Chronos Apollonios' "Home on Olympus"

Solar System Anomaly Images

Links to anomaly images not yet featured on pages of this site

Latest News 8-20-1999:

This page is temporarily no longer being updated regularly due to other pressing projects. The most recent, up-to-date form of this page (which will be updated yet again as soon as possible) can be found at the newer mirror site:

Solar System Anomalies II

The image tables at both these sites are soon to be broken down into additional versions accessible by major subjects, for your convenience.

Still more, all-new anomaly images can be found at the brand-new site

Solar System Anomalies III

Please update your bookmarks accordingly, and thank you!

(Scroll) down the page for the new image table

At the time of this writing, conspicuous and convincing anomalies have been spotted on as many as TWENTY bodies of the solar system. Sample images for anomalies from the moons of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune appear near the bottom of this page.

At present, this is only a make-shift list for your convenience. As time allows, hopefully very soon, I will fill in the missing links to original images, etc. These are routinely from well known space images and www sources that are easily found with search engines. All of these images have been posted one or another of the BBSs listed above, where I encourage you to also report any anomalies you may find yourself, and you may wish to register your finds with the Solar System Mysteries BBS. Posted codes in this chart such as MR (Mars BBS), V (Venus BBS), MN (Moon) etc, which indicate the location of BBS posting and accompanying text, will also be accompanied eventually by the date of first posting.

When time allows (I have been hunting anomalies with my imaging tools literally far faster than I have been able to learn to use them well) these images will be re-done with better quality, but for now, they should prove to be adequate anomaly maps for those truly willing to have an honest look with open eyes and open minds.

In regards to the Venus images, the CD-ROM data that mysteriously and conveniently disappeared within a week of my announcements of the astonishing contents of those images, as of three days ago had not returned to the web by the end of March as was promised, and no explanation was given for the further delay. Some smaller, if somewhat less useful, versions of some of these images still remain available at the time of this writing, April 2, 1999.

All "MOC" image material appears courtesy of MSSS (Malin Space Science Systems) and any and all MOC images referred to (where direct links from this page have not yet been provided) can be found at the MSSS site.

Coming soon: Explantory notes, Frequently-Asked Questions (FAQ), and Space Image and Information links pages

NEW! Anomaly Hunter's Tool Kit (basic)

Other Anomaly and Anomaly Hunter Pages:
MARS REVEALER * kksamuria: Moon * kksamuria: Mars * Life on Mars * The Peculiar Rocks of Mars
Mike Bara's Lunar Anomalies * The Enterprise Mission* I Wonder Productions
The McDaniel Report
Anomaly BBSs (Bulletin Boards):
Mars * Moon * Venus * Europa * Solar System Mysteries

kksamuria's amazing New Mars Face discovery!

Brian Crowley and Anthony Pollock's incomparable book,

"Return to Mars"

(Now sold out; web excerpts and others available)
YES, there is still a FACE ON MARS at CYDONIA!!!
Dr. Bruce Cornet: The Cydonia Face and Hatshepsut's Sphinx
... and a Cydonia face on Earth!!!
Dr. Bruce Cornet: The Cydonia II Report
Cydonia Report II Mirror Site

Washington: District of Cydonia

Was Washington D.C. modeled after Cydonia?
More fine anomaly and space image pages:
Lan Fleming/VGL * Debris from a Lost Civilization?
Holger Isenberg* Holger's New mars-news Domain *The Construction of Cydonia
Graham (Main index page)* Mars Pathfinder Anomaly Page Haunted Mars * Cydonia BioMesa* Mars Anomalies
Cydonia Revealed* Mars: A Closer Look*Anomalous Images*Adam Marturana * Mars in the Morning
Cydonia 2000 (can you help rebuild site?)* FarStar7: Mars Anomalies * Viking Lander 1&2 Anomalies
Martian Petroglyphs * Cydonia Mensae and More * Peter Blinn: Latest on Mars * Fiontar on Cydonia Face
The Anomalies of Mars * Mars Pathfinder Anomalies * Eagles Disobey dot com * North Lunar Pole
Description Posted Source
Anomalies in Ammavaru image section
Anomalies surrounding Ammavaru hourglass
Bat’s head, snail, balance, etc. MR MG 0045 F05N273;1
Wolf’s head and other anomalies MR F00N000;1
“Mermaid” statue, spacecraft V MG 0003 F45S349;1
“Mermaid” etc., Color map of anomalies V MG 0003 F45S349;1
Anomalies from “Mermaid” source image V MG 0003 F45S349;1
“Mermaid Mound”, etc. V MG 0003 F45S349;1
Anomalies from MG 0003 F14N340;1 V MG 0003 F14N340; 1
Lavinia anomalies V
Quetzapetatl corona anomalies V (Aricebo)
Magellan MG 0019 series anomalies V MG 0019
Anomalies from MG 0033 C100N197;1 V MG 0033 C100N197;1
Anomalies from MG 0020 C130N081;1 V MG 0020 C130N081;1
Venera 13 anomalies V Venera 13
Venera 14 anomalies V Venera 14
Venera 9 & 10 anomalies V
Anomalies surrounding “Smiley” crater MR MSSS MOC2-89
Anomalies surrounding “Smiley” crater MR MSSS MOC2-89
Anomalies surrounding kksamuria’s “Martian Warrior” MR
More Martian anomalies MR
Fish and assorted anomalies MR
Anomalies in Utopia Planitia “half face”
Utopia Planitia faces and Capricorn symbol MR
Anomalies on and around “Butterfly” MR MSSS MOC2-97
Possible hieroglyphs on “Cobra” MR MSSS MOC2-97
Whimsical comparison of “Cobra’ and real hieroglyphs MR
Anomalies in "embossed" MSSS image MR MSSS MOC2-90
Anomalies surrounding “Cobra” MR MSSS MOC2-97
More anomalies in “Butterfly” image MR MSSS MOC 2-97
“Butterfly” anomalies #2 MSSS MOC2-97
Anomalies in Kassei image #1 MR
Anomalies in Kassei image #2 MR
Anomalies in Kassei image #3 MR
Mesa anomalies in Kassei image MR
Coprates Chasma anomalies #1 MR MSSS MOC2-76
Coprates Chasma anomalies #2 MR MSSS MOC2-76
Coprates Chasma “wedge”, etc MR MSSS MOC2-76
Anomalies in MSSS “Snow” image MR MSSS MOC2-101
Pavonis Mons Pits anomalies MR MSSS MOC2-99
Sphinx and pyramids in MSSS “Snow” image MR MSSS MOC2-101
Anomalous spacecraft in MSSS “Snow” image MR MSSS MOC2-101
Collage of anomalies in “Snow” image MR MSSS MOC2-101
Spacecraft “camouflaged” by similar natural terrain MR MSSS MOC2-104
Collage of anomalies in MOC 2-103 MR MSSS MOC2-103
Humorous demo re: MSSS image release quality MR MSSS MOC2-103
Overly dark initial anomaly map MR MSSS MOC2-104
Enlargement of anomaly observed by MARS REVEALER MR MSSS MOC2-105
Blue dot showing form like lunar Lobachevsky anomaly MSSS MOC2-105
Sam’s great discovery has several ships on it MR MSSS MOC2-104
Comparison re: MSSS image release quality MR MSSS MOC2-105
Anomalies in Clementine Image #1 MN Clementine Browser
Anomalies in Clementine Image #2 MN Clementine Browser
Anomalies in Clementine Image #3 MN Clementine Browser
Anomalies in Clementine Image #3B MN Clementine Browser
Anomalies in Clementine Image #4 MN Clementine Browser
Anomalous lunar details MN
Apollo 14 “hubcap” anomaly MN
Collage of lunar anomalies MN
Anomalous petroglyphs on Apollo 17 sample MN Apollo 17
Anomalous petroglyphs on 2nd Apollo 17 sample MN
Anomalous petroglyphs from Apollo 17 MN
Apollo 16 anomalous petroglyphs MN Apollo 16
Apollo 16 “pillars” and “igloos” MN
Apollo 15 anomalies #1 MN AS15-10075722
Apollo 15 anomalies #2 MN AS15-10075271
Apollo 15 anomalies #3 MN AS15-10075747
Apollo 15 anomalies #4 MN AS15-10075729
Apollo 16 Lobachevsky crater anomalies (MUST-SEE!) MN,MR AS16-10075825
Apollo 11 anomalies MN
Comparison of Dogon art and Lobachevsky anomalies MN
Ptolemaeus anomalies MN
First color map of amazing anomalies on Europa E,MR
Collage: Rhea, Tethys, Dione, Enceladus, Mimas MR
Collage: Proteus, Triton MR
Collage: Ariel, Miranda, Umbriel MR

Anomaly Hunter's Tool Kit (basic)

Paint Shop Pro / Animation Shop
(free demo downloads from Jasc Software. Some site options support resumable downloads)
L-View Pro Homepage
Adobe Photoshop
(& other free Adobe tryouts)
Adaptive Contrast Enhancement
The Amazing MOC-O-MATIC Comb
Never Expire 2
(Demo Extender from Advanced Multimedia Limited)
Additional space anomaly text and images pages of this site:
The Face On Mars (I'm Not Kidding)
The Dragon Thirsts and the Phoenix Rises
Mars, the Templars, and the "Finishing Force"
The Holy Grail, Part Two: The Mars Connection
Cydonia Faces in Southern Oregon?
The Grail Under the Double Rainbow series: Mars and Venus, the Treasure of the Templars? (text and images):
Part One*Part Two*Part Three* Part Four*Part Five*Part Six*Part Seven
The Monuments of Venus
Part Nine*Part Ten*Part Eleven*Part Twelve*Part Thirteen*Part Fourteen* Part Fifteen* Part Sixteen

NEW! Updated May 7, 1999! With the exception of new Venus and Europa images (coming soon), which can be found on kksamuria's Venus and Europa BBSs, these are most of the solar system anomalies images produced since this page was first assembled.

I've done something a little different here, it's making more sense to make a single code of the source (plus date) and the text link. These take you to the original BBS post, where the images also appear, along with relevant text and comments and often verbal descriptions of more anomalies not indicated by the image presentation. When time allows, all of these will be filled in with the dates of posting and linked up to the original posts.

Descriptions preceeded by an asterisk (*) are images not at this site but which will be part of an upcoming "sister site" featuring Solar System Anomalies and space-related materials and links. Due to storage limitations, many of the space images now appearing at this site may be eventually relocated there, so stay tuned!

MGS image material whose source image numbers and links contain the abbreviation "(Br)", instead of the corresponding number and letter, refer to the Mars Global Surveyor Browse pages, where you can find not only the letter coded part of the image in question, but view whole image and the thumbnails linked to the larger image sections.

Description Post Date/Text Source/Link
MOC2 105 (sloppy!)MR MOC2 105
Petroglyphs MR,4/5 (Pathfinder)
Petroglyphs MR,4/5 (Pathfinder)
Collage of anomalies MR MOC2 105
MOC2 107 anomalies MR,4/6 MOC2 107
MOC2 108 anomalies MR,4/ 7 MOC2 108
MOC2 109 anomalies MR,4/ 8 MOC2 109
Eye with possible sacred geometry MR,4/8 Armch. Astr. 37*x87* lgst.
Possible North Polar Pentagon MR Armch. Astronaut, lgst.
kksamuria's New Mars Face geometry MR,4/9 x
Petroglyphs MR,4/9 (Pathfinder)
Anomaly in crater MR, 4/9 MOC2 112
MOC 605 anomalies MR,4/9 MOC 605
MOC 110 anomalies MR,4/10 MOC2 110
MOC2 112 anomalies MR MOC2 112
kksamuria's New Mars Face:
possible area geometry
MR,4/11 Armchair Astronaut
MOC 1303 anomalies MR,4/12 MOC 1303
MOC 2303 anomalies MR MOC 2303
MOC 605 anomalies MR
MOC2 115 anomalies MR,5/14 MOC2 115
MOC2 116 anomalies MR MOC2 116
Collage of Martian faces MR,4/15 x
Collage of Martian faces MR x
Mesoamerican "Mars Face" art MR,4/16 x
MOC2 119 anomalies MR MOC2 119
MOC2 115 anomalies:
Face inside pentagon?
MR MOC2 115
M0C2 115: Pyramid? MR MOC2 115
Repair of overenlarged MGS source image MR MGS 13305d
MGS 25603 anomalies MGS 25603
MOC2 120c anomalies MR,4/19 MOC2 120C
MOC2 120c MR,4/19 MOC2 120C
MOC2 102 anomalies MR MOC2 102
MOC 2802 anomalies MR MOC 2802
*MGS 41104 anomalies MR MGS 41104b
MGS 06304d anomalies x MR,4/23 MGS 06304d (Br.)
*MGS 04206a anomalies MR 04206a
*MGS 54004b anomalies MR MGS 54006b (Br)
*MGS 46904a anomalies MR MGS 46904a (Br)
*MGS 48605c anomalies MR MGS 48605c (Br)
*MGS 22304g anomalies MR,4/25 MGS 22304g (Br)
*MGS 23304e anomalies MR,4/25 23304e
* MGS 38903f anomalies MR,4/26 MGS 38903f (Br)
*MGS 09003e anomalies MR MGS 09003e (Br)
More Cydonia anomalies MR,4/27 MSSS Cydonia
(Economy size!) (Extra strength!):
More "Cydonia-like" faces
Mars BBS Post
*MGS 42404c anomalies MR MGS 42404c (Br)
*MSS 23903h anomalies MR MGS23903h (Br)
Another large Cydonia-like face MR MGS 49704 (Br)
Greco-Roman “Cameo” profiles MR,5/1 MGS 52903f (Br)
*MGS 52903d anomalies MR,5/1 MGS 52903d (Br)
*MGS 52903f anomalies MR,5/1 MGS 52903f (Br)
Viking context image anomalies MR,5/3 MGS Viking Context Img.
Interesting MGS image Browse page
Response to critics and anomalies MR MGS 23205b
MOC2 121 anomaly map MR MOC2 121
MOC2 122 anomaly map MR MOC2 122
MOC2 122 anomaly map MR MOC2 122
MOC2 122 anomalies MR MOC2 122
MOC2 121 anomalies MR MOC2 121
MOC2 121 anomalies MR MOC2 121
A Martian mine shaft?, etc. MR,5/6 MGS 50103d
"I Never Forget a Face" MR,5/6 MGS 07087a
*A Hand on Mars? MR,5/6 MGS 51303_gr
*More Martian faces? MR,5/7 MGS 09705d
MGS 38803 (descriptive text only) MR,5/7 MGS 38803 (Br)
*Profile cluster from Viking MR,5/7 MGS 00603_gr
*More Martian faces? MR,5/10 MGS 11503c
*Some possible faces MR,5/11 MGS 03001b (Br)
*MOC2 124 Anomalies MR,5/12 MOC2 104
*A "D&M" shape near 19.5, etc. MR, 5/14 (Armchair Astronaut)
*Cydonia BioMesa Anomalies MR x
*Cydonia Face “subanomalies” MR,5/17 x
*Multiple Profile near New Face MR,5/17 x
*“Pueblo” structures near New Face MR, 5/17 x
*Multiple Profile near New Face, V2 MR,5/17 x
*Shark anomalies etc. near New Face MR, 5/18 x
*Cydonia like features near New Face MR,5/18 x
*Relationship of Cydonia-like features to New Face MR,5/18 x
*MGS Sancho Panez anomalies MR,5/21 x
*Sancho Panez (Viking) Anomalies MR,5/21 x
A *Martian Castle? MR,5/21 x
*MGS 53305b MR,5/21 x
*MGS 07404d Anomalies MR,5/21 x
*Viking Context 02303_gr MR,5/22 x
*MGS 26005c MR,5/22 x
*Viking Context 46104_gr MR,5/22 x
*Viking Context 01706_gr MR,5/22 x
*Revised version of profiles MR,5/22 x
*Symbol Island vicinity MR,5/25 x
*Symbol Island vicinity #2 MR,5/25 x
*MGS 09703a MR,5/52 x
*MGS 09703b MR,5/25 x
*MGS 09703c MR,5/25 x
*MGS 09703d MR,5/25 x
*MGS 09703e MR,5/25 x
*Martian "Mega-Mesa" MR,5/27 x
*Mirrored-Half version of "Mega-Mesa" MR,5/27 x
*MOC2 127b Anomalies 5/28 MOC2 127b
*MOC2 129b 5/30 MOC2 129b
*Apollinaris Patera anomalies MR x
*MOC2 131 Anomalies MR,6/3 MOC2 131
*MOC2 132 Anomalies MR 6/4 MOC2 132
*Re: Graham's amazing Cydonia work MR x
*VO2_007b94 Anomalies MR VO2_007b94
*Sarcophagial anomaly? MR, 6/8 VO2_479b71
*"The Mayan Rabbit" returns MR, 6/8 VO1_0083a37
*V02_248b57 Anomalies MR, 6/8 VO2_248b57
*A Coelacanth monument? MR VO1_083a37
*Coelacanth comparison MR,6/8 VO1_083a37, etc.
*VO2_176b02 Anomalies MR VO2_176b02
*"Mayan Rabbit"=tachyon? MR,6/9 Misc.
*Ceraunius & Uranius #1 MR,6/10 x
*Ceraunius & Uranius #2 MR, 6/10 x
*Ceraunius & Uranius #4 MR,6/10 x
*Ceranuius & Uranius #5 MR, 6/10 x
*Hadriaca Patera Anomalies #1 MR,6/11 x
*Hadriaca Patera Anomalies #2 MR,6/11 x
Arsia Mons Anomalies (#2) MR,6/12
A "Double D&M Pyramid"? MR,6/15 MGS 47604e
Coprates anomalies MR,6/16 APOD MGS Coprates
Meridiani Face Crater Twin MR,6/17 MGS 24106_gr (Br)
Crater double profile MR,6/17 MGS 24106_gr (Br)
Viking Context 40805_gr Anomalies MR,6/18 MGS 40805_gr
Anomalies near Meridiani "twin" crater MR MGS 24016_gr
38904_gr Face & Cydonia MR,6/30 MGS
White Rock: "sarcophagus anomaly"? MR,6/30 x
MOC2 141a anomalies MR,7/1 MOC2 140a
MOC2 141b Mysteries MR,7/1 MOC2 140b
Anomalies "near" Meridiani Face MR AA
Anomalies near "Meridiani Twin" MR,7/7 AA
Armchair Astronaut #1 MR AA
Armchair Astronaut #2 MR AA
Armchair Astronaut #3 MR AA
MGS 22205b anomalies MR,7/8 MGS 22205 (Br)
Pathfinder anomalies MR,7/8 x
White Rock Faces MR,7/4 White Rock Gallery
MOC2 142(b) Cydonia #1 MR,7/8 MOC2 142b
MOC2 142c Cydonia #2 MR,7/8 MOC142c
MOC2 142c Cydonia #3 MR,7/8 MOC2 142 c
MOC2 142 Cydonia #4 MR,7/8 MOC2 142
MOC2 142 Cydonia #5 MR,7/8 MOC2 142
MOC2 142 Cydonia #6 MR,7/8 MOC2 142
MOC2 132: Mesoamerican Connection? MR,7/9 MOC 142
(MOC2 142) Mesoamerican Connection, V. 2 MR,7/13 MGS 23008 (Br)
Faces of Meridiani Twin? MR,7/14 MGS 24106_gr
Meridiani speculations MR,7/14 x
Meridiani and Twin compared MR,7/14 x
A ship on kksamuria's anomaly? MN,4/4 x
Apollo 14 Follies #1 MN (A14)10075437
Apollo 14 Follies #2 MN,4/15 (A14)10075656
Pyramid complex, etc.? MN,4/15 (A15)10075729
Apollo 14 Follies #3 MN,4/15 (A14) Misc.
*A "Lunar Sphinx"? MN, 4/28 x
Face in lunar crater Menelaus (links) MN, 5/12 (A17) Misc.
*Why did they call it "Weird Rock"? MN,5/14 (A14) Misc.
*Apollo 17 Anomalies #1 MN,5/14 20117153
*Apollo 17 Anomalies #2 MN,5/14 20123932
*Apollo 17 Anomalies #3 MN,5/14 20123950
*Apollo 17 Anomalies #4 MN,5/14 x
*Apollo 17 Anomalies #5 MN,5/14 x
*Apollo 17 Anomalies #6 :-) MN,5/14 x
*Apollo 14 Anomalies MN,5/25 A. 14 20149505
*Lunar Farside Anomalies MN, 6/10 Farside
*Sarcophagial anomaly? MN,6/10 Farside
Marius Hills anomalies 7/9 x
lo5_h168_2 anomalies 7/4 lo5_h168_2
Markham Crater anomalies V,4/7 mgn_c200n131 page
Corona Chain anomalies V,4/7 mgn_c314s300 page
Anomalies imaged by Pioneer V,4/7 pv-sar1
Anomalies imaged by Pioneer #2 V,4/7 pv-slope
Ammavaru lava flow anomalies" V Source Image/Source page
PIA00468.20301 anomalies V,4/13 PIA00468.20301
Machu Picchu-like city V PIA00468.20301
MG0021c160n125 anomalies V,4/22 MG0021c160n125
*"Magln19" anomalies V Magln19
*"Magln12" anomalies V Magln12
*"Magln11" anomalies V,4/27 Magln11
*"Magln11" anomalies #2 V,4/27 Magln11
*"Magln 13" anomalies V,4/27 Magln13
*Face in crater in Ammavaru image V,4/30 Ammavaru
*"Cameo" profiles in Alcott Image V, 5/10 Alcott at SEDS
*Another version of Ammavaru V,5/25 x
*Lada Regio D&M #1 etc. V,5/25 x
*Lada Regio D&M #2 etc. V,5/25 x
*Magellan C_145n011 V,5/26 x
*Magellan f55s355 V,5/26 x
*Magellan C1_30s009 V,5/26 x
*"P08" Anomaly V,6/7 "P08"(ETP)
*"P05" Anomalies V,6/7 "P05"(ETP)
P09 Face anomaly 7/1 P09
MG0043 c130n279 anomalies 7/1 x
MG0021 c160n125 anomalies 7/1 x
MG0002 c145s350 anomalies 7/1 x
MG0002 c145s350 anomalies #2 7/1 x
(Mg) c130n255 anomalies 7/1 x
(Mg) c130s207 anomalies 7/1 x
(Mg) c130s279 anomalies 7/1 x
(Mg) c130s279 anomalies #2 7/1 x
(Mg) c115n266 anomalies 7/3 x
(Mg) c145n239 anomalies 7/4 x
Possible geometric anomalies M,4/13 x
*Mercury Anomalies #1 MR,V,5/26 x
*Mercury Anomalies #2 MR,V,5/26 x
*Mercury Anomalies #3 MR,V,5/26 x
EUROPA & Other Jovian Moons
Ribald treatment of Europa anomalies E,M,4/8 x
"Ridge" image anomalies E,4/7 x
Re: PIA 01126 (text only) E, 4/16 (PIA 01126)
*PIA 01180 Anomalies E,4/27 PIA01180
*PIA 00291 Anomalies E,4/28 PIA 00291
PIA01401.8203 Anomalies E,4/28 PIA01401.8230
Ganymede anomalies #1 E,6/13 PIA00277
Ganymede anomalies #2 E,6/13 PIA00279
Ganymede anomalies #3 E,6/13 PIA00492
Io anomalies #1 E,6/13 PIA00743
Callisto anomalies #1 E,6/13 PIA01054
Io anomalies #2 E,6/13 PIA00537
Ganymede anomalies #4 E,6/14 PIA00278
Callisto anomalies #2 E,6/14 PIA01077
Europa anomalies #1 E,6/14 PIA00541
PIA01179 Europa #1 E PIA01179
PIA01179 Europa #2 E,7/6 PIA01179
PIA01183 Europa E,7/6 PIA01183
PIA01177 Europa E,7/6 PIA01177
PIA01180 Europa E,7/6 PIA01180

Visitors since April 2, 1999


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