Tim Miller - 03/18/98 19:55:38
My Email:tim69miller@hotmail.com

Your page is one of the best I've seen. For more peoms by talented writers, go to my page at http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Academy/9351/

Raul - 03/18/98 17:35:03
My URL:http://starnet.net.ph
My Email:ponjun@starnet.net.ph

Keep up the good work and it's been quite a while since my last visit to your page and it has grown.

Jill:) - 03/12/98 01:43:59
My URL:http://www.speartech.com/
My Email:speartec@iquest.net

Hi Dachary! I just decided to stop by and say hi! I haven't been here for awhile and I apologize. I see I have a lot of poems to read. So how goes it with you? Well, ttyl! Have a good day! --Jillyhead

Kenisha Roberts - 03/06/98 14:32:48


Neil - 03/06/98 02:20:12
My URL:http://pages.cthome.net/artman/

I read all your poetry and its VERY GOOD. I personally liked "Illusion" the best. The layout is very well done with your site. I have a minor suggestion. Well u know how u put the poetry on the main part. If you made separate page with just the poetry tit es and then placed a link on the left frame which made the new poetry title page appear in the left frame. This would make it so u can pick each title in the left and it will appear on the main frame without having to constantly go back to the main page a ain. Just a suggestion =) Best of Luck always, and visit me if possible -Neil-

Bradley - 03/03/98 02:59:16
My URL:http://heartsoul.ml.org
My Email:lmcmillan@southtech.net

What's up cutie? :) Hey it's me writing to you again. It seems i always have to write in a guestbook, but you're the only one really worth writing in. Ok people this woman is a great person. She is cool and stuff. You can find her on mIRC. I use Pirch tho gh. :) You can find her at Chatnet.org port 6667. Her channels are #Jedi-Knight, #Conspiracy and #UmMmM (it's really #UMMMM :). That's all i have to say about this wonderful and beautiful woman that i love so dearly. :) *kiss* P.S. if you check out my site before March 15 there won't be any thing there.

Peter R. - 03/02/98 01:30:24

Nice site!

Angel Twin - 03/01/98 04:54:34
My URL:/Wellesley/6216/welcome.html
My Email:xmzb48a@prodigy.com

Beautiful poetry. I enjoyed my visit. Come by and see me and don't forget to sign the guestbook so I'll know you were there!!

James&Ness - 02/28/98 10:23:21
My URL:/Paris/Rue/9663/index.html
My Email:jamesness@mailcity.com

You got a neat site here! I just love your poems especially one that talks about "Patience". Ah!! James and I wish that we could be together soon but there is always that word "Patience"... Please visit our site and share us your wonderful thoughts. Lovingly yours, Ness (and James)

Ernest Serna - 02/22/98 23:57:56
My Email:goatman1@hotmail.com

Wonderful page. I enjoyed reading some of your poems, I like the imagery you use. If you have some time please stop by mine

ANGEL TRIMMER - 02/20/98 06:34:26
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ia/Angeltrimmer/index.html
My Email:Somersun@hotmail.com

I really liked your web page...pretty neat! I hope you'll come sign my guest book.... as I'd love to have you.

linteena - 02/20/98 03:36:34
My URL:linteena's lovelies
My Email:linteena@geocities.com

your page is really nice the poetry is very deep and the vocabulary is good i am a poet myself--come visit my site if you want!

Marisa - 02/19/98 03:11:51
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Rue/6454/
My Email:risajunior@hotmail.com

Hey, really great page you got here! I love it! Those poems rule! Talk to you later on mIRC :)

Andy Elliott - 02/09/98 20:54:39
My Email:coolboarder1@hotmail.com

You have a cool website. Very interesting.

Jamie - 02/05/98 05:07:08
My URL:http://members.aol.com/JamieL2000/poemsart.html
My Email:JamieL2000@aol.com

Great Poetry! I really enjoyed my visit. Keep up the great work.

Captain Harlock - 01/15/98 04:49:54
My Email:everett@wit.edu


Katarina - 01/02/98 05:40:30
My Email:KatarinaE@hotmail.com

Great page :o)

Deane P. goodwin - 12/18/97 21:27:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/athens/olympus/1466/index.html
My Email:rdphcarter@geocities.com

I like the pages and the poetry, but think the site could be enhanced by addding a few more visually interesting elements. This can be done without distracting from the work See my site for example. any ? mail me.

Kerry - 12/11/97 05:08:44
My Email:jbrock9083@aol.com


LovingDemon - 12/10/97 18:00:52
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ak/SoulHatred
My Email:TZQE84B@prodigy.com

Hi i don't know you, you don't know me but i wanted to say I really loved your poetry, always continue to write. i found your page on my friend Johny's page, anyways you don't care. I also write, you can always check out my page, but if you do, if anyone doe , please leave me a email to tell me what you thought. Great work, continue.. bravo ;) -Patrick aka:LovingDemon

^Dolphin^ - 11/30/97 18:30:03

hey no offense but not alot of ppl have sighned your guestbook well i'm not gonna touch on that much i just wanted to say that i have always thought EvlJester to be crazy and noy i'm SURE of it :) hehehe (i couldnt resist after reading his entry) well love and best wishes KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!! (or else >=) ^Dolphin^

Zachary (A.K.A. ^Dolphin^) - 11/30/97 18:18:40
My URL:http://dont have one.com
My Email:annzac@cei.net

hello dach, i really love your page and i can realate to all the poems except the 2 to bradly and noones child well i'm gonna pay another visit to Red's page

Jerec - 11/27/97 23:17:39
My URL:http:// some where one geocities don't ask me where =)
My Email:padre@howenet.com

once my page is finshed being reconstructed then u will know the site that if u want to know . btw cool page mara keeep up the work and other stuff . peace out . Jerec

Stevruski - 11/27/97 18:46:55
My URL:http://home1.gte.net/leckvold/index.htm
My Email:leckvold@gte.net

Hi there, awesome page, Dach. Maybe i'll submit something sometime...

Vader - 11/27/97 03:35:03
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Arcade/6471/
My Email:rutver@means.net

Cool page

Renee - 11/23/97 14:50:52
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/LeftBank/9211
My Email:ladyrenee1@ideasign.com

Very interesting words you have written here. They touch me deeply. I would wish for you to have light in your life. My Best, Renee

Makke - 11/23/97 08:48:41
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Downs/6444/
My Email:makke@nettilinja.fi

Great site you have here. As the manager of PenRing I really loved visiting here. Please take a look at my other www site Finnish F1GP2 Series.

kristin - 11/18/97 15:04:10
My Email:don't have a computer

You are truly a great poet. I need to get me one of these computers. I hope you will use your God giving abilites to your advantage. Heck if I ever need to write a poem you will be the first person that I will come to for inspiration. Keep smiling!

Sara (aka KISSFreak) - 11/18/97 03:03:25

Hey Dach! Great site with a lot of potential! Hmmmm...The ppl who signed below this said it all, so i say, "What they said! With a cherry on top! :)" I won't advertise KISS like jill did with the Wallflowers, but Kiss is the hottest band in the world. Sorry enough of that. Dach you rock as a poet. In the words of a great hawaiian wise man, "May your coconuts never hang lower than your grass skirt." oh wait that's not right....hehe. Wrong saying. "May your father never say he felt you." No that's not right either. (not that anyone who reads this will get that anyway!) "May the purple cows never graze in Fred's pasture." No, that's not it. "Melons good! Nanners bad!" Ok, now that's just silly. :) Those were the wise words of Marcie the kiwi. "M y your insanity never leave you because all good writers were insane at one time or another." hehe:) "Nevermore...Nevermore..." So I'll end this insane message in the words of, well, some writer (begins with an "S" and ends in "ara"), "You are truly one of God's precious metals, because of all the artists a poet can be favored among the golden." Take care and keep writing- don't forget me when you're famous. :) I'll illustrate for your books! :)

Jill:) - 11/17/97 23:52:44
My URL:http://imusic.com/cgi-bin/bbs/bbs.cgi?x=wallflowers
My Email:speartec@iquest.net

First of all, that's not my web site, but Imusic's Wallflowers BB. I recommend this site to everyone obsessed with the music group The Wallflowers, fronted by the adorable Jakob Dylan. Jake (who plays rhythm guitar) is backed by a rocking rhythm section Mario Calire on drums (he's got the cutest curls) and Greg Richling on bass (he's a cutie too:). The 'enigmatic' Michael Ward plays lead guitar. Rami Jaffee smooths out the band with his wonderful keyboarding. Ok, enough of the advertising (sorry Dak couldn't resist!). This looks like it's gonna be a great page! I haven't had time to read all the poems, but things look good so far! Keep up the good work, your work will defintiely be professionally published someday! Have a jazzy day:) Your friend, Jill, aka Flowerhead:)

Marcie - 11/17/97 21:36:48
My Email:judt@iquest.net

Hey Dac :) The page is looking good so far. I know and you know you are a good poet and writer even though you won't admit it. There is no doubt in my mind that you will be published some day. I'm as certain of this as I am of Adam getting published a d Jill going to a wallflowers concert sometime. I just have a feeling about it. Anyways, never loose hope. Success and happiness will find you soon. TTYL :)

Adam - 11/17/97 05:15:11
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Olympus/1999
My Email:flying@comports.com

keep up the good work dach, you'll get it!

EvlJester - 11/17/97 05:05:14
My URL:http://donthaveone.com joking
My Email:not availble at this time

Dach ill call you Dach since on the web page it says Dachary instead of mara.Ok you have some good poems darkness and despair are my favorite.You and Adam should both be poet partners or something like that i dont even know if they do that anyways.Well im gonna hire you and adam to be my royal poets and stuff that is if you take the job and other people reading this you have no clue what im talking about so hahaha you think im crazy and stuff oh yeah sorry back to the guestbook.Lets see oh yeah if i could rite poetry like that i would never leave the house!Beavis and butthead always said that sorry ok well i think i probaly singed this thing the longest but it was cool and now i know where to get poems from for english ;) later Dachary btw first time i sai that cool huh and bye people who look at me with awe and wonder

Dachary - 11/17/97 04:59:47
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Olympus/6830/
My Email:dachary@iquest.net

Hope you enjoy it :)