Have you ever had a broken dream that you saved for a rainy day You forget all about it until the storm clouds are in the sky and in your heart You remember the feelings you had when you had that false hope Feelings of joy, like a little boy Your problems weree so easy to cope with Then She left you your heart crashed into a sea of darkness and despair the hope you had of a deeper love fell into the depths of Hell You put that feeling aside and hoped it would never return You thought you could forget it Until that flame started to burn You pull the knife and place it on your wrist And say life's not worth the effort You stand there alone in the darkness Pressing that evil blade harder and harderr Deeper and deeper into your flesh You break the skin liquid of life pours out of your veins You are slowly diminishing into the realm of death until... A bright light illuminates your dark soul You take all your remaining strengh to look up and see the angel She touches your heart and the fatal wound heals You look at the angel and ask why why did you save such a pitiful soul And the angel with her heavenly voice Spoke the words of true hope "Because I love you." Do you have a hope? Or are you saving it for a rainy day? Rainy days don't always come Life could end at any given moment Stored hopes might never get the chance Your hopes are worth the effort because you never know what might happen Tommorow your hope might come true There are heavenly angels out there that will make your hopes come true