Chronos Apollonios' "Home on Olympus"
The Many Faces of Ancient Mysteries:The Terrestial Counterparts of the Cydonia Face
(Notice: [2/16/2000]: A greatly expanded version of this page is in the planning as an appendix to the Mars-Moon-Mesoamerican Connection" site and may also appear here when it's finished, so stay tuned! The "Martian Mysteries" seem to show ever more intricate connections to our "Earth Mysteries"; as unlike faces as some of our terrestial faces may look (or not), the evidence accumates that we were intended to recognize them as such, and to recognize their deliberacy through not only anthropology, but mathematics, geometry, and cartography... and apparently, planetary physics as well.)
What we need, if you ask me, is more corroboration of the Cydonia artifacts for those many of us who are scientifically or mathematically challenged or unprepared, in the form of correspondence to the cultural artifacts of earth, that we can enjoy the confidence to lend our support to the appropriate causes though archaeological and anthropological means.
Purely by chance, I may have encountered one of those terrestrial objects, one that may yet prove to be understated and underappreciated for its kind...
For background, terrestial counterparts to the Cydonia face have been located. One of them, a stunning double, appears in Marcahuasi, Peru, as detailed in Richard Hoagland's stunning "Terrestrial Connection" video- the video that finally made a believer out of me on the very same grounds as above: the archaeological and anthropological support for the Cydonia case through earthly correspondences. Bruce Cornet's Cydonia II report, as mentioned several times in the "Grail Under the Double Rainbow" series on these pages, a project that culminated in noting the landforms apparently contained in the Magellan images.
Other correspondences have been made, and Carl Munck has noted that faces of various types tend to appear on earth at predictable locations according to the world grid and ancient sacred mathematics. At least one of these, "The Old Man of the Mountain", previously attributed to natural forces, seems now to be artificial because of the deliberate and intelligent placement of this object within the pattern.
The terrestrial object that I have had the good fortune to encounter, and in retrospect, am ready to wonder if it also fits in a significant place in the ancient and meaningful pattern, is Face Rock in southwestern Oregon, not far south of where the "New Carissa" first washed aground. (I of course cannot count my way out of a paper bag and am not even ready to begin to attempt the geography or the sacred "number crunching".)
There are, appropriately, Indian legends surrounding this rock, different noted versions, and of course the version I was able to obtain a copy of is an obviously more recent Indian origin myth, probably preceded by a significant number of older legends. There is a copy of this story on the internet. This particular one involves domestic cats, a relatively recent introduction. This version includes a rock formation of a basket of cats and a baying dog (as much as I'm being accused of being able to see anything I want in pictures lately, I could not see these two things in the rocks for the life of me!), in addition to the face of an Indian maiden who was almost captured by an evil water monster, who resisted his evil gaze, and steadfastly stared upward until she, the monster, the cats and the faithful dog, Komax, had all become stone (overnight, of course).
According to this version, she faithfully gazes up at the moon; according to a geographical atlas of Oregon I glanced at in a bookstore, she fixedly stares up at the Polaris, the North Star.
Maybe she is staring at Mars. I think the fact that she is staring up at the stars, when all else is considered, has a great deal of significance.
I would like to share with you here what you will not likely find in pictures of Face Rock on the internet; namely that from any distance away, she doesn't look much like a face. It's when you get close enough, as close as the provided lookout point, that you can notice the full, convincing details of the mouth, the upper lip, and that slight open-mouthed gape that is reminiscent of the Cydonia face.
What I would also like to share with you here, is that when I stood on the lookout point in Bandon, Oregon, over Face Rock, where it sits not far out from the coastal shore, is that there are more faces, that sort of corroborative repetition that often gives us some sense that we are on to something even before the geography and numbers fall into significant places, so I am of course very hopeful...
From this very point you can look out to the right, and a few rocks off the shore to the right, there is another face. It too stares up at the sky, with its very slightly gaping mouth, perhaps looking at another star, perhaps staring up at Venus (these are of course more numbers to be "crunched").
What I want to tell you is that although these are part of rocks that have inspired many fanciful names from observers, suggesting you might indeed see anything if you stare long enough, that the Indian Maiden and this face look a lot more like faces that "The Old Man of the Mountain", and I think that this face has deliberate repetition, for on the cliff face below the chin, just above the water, there is another face very much like it, also gazing up toward the sky. There are other forms on this rock that are also suggestive of this face design, and there may be as many as five consecutive faces all aligned in a row, from one side of this rock to the other.
For what it is worth, there was once a sacred site very near there to the north, at the mouth of the Coquille river, which was leveled by early settlers, before the advent of photography or respect for archaeology; some various woodcuts and probably other illustrations still exist, showing this once-standing site at Coquille Point.
I diligently searched the rocks around Face Rock in vain from the lookout point for signs of geometry, or petroglyphs. All that I saw besides the faces that I am not certain of was a set of unusual opposing triangles.
I suppose I will be made to account personally for erosion, or lack of erosion, in the sea-battered stones, and I should not, and cannot tell you for sure, but there is I suppose the slight possibility that what I saw was the remains of a pair of triangles of a balance, and just perhaps the faint remains of a canine face, as if Anubis had appeared between them. I don't suppose they are worth flying out to see in person on that account, and yet the sacred geometry and any photographs available of the second, multiple, face are certainly likely to be worthy of further study.
Perhaps one of them is staring at Venus... and if they prove to be some small terrestrial corroboration of designs on Venus (as they appear in the Magellan images) formerly known to the indigenous people as mysteriously as the Cydonia face seem to have been known to the ancients all over the earth, I shall be delighted indeed. These ancient faces are not the only faces staring fixedly up at the stars, waiting... waiting for something... something that they know is out there somewhere... There must certainly be a great many more still waiting to be noted amongst the ancient, silent stones.
Related links:
The Code of Carl Munck and Faces on Earth and Mars: Marcahuasi and "The Old Man Of The Mountain"
Bruce Cornet: The Face II
Pyramid Lake Rock Face (looks a little feline, does it?)
The Great Stone Face
Visitors since March 10, 1999
"Red lights, green lights, strawberry wine... a good friend of mine... studies the stars...
Venus and Mars... are alright tonight"- Paul McCartney & Wings, "Venus and Mars"