About Me

Hmm... I think it's time for some MAJOR revamping. As some of you might have noticed, my web page hasn't been updated in what some people would consider a very long time. This is due to several factors. 1. I haven't written much in the past year or two. 2. Things have been very hectic in my life. 3. My computer decided to have fits for the last 8 months or so. As a result of this last fact, most of the things I've written were lost, as well as all of my nice html goodies. Until recently, I've been too lazy to do it by hand :P Things happened and I did not get to attend New York University. I still cherish my dreams of getting a PhD in philosophy and becoming a professor, but those thoughts seem less and less likely with each passing day. My life is at an interesting point, at the moment. I have been working at an OfficeMax for the past 9 months or so. I can ritually be found in the copy center, "making things pretty." My perfectionistic tendencies have not deserted me with the absence of formal education, it seems. I am also engaged, to a man I met on the internet. It's a pretty cliche romance. I went to visit him on a mini-vacation, needing a break from my life and the most recent failed relationship. I met him, stayed with him for a week, and decided I couldn't leave without him to return home when the time came. He came home with me, because I had a job to attend and he was very recently unemployed... and we've lived together ever since. Sometime in March, we got officially engaged. (I can't even remember the date, I'm a pitiful excuse for a female :P No wedding date or real plans yet, but I will post updates as they come. We are in the process of doing the research necessary to start our own business. We plan to open a store that sells PC video games, console games (Playstation, N64, etc.), Magic the Gathering supplies, and tabletop gaming stuff. (AKA Dungeons and Dragons, etc.) We have a very active D&D group, finally... it's currently MY turn to DM and it's been an interesting journey. This time, I REALLY intend to update my webpage on at least a semi-regular basis. After all, what else am I gonna do in those long days, sitting in our store, playing on the computer? We'll also have a store webpage, and I'll post the link when it arrives. Stop by here or there when ya get a chance, and see what interesting things might pop up. Oh, yeah, and the obligatory... need to contact me? Until I come up with a pretty button, you can just click here.