Latest News 8-20-1999: This page is temporarily no longer being updated regularly due to other pressing projects. The most recent, up-to-date form of this page (which will be updated yet again as soon as possible) can be found at the newer mirror site: Still more, all-new anomaly images can be found at the brand-new site
(Scroll) down the page for the new image table
At the time of this writing, conspicuous and convincing anomalies have been spotted on as
many as TWENTY bodies of the solar system. Sample images for anomalies from
the moons of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune appear near the bottom of this page.
At present, this is only a make-shift list for your convenience. As time allows, hopefully
very soon, I will fill in the missing links to original images, etc. These are routinely from
well known space images and www sources that are easily found with search engines. All
of these images have been posted one or another of the BBSs listed above, where I
encourage you to also report any anomalies you may find yourself, and you may wish to
register your finds with the Solar
System Mysteries BBS. Posted codes in this chart such as MR (Mars BBS), V
(Venus BBS), MN (Moon) etc, which indicate the location of BBS posting and
accompanying text, will also be accompanied eventually by the date of first posting.
When time allows (I have been hunting anomalies with my imaging tools literally far faster
than I have been able to learn to use them well) these images will be re-done with better
quality, but for now, they should prove to be adequate anomaly maps for those truly
willing to have an honest look with open eyes and open minds.
In regards to the Venus images, the CD-ROM data that
mysteriously and conveniently disappeared within a week of my announcements of the
astonishing contents of those images, as of three days ago had not returned to the
web by the end of March as was promised, and no explanation was given for the further
delay. Some smaller, if somewhat less useful, versions of some of these images still remain
available at the time of this writing, April 2, 1999.
All "MOC" image material appears courtesy of MSSS (Malin Space Science Systems) and any and all MOC images referred to (where direct links from this page have not yet been provided) can be found at the MSSS site.
Coming soon: Explantory notes, Frequently-Asked Questions (FAQ), and Space Image and Information links pages
NEW! Updated May 7, 1999! With the exception of new Venus and Europa images (coming soon), which can be found on kksamuria's Venus and Europa BBSs, these are most of the solar system anomalies images produced since this page was first assembled.
I've done something a little different here, it's making more sense to make a single code of the source (plus date) and the text link. These take you to the original BBS post, where the images also appear, along with relevant text and comments and often verbal descriptions of more anomalies not indicated by the image presentation. When time allows, all of these will be filled in with the dates of posting and linked up to the original posts.
Descriptions preceeded by an asterisk (*) are images not at this site but which will be part of an upcoming "sister site" featuring Solar System Anomalies and space-related materials and links. Due to storage limitations, many of the space images now appearing at this site may be eventually relocated there, so stay tuned!
MGS image material whose source image numbers and links contain the abbreviation "(Br)", instead of the corresponding number and letter, refer to the Mars Global Surveyor Browse pages, where you can find not only the letter coded part of the image in question, but view whole image and the thumbnails linked to the larger image sections. Visitors since April 2, 1999
Solar System Anomalies II
The image tables at both these sites are soon to be broken down into additional versions accessible by major subjects, for your convenience.
Solar System Anomalies III
Please update your bookmarks accordingly, and thank you! NEW! Anomaly Hunter's Tool Kit (basic)
REVEALER * kksamuria:
Moon * kksamuria: Mars
* Life on Mars
* The Peculiar Rocks of Mars
Mike Bara's Lunar Anomalies * The Enterprise Mission*
I Wonder Productions
The McDaniel Report
Anomaly BBSs (Bulletin Boards):
Mars * Moon * Venus *
Europa *
Solar System Mysteries
kksamuria's amazing
New Mars Face discovery!
Brian Crowley and Anthony Pollock's incomparable book,
"Return to Mars"
(Now sold out; web excerpts and others available)
Dr. Bruce Cornet: The Cydonia Face and Hatshepsut's Sphinx
... and a Cydonia face on Earth!!!
Dr. Bruce Cornet: The Cydonia II Report
Cydonia Report II Mirror Site
Washington: District of Cydonia
Was Washington D.C. modeled after Cydonia?
The Face On Mars (I'm Not Kidding)
The Dragon Thirsts and the Phoenix Rises
Mars, the Templars, and the "Finishing Force"
The Holy Grail, Part Two: The Mars Connection
Cydonia Faces in Southern Oregon?
The Grail Under the Double Rainbow series: Mars and Venus, the Treasure of the Templars? (text and images):
Part One*Part Two*Part Three* Part Four*Part Five*Part Six*Part Seven
The Monuments of Venus
Part Nine*Part Ten*Part Eleven*Part Twelve*Part Thirteen*Part Fourteen*
Part Fifteen* Part Sixteen
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