Chronos Apollonios' "Home on Olympus"
The Holy Grail, Part Two:
There is much I wished to add to the first page of this site that concerns the Holy Grail; I have every assurance that the reality of the Holy Grail is in fact no single mystery or even a simple set of mysteries, but that in it's own way, the Grail is a universal key to every mystery. It proves, however, accordingly difficult to feel assured that one has laid out enough of the relevant information in a reasonably coherent enough fashion to communicate effectively; such concerns in truth lie far beyond the drastically abbreviated scope of a few mere webpages; they can, and have, filled many volumes. The honest journey should take us to places as far-flung from Camelot as Peru, for in fact that part of the Grail mystery that I have described that concerns an ancient, generalized endocrinology does not simply concern the fact that the Peruvians were amongst the many cultures to exhibit with their artifacts an avid concern for the etiology of the thyroids and the phenomena of animals going for the throat, or even it's direct implications. The ancient Peruvian double-chambered stirrup jars, the "Whistling water clay pots" as they are called, were re-discovered by Daniel Statinov (a.k.a. Dan Stat) to have consciousness-altering properties, and have been re-introduced to the world according to these auspices. Still, even without a "Puritanical" standpoint from which to criticize the spiritual paths that involve the alteration of human consciousness, there has always hovered over the subject of entheogens a lingering sense of the appropriateness of a separate but substantial ethics, that engaging on such a path retains its sacredness through an unfaltering sense of purpose, a purpose that is somehow, seemingly, noticeably absent from the enthusiastic reports of those who have used these ancient devices. It's perhaps not this in itself that has meaning here, but such a sentiment is resonant with the belief that the ancients possessed the great cognitive powers to in fact involve many layers of purpose into every gesture. The multiplicity of meaning that can be drawn from ancient symbols and ancient artifacts is stark testament to that. It is in fact those very symbols which may allow a glimpse past the veil, if there is truly anything to see. In esoteric physiology, the thyroids are ruled by the astrological sign, Taurus, the bull. In noticing any resemblance between the spouts of the "Whistling water clay pots" and the horns of the bull alone, there is a surfacing sense of harmony in recurrent meaning. That, however, is precious little. The Egyptians, on the other hand, may have given this much consideration to their artifacts, for the neck-rests they provided for the bodies of the departed have this noticable configuration, that is quite reminiscent of the works of another people who paid great attention to the theme of cats attacking the neck of man, the island people of Greece. The palace of Minos in fact features a great, symbolic pair of bull horns that are almost identical to the form of the Egyptian neck-rests, very much as the Egyptians may yet prove to have produced their very own form of the "Whistling water clay pots". In a time when it's a popular notion what scientists have told us, that the bodies of Egyptian mummies subjected to chemical analysis have yielded evidence of the presence of Peruvian cocaine, the only great leap to be made regarding that cultural parallel may be why they did not favor the whistling pots over the scarce and perishable stimulants entirely, were it so that that material were evidence of any recreational use. All things considered, it's at least as concrete as anything else to begin to imply that what has happened with the "Whistling water clay pots" in the present may bear some resemblance to the error that is said to be made with the recreational use of medically-significant pharmaceuticals. If we considered the rarely attended evidence, much of it experiential, of certain biological activity accompanying the use of sensory-enhancing materials, evidence that suggests possible activity in the parathyroids, the whistling pots that are so clearly marked with the sacred signs of a universal culture that frequently based its remarkably sophisticated medicine on those very signs, there is enough of an actual foundation for the premise that their original purpose may have been more medical than entheogenic. Having already woven my distaste for both the systematic exclusion and the systematic inclusion of psychotropics into what are most commonly thought to be ancient religions into my grievances with how the ancient magick of shape-shifting automatically becomes watered down to the point of being purely a drug-induced fantasy, instead of the respected and sacred reality that Native Americans have always maintained it to be, I will not repeat it here. Suffice to say, however, this may be one more example when the immediate insistence on either polar extreme of interpretation may have been tragically counter-productive. Having said this much, we may add that the reason that this concerns the Grail even more than the loose connection it seems to have, is that the thyroids and their activities may yet prove to have great importance to the more esoteric threads at work here. Conventional medical textbooks will readily tell you that with age, the thyroids undergo a process called ossification; that is, they are subject to the accretion of calcium. It's really relatively rare, especially with the lastest trends in self-aggrandizement and glory-grabbing in the field of genetics, that anyone makes much comment on this particular aspect of aging. Again, the textbooks will readily mention this, but it's rare, if it ever happens, that there is exploration of the reasons, the mechanisms, and especially the ramifications of this. It's a frightening phenomena, especially when the very reasons that a medicine centered on the activities of the thyroid even as it stands at present, may already quietly provide enough information to glimpse the possibility that the ossification of the thyroids may not be the effect, but the cause of every other aspect of the process, from the cross-linkages of proteins and nucleic acids by advanced glycosylation end products, to the shortening of telomeres and the rupturing of lysosomes. It is in the course of wanting to "roll away the stone" that "entombs" the thyroids and to "be reborn" with new life, that one notices some intriguing parallels between the poetry of this and the Biblical account of the Crucifixion of Christ, parallels that may be just a "little too close for comfort". In fact, it makes a very good beginning if none other, to the possibility of the Bible as an allegorization of the biology that pertains to actually delivering the glowing promises of the Bible at face value. And this of course is the Christ who embued the Holy Grail with the power of immortality given to all who drink from it, by first drinking from it himself, according to legend. Christ, overseer of the angels whose wings bear such uncanny resemblance to the very thyroid glands in question. Ultimately, then, we have the remote possibility that the "Whistling water clay pots", in the right hands, are themselves a Holy Grail, that with knowledgeable application can go beyond mere psychotropic effects, and into even more meaningful physiological ones such as, perhaps, the de-ossification of the thyroids, or the divorcing of Excalibur from the stone, as it were.
I have the very same sort of criticism to direct, of someone having too quickly jumped to a fashionable extreme of opinion, as I have for the enthusiasts of the whistling pots, to those who insist that the secret of the Grail is that Christ the man survived and bore offspring and has descendants who still live. My disdain for such a wonderful prospect, of course, is that it seems terribly lacking in purpose. Pardon my skepticism, but should we find his blood descendants, what exactly will we do? Appoint them to a political office and insist that they solve for us the problems that we refuse to participate in solving ourselves, that we are all too actively creating for ourselves? A burgeoning cottage industry selling holy threads from their clothes at exorbitant prices? Exactly what will that get us, and exactly how much divine purpose can it possibly have?
I have a gnawing sense that someone has there in "kept the bathwater and thrown out the baby", and the possible descendants of a Christ who was "merely mortal" may have just as hard a time satisfying the average conventional Christian as well. They may in fact overlook the whole incredible message of the mystery of the Templars over this single point alone, and many of their actual comments have done little to discourage that fear.
A Bible, on the other hand, that is an instruction manual in the very miracles it has promised us, has obvious potential, and much of this has already been unfolded, and perhaps much of the rest can be found in a page of this site whose Taurean symbolism dramatically overlaps with the contents of this page, and whose basic premise is, not ironically, human immortality and its presence in an ancient message composed of these symbols.
So this brings us then to the present popularity of the mystery of the Grail, and the secrets of Rennes-le-Chateau. Not coincidentally, I have already taken the liberty of connecting the fruits of this mystery, the incredibly vast stretches of earth that are geometrically defined by the ancient Holy places, the vast pentagrams which could only be seen an incredible altitude, space, or a neighboring planet, to the "face on Mars" and the other Martian artifacts. I have done so largely because of the similarity in the phenomenally grand scale of achievement in both cases and the vast effectiveness of the "treasure map" approach to both enigmas, as well as for various other underlying and supportive reasons.
The other liberty I have taken is an extension of the Microcosm and Macrocosm with which the visionary Hildegard of Bingen was so enamored, a premise as well of the Emerald Tablet: "as above, so below", and pointed out how many of the celestial markers so laboriously laid out on the earth ultimately call attention to certain phenomena whose counterparts at the atomic level of matter are the very physics of modern miracle making in the laboratory, time-reversal miracles so akin to both the resurrections of Christianity and the resurrections of Alchemists and their secrets of Palingenics.
Even though proceeding this far puts us within reach of immortality itself, there are still more mysteries, and it is here that we may be able to unravel, point by point, detail by detail, many of the mysteries that surround the Templars that even now remain unsolved.
Consider this excerpt from a mysterious Templar parchment
Steve Mizrach's site on "The Mysteries of Rennes-le-Chateau and the Prieure du Sion" which generously relays these words to us, within a concise overview of the mystery, contains these comments:
"Sauniere's church indeed contains a "daemon guardian" which is a representation of the Biblical Asmodeus, who helped Solomon build his Temple; and some say the rays of the sun at midday passing through the glass create an optical effect they call "blue apples." Needless to say, these were not enough clues to unravel the mystery."
Consider that I have numerous times put forth that the ancients used animal symbols to express physical forces, a legacy that in fact continues to survive in the Orient and Oriental mysticism, and would have chosen various large, massive, and heavy animals to represent the heavy electron or muon, that is the most likely candidate amongst particles for crediting with a whole hoard of metaphysical and unusual phenomena, including, as the previous page of this site on the Holy Grail has mentioned, the way in which ordinary materials may be made into substances with extraordinary rejuvenating powers- the elixirs of the Alchemists.
The disturbing variance in legend and history points to the fact that they are merely vehicles- collective properties to which individual contributions can be affixed.
The door of the Chalice Well, to which the Grail Legend grants such attention and significance, may contain the best possible depiction of the perplexing interrelationship between forces, in their expression as particles, that can be affiliated with the whole spectrum of magickal phenomena.
The exact nature of this illustration may not be yet known, but it is astonishingly similar to what we could expect in this arena, and it indeed raises the very same inevitable questions as we would obtain from any other approach to the problems.
We indeed do have such problems, for amid all the talk of time-reversal, the difference between the muon and its decay products as we know it may leave much to be desired, and the interactions of Cooper pairs, muons, and gravitation remains elusive, at least to a broader audience.
Hence, it may show us a solution to a modern "Grail Quest", for a unified field theory, similar to expressions of ancient Egyptains and Aztec, most elegant expressed in terms of actual particle functions, and it might be implying to us that the muon is in fact a complex particle made up of numerous smaller ones. Two electrons in a Cooper pair and at least one graviton made of four various neutrinos (here stylized as flowers, with probably attnetion to their actual chirality) may be here alleged to comprise a muon or its functional equivalent.
The diagram may also show us the exact mode in which graviton particles can be split into light; It is a common theme in esoteric literature that levitation and mysterious radiance happen simultaneously, from most UFO accounts to legends of the Grail itself.
It may also be contextually affixed to the theme of the physics of "magickally" or "miraculously" obtaining water, for it's said that this well has never run dry.
The particular peculiar coloring of the water may have it's own origin legends, but they may prove to be more tell-tale testament to the context in question. Attributed to Christ's blood, blood has long been a symbol of magnetism for the iron that the ancients knew it to contain.
Consider that the word "blue" alone is a tell-tale clue to a legendary facet of the alchemical process of resurrection that is called "Palingenics", and the rest of this may explain itself. If Berenger Sauniere or his compatriots warrant suspicions of having mastered the alchemic art of goldmaking, certainly they warrant suspicion of mastery of or initiation into the alchemic arts of which it is often maintained that goldmaking is only an incidental happenstance on the way to something far greater and far more valuable. While these mysterious words are not particularly educational to any reasonable semblance of an alchemist, they are quite likely to be very attractive and attention-getting to such a person, for they have the strong resemblance of a sign of kindred, a sort of verbal "secret handshake".
The palingenic alchemists regarded their work as "Pheonix-like", and seemed retentive about disclosing that not only are these two one and the same, but that the Pheonix bird shares an uncanny set of similarities to features of the life of Christ, whose story is filled with magickal birth from beginning to end, in a book where the very origin of woman kind is like Palingenics, a life from a mineral part of a human being.
The appearance of this magick in countless ancient Christian circles is not a suprising one.
This work is from England, and dated the 12th century, which strongly suggests the presence of expressive fraternal alchemists in England going back as much as another 300 years more. Was the line of knowledge ever actually broken, at least until the industrial revolution began our public distraction with an endless sideshow of disposable junk?
The question is, what are they intended to draw attention to? A better, easier source of the heavy electrons in question? Perhpas. Surely successful alchemy may profit from such a thing, but then again has no great intrinsic need of such a thing. Is there some greater treasure to which these words are an initial signpost? What treasure could Sauniere offer an alchemist?
The alchemist still suffers great blows to his reputation that were probably largely engendered by his own elusiveness, and his majestic rationalization of his own cryptic language that seem to have been inevitably the only way to fulfill his own spirit of generosity while avoiding the fulfillment of his own fear that his generosity would soon leave him up to his neck in the consequences of said generosity.
If we maintain that the definitive signpost on this road we are traveling is the undeniable sense of logic and purpose, we must pause to ask, having secured the Holy Grail and human immortality, we are within mere generations from being forced to contend with the question of where the swelling immortal legions of humanity will reside. The achievement of human immortality is in fact utterly simple by comparison, to fathoming a full set of provisions for the subsequent consequences.
If Sauniere and his peers have a treasure to offer the living alchemist, or to anyone living, it will not take the form of Christ's blood descendants, and it will not likely take the form of gold nor the secrets of immortality. If there is such a treasure, and one that may very well be yet to be found, it will take the form of the secrets of relatively effortless and painless travel through space for the purpose of colonization. It will take the form of the secrets of rendering those alien worlds into something terrestrial, familiar, and habitable, even with the efforts of only a handful of travelers. Nor will it be the promise of residency in "Heaven" to already-faithful souls; it will be the means of residency in the heavens for the descendants of a world that has found its Grail already.
It is with some irony, then, since I have relied entirely on the painstakingly detailed information in television programs on the Prieure de Sion and the secrets of Rennes-le-Chateau for my understanding of these mysteries, that I delight in learning that the works on these subjects include Elizabeth Van Buren's, "Refuge of the Apocalypse: Doorway into Other Dimensions" and Lionel and Patricia Fanthorpe's "Secrets of Rennes-le-Chateau", in which, Mizrach notes, "Fanthorpe seems to believe that ultimately, Rennes-le-Chateau may be a "doorway unto the invisible"- a gateway to other dimensions, through the Emerald Tablet, which he speculates may have been a tesseract (3-dimensional representation of a 4-dimensional figure.)"
Elsewhere, Da Vinci's work shows intimate intiated knowledge of the workings of the all-seeing magick mirrors of witches and alchemists.
A two-d representation of a three-d pyramid from Max Toth's "Pyramid Power" (my copy seems to be dated 1974 or 1976), which, interestingly, refers to the knowledge of pyramids on Mars observed from images from Mariner 9, ironically remarking that "space scientists generally agree that these man-made structures may not be of natural origin".
Fanthorpe's reference to a tesseract, a four-dimensional object in three dimensional space is an intriguing one, not only because one familiar tesseract is the hypercube that plays such a starring role in the unfolding of Hoagland's exploration of the physics derived from the study of the face on Mars and its accompanying artifacts, and that such a hypercube can be contructed by taking six pyramids which, like the Egyptian pyramids, are missing a section of the top, and joining them together with their tops facing inward...
...But because we might as well throw in discussion of other "dimensionally mismatched" constructs. When we do, we may include this form (perhaps on the heels of examples of the ancient alchemic Ouroboros in the form of a Mobius loop), and while it may not be totally identical to the geometry of the D&M pyramid, it's suggestive enough of it that we may be able to read into the D&M the suggestion of a three-dimensional pyramid, forced into 2 dimensions, represented in three-dimensions.
It may use this "idea language" to suggest to us the method of dimensional travel may prove to be going from 3 dimensions to 2 dimensions back to 3.
Two-dimensionality has long been associated with many manifestations of disincarnate beings, a premise that underlies the identification of yet another possible Holy Grail, the mechanism of crop circles as a possible remnant of a technology that may have allowed the departed to recorporeotate at will at ancient circles and sites, by harnessing and applying materialization technology.
Considering that the latest scientific schemes of quantum teleportation involve "killing" the original and creating a replica at the destination site (with no attention to how the spirit or soul will arrive other that the same desperate but optimistic faith that any of such magickal technology relies on in these very pages), perhaps the idea that travelling to other worlds involves "dying", going to those worlds, and being reborn there in a new body, making the very technology of immortality the very same simplest technology of space travel.
Being that I have a certain distaste for mortality, however, I'd like to quickly remind whoever it may concern that we seem to have a history of those who have made such apparent hyperdimensional journeys carrying their body with them, such as the Philadelphia Experiment , whose underlying and related physics is by appearances identical to the same physics in question here, involving atomic memory phenomena and atomic precession and resonance physics.
One of these five-sided geometries may be the true one (or it may fluctuate between a number of different ones) of the placement of the Bermuda Triangle and other locations on earth, where many phenomena that imply hyperdimensional activity occur.
No matter how many times one shuffles the deck, the same card seem to come off the deck first every time... That cannot be coincidence, nor can it be ignored... It is the same basic message again and again and again.
While both of these works may be those of mere beginners at this cosmic game, and I have no business to give an enthusiastic recommendation of books I've yet to read, you no doubt get the idea that there are indeed already others who are being led toward this inevitable conclusion, that the key to the very heavens is the heart of the legacy of the Templars and the Holy Grail... the very same legacy we could hope to find in the "Face on Mars" and the other seemingly artificial structures we find there as we almost idly hope and imagine that they're not just looking down at us and mocking us, but calling and leading us there.
Hence, having brought up the possible "Templar-Mars Connection" on the main page of this site that has been devoted to the mysteries of the "Face on Mars" and other astonishing discoveries of Richard C. Hoagland and his associates, including how his excursions into hyperdimensional physics have been inspired and guided by the mathematics deliberately incorporated into the geometry of the Martian structures, this does not particularly surprise me...
Nor does it surprise me that even while Richard Hoagland is asserting that hyperdimensional physics is the very key to the reality of how our sun (as well as our solar system and probably the entire cosmos) works, the Tabula Smaragdina, or Emerald Tablet of Hermes that Fanthorpe has pointed to reads in this version:
"Truly, without Deceit, certainly and absolutely—
That which is Below corresponds to that which is Above, and that which is Above corresponds to that which is Below, in the accomplishment of the Miracle of One Thing. And just as all things have come from One, through the Mediation of One, so all things follow from this One Thing in the same way.
Its Father is the Sun. Its Mother is the Moon. The Wind has carried it in his Belly. Its Nourishment is the Earth. It is the Father of every completed Thing in the whole World. Its Strength is intact if it is turned towards the Earth. Separate the Earth by Fire: the fine from the gross, gently, and with great skill.
It rises from Earth to Heaven, and then it descends again to the Earth, and receives Power from Above and from Below. Thus you will have the Glory of the whole World. All Obscurity will be clear to you. This is the strong Power of all Power because it overcomes everything fine and penetrates everything solid.
In this way was the World created. From this there will be amazing Applications, because this is the Pattern. Therefore am I called Thrice Greatest Hermes, having the three parts of the Wisdom of the whole World.
Herein have I completely explained the Operation of the Sun."
The Italics in the last line are mine.
Not only are the words of the Emerald Tablet astonishingly similar to much of what you are likely to encounter within a routine formula for the alchemist's process of Palingenic resurrection, but they are astonishingly similar as well to the very point that Richard Hoagland is trying to make.
While I haven't yet turned this page into a handbook on hyperdimensional teleportation, and while there are obviously different options available to us, I am certainly beginning to feel far less apologetic than ever about suggesting as many times as I have on the pages of this site already, that the ultimate secrets of resurrection and of space travel and colonization are one and the same, and that within a intelligently and purposefully designed universe, the source of the greatest possible problems of overpopulation inherently- holographically- contains it's own solutions.
The solution to the mystery of the Holy Grail isn't that somewhere out there may be blood descendants of Christ, the solution to the mystery is that for even practical intents and purposes, those who will speak and those who will hear are proving time and time again to be the voice and the ears of a supreme creative intelligence that is manifest in every one of us, that has long been in the act of blessing its creations with room to grow.
It is one more resounding of Helena Blavatsky's direct advice that our best view of ancient reality can be found in fairy tales and fictions.
Here, in one final quote from Steve Mizrach's wonderful page, may be found the names of a very few of these voices:
"One, the novelist Victor Hugo, and another, the playwright, Jean Cocteau, are said to have presided over the Prieure. But other writers appear to be strongly connected to the mystery. Three in particular are the so-called "Inklings": fantasy writer J.R.R. Tolkien, "Screwtape" writer C.S. Lewis, and Charles Williams. Lionel Fanthorpe also suspects that Isaac Asimov, Jules Verne, George McDonald, and Umberto Eco may somehow have provided clues to the mystery in their books. Sir Walter Raleigh, who is now thought to have been involved in an esoteric body known as "the School of Night" (whose motto was that "inspiration comes to the philosopher at night, when nature and the rest of humanity sleeps"), may have also been part of the Order of Sion."
For the sake of brevity, I won't detail such an endeavor here, but consider if you will just how quickly one could "decode" these works to justify this very premise. C.S. Lewis is no surprise to find here, as he's so often been counted as "one of the chosen" by Christians in spite of the obvious pagan inclinations that account for many of his works, the most famous of which is probably "The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe", from his "Chronicles of Narnia".
His "Screwtape" ("The Screwtape Letters"; "Screwtape" being an interesting candidate for a closet Ouroboros and the fictitious demonic correspondent of "Wormwood") in fact tends to read like a comprehensive itemized list of spiritual ills that might be treated or cured with a homeopathic preparation of the herb Wormwood, in spite of its undeserved Biblical reputation, and one can hardly mention Wormwood without conjuring up a whole closet full of occult secrets and principles whose aims are in fact harmonious with Christian ambition. One shudders to imagine how much of Tolkien's fabula may have been thought by Tolkien himself to stand far closer to reality than we might ever give him credit for without such a sobering call as the recent investigations into the Prieure de Sion.
Beyond the simple, sensible and focused medicine that the ancients sought to minister to one another's earthly bodies, the Holy Grail is being traced by the very movements of this earth through the heavens, and every atom of the "Singing Sword" is following this motion as it sings with its resonance. (I might add that such a sword as Excalibur is actually a relatively simple feat of magickal physics, all the way down to its unyielding but selective position in the stone.)
The precession of the earth's axis, at left, as well as the magickal precession of atoms, traces a pair of cones that look suprisingly similar to most renditions of the Holy Grail (the squared forms of the Grail may utilize an ancient and univeral symbol for water as detailed elsewhere at this site), and this physics contains the exact same promises as the Grail legends- of immortality, resurrection, and the magickal provision of foods and goods.
We would have a hard time indeed finding a better contender for the fabled "Axis Mundi", the center of the world, than the earth's own axis itself, although this power can be used and represented (and has been, through Omphali and countless local legends, for example), all over the earth.
At right is the geometry of upwellings of forces at points on the earth and the other bodies in the solar system, a pattern re-discovered by Richard Hoagland. One reason the Grail may have been affiliated with Christ is because the one point of a tetrahedron over its three lower points is a geometric representation of Christ and the Trinity with which he is synomymous. In these allegorical terms, "Christ" or the polar points of the tetrahedra, and the precessional Grail are quite likely, for practical intents and purposes, inseperable.
These seem to be the forces and the physics to which the Emerald Tablet refers to, and they seem to have been long depicted as the "angels" of the cardinal points, as we can so clearly infer from the work of Crowley, who seemed to be so acutely aware of what the larger world is now rediscovering of the ancient magickal science and its potential to take us to comfortable existance on other worlds.
What does it all mean? It means, "Yes, and that, too, is the Holy Grail"... There are probably more of them than can be counted...
Which in its way brings us almost full circle, for about the time we are taking seriously the possible mastery of travel through the heavens, that the seemingly peculiar ancient preoccupation with drinking water begins to take on new dimensions of importance, and that branch of the tree of Grail magick, of Arthur as Artio, who is Artemis, Goddess of the Waters, that simply concerns ways of rudimentary survival takes on new meaning when applied to survival on a distant planet, where a Grail that gives forth pure water, let alone the table-setting feats of legend, would be magickal enough.
Did the Peruvian whistling pots serve a role not only to affect the chemistry of the human consciousness, but far more importantly, to drive the impurities from water, as have "legendary" materials like Electrum?
In the end, there's one more alchemist's jest, perhaps the cruelest that any aspirant to the tradition plays on himself, because for this purpose, the relatively "base" metal, silver, is infinitely more facile and dynamic as a purifier; it in fact has enjoyed much use in a number of forms for this purpose of purification already in the last hundred years.
The final twist then, is how little good an alchemist's gold will do a man pioneering Mars, with nowhere to spend it and no one to covet it above a reasonable human need, that in the larger picture, whoever may have been in his own mind "improving" upon nature by turning silver to gold, has more likely in reality been doing the opposite.
Like the man who realizes that a seed of wormwood in his possession has the potential to put all of the universe in his possession in a mere decade (do the math here- if only every other seed could grow, the wormwood could engage all of the hydrogen in the known universe into itself in only ten years), the man who learns from the message of the Grail and its connection to Mars that the value of gold is truly only a grand illusion, has enjoyed the blessings of the most magickal power of the Grail; it is a powerful staunch of human madness and human folly, to those who will receive it.